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baby, it's cold outside — Oak Tree Bend 
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Played by Kristen who has 363 posts.
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Alastor Leigh

Slowly, with all combined scratching and digging, they were chipping away at the ice and snow bit by bit from both sides. The muffled voices from inside were growing clearer, and it was clear there was some panic but both leaders seemed to have everything in control. Aponi was able to break through a crucial layer like a battering ram, and he reminded himself to never mess with a mother trying to save her child. Then, it seemed with efforts from the inside they were able to break a hole completely through. More digging widened it enough to allow someone through, and it seemed Kyna would be the guinea pig. First her head poked through, then her torso followed but it seemed she was having some trouble at that point. The boy took a step forward as it to go help her, but with a final grunt she managed to free herself and stumble forward in a spray of snow.

The hole still wasn’t big enough, it seemed, for the rest of them to get through so it was back to work for those on the outside. Bearing his weight down, he made at the sides of the hole slowly breaking it off chip by chip until Leotie was able to weasel her way through as well. After she was out, the rest seemed sure to follow so Kino assumed his job was done. Backed up a bit, he waited for further instruction. Everyone might be out, but the den still needed to be dug out the rest of the way which was a whole other task in itself.


Played by Ace who has 377 posts.
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Kyna Argyris Archer

Kyna huffed as she shook out her plush winter coat, another spray of snow flying from the wolf’s sides.  She quickly skittered to the side, allowing the other wolves to wriggle their way out, or dig the hole a little further open.  Thankfully, it seemed there wasn’t much more work to be done – shortly after she made her escape, Leotie soon followed.  The older female’s exit had widened the opening even more, allowing the others stuck in the den to work their way out as well.

Seeing everyone freed, the blond allowed herself a short wag of tail, pleased that the temporary disaster had not resulted in anything more permanent.

Eyes scanned the gather wolves, carefully taking note of those who came to rescue.  Was she surprised that @Aponi had come?  Before she could decide, the woman pressed a nose behind her ear – and Kyna found herself glad, and nothing else.  She shifted, bumping under the woman’s chin in some thanks.  Though she had half a mind to hang back, speak to some of the others…perhaps that could wait.  Should it wait?  Her mother was already disappearing into the woods – wasting no more time, the young wolf broke into a lope and followed her dam into the snow.


Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
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Jessie Tainn

With the combined efforts of everyone, ice chipped away from the outside. The Tainn bit her cheek on the inside to block to pain of her paws. She continued and after working tirelessly her shoulders began to ache. However, the rest pushed on and so did she. It would only be a matter of time now before some result came from it. Eventually, the others from within were able to assist with their efforts and not long after that they were chipping away larger pieces of the ice that were blocking their family members on the inside. Jessie tuned back into the voices of her pack mates and though their was a hint of a panic, it was not frantic and she assumed that all was going well and there were no tragedies. For once, that was a miracle. Oak Tree Bend had too many casualties in the past year to face any more.

The woman watched as one by one pieces were chipped away and none too soon, one of her pack mates, Kyna emerged from the ice. With anticipation, Jessie waited for the only other wolf that actually mattered to her to emerge from the den. What had occurred today dulled to her original plans of speaking with Triell but she held onto the firm hope that he was alright and the small Tainn would stand by him if he needed her assistance.  Looking towards Sahalie, Jessie trotted over towards the girl, assisting her in her pursuit before speaking softly to her, ”Come now, Sahalie. Let's give them room to climb out.” She mentioned with her muzzle in the snow a few paces back, not too far from the den. One by one they filtered out, and Jessie felt a huge weight lift off of her chest. The widowed woman was relieved to see no casualties and it seemed the others were as well. Aponi and her daughter were quick to take their leave and Jessie followed quickly afterward.

Jessie Tainn

{Jessie exit}
(This post was last modified: Jun 28, 2016, 11:43 PM by Jessie.)
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
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Triell Tainn
Forever a gentleman he watched Kyna, then Leotie, and Spieden finally make an exit. Then he too climbed out, liking the light of the sun upon his dark coat. A nod was given to Aponi, and Jessie with a wagging tail. It was with a grin he looked to Sahalie, than Alastor. But, he noticed where the boy's eyes were. The den, and the mess it was in. He admired the boy noticed, and was bothered by the fact. 

"Let the sun do some work, and take a rest. Then we'll get to cleaning it," he offered, as surely there was no hurry. Who on earth would really want to be in there after that any way? He didn't, and wasn't sure he would find himself sleeping it in any time soon. There was reasons he preferred outside, or his fallen tree.

He watched briefly as mother and daughter took their leave. Jessie swiftly making her own disappearance as well. He wondered if the silver woman was okay, but found himself taking a seat after all that digging. He felt she might have been a bit overwhelmed under the circumstances and would check on her later. Now, it was time to let his muscles rest, and the feeling to come back into his toes before they started the clean up.

(This post was last modified: Jul 18, 2016, 09:03 PM by Triell.)
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are you with me through it all?
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