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Strange Terrain — Stonewatch Timbers 
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Played by Jenandra who has 438 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Raela Lieris Asurn
OOC: My apologies for the delay!

Strangely enough the lad hardly missed a step in his response; easing into the explanation as if he'd rehearsed it. It made sense, she supposed, that pretty much anyone would have asked the same thing; the Queen of the Crest was clearly not the first to do so. The words no less enraptured her though, and her ears strained forward hungrily; eyes shining like those of a curious child. That the young man had awoken so close to her home did not sit well with the matriarch, and it showed in the way her tail flicked closer to her hocks. The story itself began to grow more dramatic; and in her mind's eye she watched a recreation of his pack flee in terror from some unknown threat. 

The description of his trauma sounded like fainting, but no wolf she had ever heard of had reported waking up far away from the place they'd fallen; those who blacked out long enough to travel any sort of real distance were not the same when the came to; if they managed to at all. Honey eyes shifted uneasily over the stranger's body. Raela didn't feel anything odd from him; he spoke and carried himself normally, and was visibly pained by the event. Even so, if the rest of his pack had experienced the same, there was less reason to believe the boy was lying or delirious in some way, but she remained cautious. What creature would be compelled to move an entire pack over such a distance, and alive as well?

Raela's eyes had drifted from his face, absently searching the ground for answers. None of this felt right, but why should it? The Queen refrained from joining the youth and seating herself, instead choosing to look warily over at him once more. "I don't know... what would do that to you," she spoke slowly, her tone rising in confusion. "I've never heard of such a thing..." Another thought shoved itself to the front of her brain with more urgency. "Where are the others? ...Are they alright?" She was compelled to ask, not just for curiosity's sake but also for the safety of her family. If another pack was in the area, displaced and disoriented as they were she still needed to know. And on top of things, the woman's caring nature demanded that she know if the newcomers needed help; even if she wasn't entirely sure that these wolves or their story could be trusted. 
            [Image: 1HGS6dy.png]
[Image: AsFM155.png]
Played by Grae who has 187 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tyne Kersey
OOC Comments: No worries! :)

Golden eyes look back up, her face was twisted in curiosity and was that concern he saw? Her final words caught him off guard. “...Are they alright?" he hadn’t encountered anyone who showed concern for his packmates. “Uhhh, yea everyone seems to be fine, besides the extreme dislike of being taken from our home” he half chuckles. Niq’x and Nauja were most unhappy about it. “You needn’t worry ma’am I’ve traveled a day or two from them to grasp a better understanding of where we ended up” he assured her, figuring that she could be worried about another pack being close to hers. “I was also looking for a possible way back to the coast. I figured I could gain some height and maybe see what direction we needed to go to get back” his words left his maw slowly. The agouti boy was beginning to lose hope of finding a way home.
He sits patiently, as he awaits her answer he can see small snowflakes drifting slowly down from the sky. It was a calming sight, allowing the male to relax a bit. As he is waiting he realizes that he had not introduced himself. My mother would have my hide if she knew he thought remembering that he was brought up to never be rude. He goes to introduce himself but the pack wolf had already begun her response and he decides to wait until she is finished, not daring to interrupt an alpha.
“Speech” Thought “Others speech”
[Image: tyne_by_becuffin-dblzjdk.png]

For OOC preferences just check Moonshadow's profile
Played by Jenandra who has 438 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Raela Lieris Asurn
OOC: I can fade us out in my next post?

A soft grin warmed her face as he relayed that the others were just fine, besides the obvious. Air puffed from her nostrils in mild amusement as he chuckled. She could imagine. More good news came in the fact that they weren't too close to the Crest. Still, if they were going to move their own family she would have to be aware of this lost pack; who knew where they would choose to settle. The matriarch's thoughts could have wandered further down that path, but the lad's next words were peculiar enough to draw her full attention once again. 

The coast? Was that what they referred to as their home, like Rae referred to the Crest? She'd never heard of a coast, but maybe it was a foreign word. Plausible enough, given his story. Instead of asking though, she remained quiet. Her sunny eyes turned away, as if separating her from the conversation momentarily. They returned with more words. "Well I hope you find your way," the leader offered genuinely, dipping her head just a little. "If not, or if you and your group ever think to, my pack might be interested in offering you a place to stay." She couldn't promise anything, but the suggestion was there for him. She couldn't afford not to bring in as many potential candidates as she could. 

There was the fact of their imminent move, something which the boy ought to be made aware of if he ever returned. She didn't like giving away that much information, but even they had no idea where they were moving too yet; it wouldn't hurt. "I can't say that we'll still be here if you do come back; we're going to relocate soon ourselves, though we aren't sure where." Her lips turned up in a faint smile; at least the Crest was moving of its own accord. She couldn't imagine having everyone thrust into a strange land with no memory of what had happened. In truth she'd rather not try to imagine. "Ask for Raela," the woman added, nodding silently toward herself with a broader smirk.  
            [Image: 1HGS6dy.png]
[Image: AsFM155.png]
Played by Grae who has 187 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tyne Kersey

OCC Comments: Sorry for the late reply, you can phase in your next post. Thanks :D

Her kind words were refreshing, maybe these land wolves weren’t as bad as his pack mates believed them to be. The young yearling smiled at the alpha before him. Her offering a possible place for him and his family to stay was taken with great appreciation. With a dip of his head in respect to her offer he responds respectfully “Thank you ma’am for the offer. It’s extremely generous of you. I would have to discuss it with my pack mates. If we do end up deciding to take up you’re offer I’ll be sure to call in a few places in case y’all move before we make a decision.” He was actually shocked at how formal he sounded. He knew he could be formal when needed but he usually kept a bit more of his verbiage. “It’s a pleasure to meet ya Miss Raela. My name is Tyne Kersey.” His head dipped again in a respectful bow.

It was starting to get late and the tawny male decided to start heading back to his pack. He needed to inform them of Raela’s offer. “I don’t mean to be rude and cut our conversation short, but I should be makin’ my way back so that I can inform them of your generous offer”. Large haunches are lifted by his powerful back legs off the frozen ground. Giving his pelt a quick shake he looks back at her with a smile

[Image: tyne_by_becuffin-dblzjdk.png]

For OOC preferences just check Moonshadow's profile
Played by Jenandra who has 438 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Raela Lieris Asurn
She nodded as he mentioned having to speak with the rest of his clan. It would only make sense to base their decision on the will of the group; much like she and Gent had tried to do with the Crest. The Queen's grin only spread further as he thanked her for her generosity; in truth, it would be as much a blessing to the Crest as it would be to these wolves, if they did decide to accept. A short chuff left her nose when the lad assured that he would look around for them if need be. The matriarch lowered her own muzzle in return. "And you," she replied. Even if they had been on her territory she still would have bowed with respect; this boy surely deserved it. What a treat it was to meet another kind soul.

Tyne spoke his last piece; and Raela's expression warmed with understanding. "Don't worry about it," the woman said with a flick of her tail. "I should get back to mine as well; have a safe trip." How she would like to run into this youngster again. With any luck, he would return with family in tow. If not, perhaps she would still find him as a member of a different pack; or even a pack of their own. With one last smile she turned; padding through the frigid white powder and back to her little mountain. @Gent would surely wish to hear the story of these strange 'Coast' wolves and their predicament; especially if there was a chance that they would be joining the pack someday. 

            [Image: 1HGS6dy.png]
[Image: AsFM155.png]