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Saw You Creeping — Willow Ridge 
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Played by Redd who has 65 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Avari Erin Bjornson
Lunch time! 3°C & Sunny // It's 5 O'clock somewhere...

More days, more time, and a greater sense of comfort. The more she learned, the better she familiarised with the territory, the more prepared she was to venture further from her own space and into the more open areas, doing as all should do. Scenting for strangers, watching for misbehaviour. It was only her nature of course, despite that this was not her land - a fact she had to constantly remind herself with her thoughts - to treat is as her own. At least this time, she figured, if things turned in a more negative direction she could just...

Well, she'd never leave without some kind of backup plan, and right now such a plan was non existent. She was tied it seemed, paws bound to the ground surrounded by droopy trees. No matter, for the minute her thoughts were in a completely different space than the possibility of desertion. Her stomach rumbled, and it almost echoed off the bark as she paced slowly, one step at a time on still somewhat unfamiliar terrain, looking for the scent of something she could catch and eat or--

"Oh, hello..." she muttered to herself, nose flaring at something she knew all too well. Suddenly her nosing for a scent turned instead to nosing at the ground and brushing at the growth. They had to be here, somewhere. Mushrooms.

Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ravenna Archer-Lyall

It was not for long that Ravenna ever left her parent's side. A sense of knowing herself came at a price, it seemed. There was little room for venture, little room for socializing, little room for play. Though she did not longingly 'look out the window' at these things. She was simply ignorant of a life beyond servitude. Ravenna had since a young age followed her mother's footsteps, learning the art of herbs and healing. When he mother was injured she had tend to her wounds for practice and when her father lost his eyesight, she practiced more with remedies to calm his nerves. Ever since her sister, Isolde, had been found dead, Ravenna had found it in her to become more attached to her aging mother and father, determined to make sure they were safe, as she refused to loose someone else she loved in her life. 

This time, Ravenna was out on a run, interested in rummaging through one of the pack's catches for something for Angier to eat. She was caught off guard only by the sight of a stranger, causing her to pause quick and stiff in her place, sending her hair along her back on end. Pale silver eyes looked hard at the other woman as she held her ground silently, watching the woman digging through the dirt. As looked older, like her parents and she smelt of the Ridge, though she had yet to meet this new pack member. ”What did you find?”She asks curiously, to make conversation, though it is obvious in her tone she is hesitant and weary of just why and how she had come upon her sister's pack.  

(This post was last modified: Apr 16, 2016, 12:03 AM by Ravenna.)

Played by Redd who has 65 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Avari Erin Bjornson
The sound of thumping steps was no longer cause for alarm. Though some months ago it might have caused her to turn and investigate and prepare to fend for her life, that she now held some semblance of rank in a pack meant that she was relatively free to do as she pleased. Granted, that she had yet to meet all but one of her pack mates meant that she could have been viewed as an intruder, but she would have relished the opportunity to face a challenge.

Not this time. The steps weren't coming towards her, but sounded like they were just passing by, so she kept her nose down with her eyes watching rather intently at the mushrooms she'd unearthed. She wasn't certain what they were, but she had a fairly good idea. Whether or not eating them would have the effect she wanted was another matter, but it seemed her experiment - and the subsequent adventure, was going to be stalled.

Lifting her head, she turned her eyes to the sound of the voice and allowed her gaze to rest on the (disappointingly) younger woman. Far from a pup, but equally far from being old enough for Avari to teach her the wonders of what she had found. With some difficulty she leaned back on her haunches, easing back before falling the last few inches to sit with a thud and a grunt. Ugh. Age was disgusting."Come and see." She prompted the girl forward, knowing too well she couldn't just say it was none of your business anymore.

"I promise not to bite." She laughed, and it was a rather literal 'Ha ha haaa' sound, though a fraction deeper than her regular tone. "I couldn't - not any more. I worry my teeth would fall clean out of my head." There, that was the kind of light-heartedness that was supposed to win her friends, wasn't it?

Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ravenna Archer-Lyall

First, the woman had told her to come see. Ravenna only paused a moment more before deciding the idea couldn't hurt. After all, by the way the woman lowered herself into a sit, it seemed arthritis was settling in and, by the woman's words, her teeth were weakening. Ravenna had no doubt that if it came to a fight Ravenna could give the older woman a run for her money cache. Ravenna was larger, stronger... Though outwardly she might not have spoken as such, the woman was without a doubt confidant in her abilities. But as she approached the other woman, it was respectfully - her tail lowered, ears down. She respected her elders. Always had. ”Oh I'm sure you could if you needed to. But your among pack now.” She assured the woman, smiling lightly as she came nearer. After all, Ravenna's father was blind and she was certain he could still rip into someone good if he had too.

Coming to face the other woman, her nose dipped, sniffing out the mushrooms though not messing with them. ”I've come across these before. ...Mother told me not to mess with them.” They were not poisonous, Ravenna knew, though Elettra had spoken that the effects were 'mind altering' which had put Ravenna off. With training with her mother, there was little room left for studying new things on your own by trail and error. ”My name is Ravenna Archer-Lyall.” She spoke properly to the woman as she turned her pale gaze directly to her.


Played by Staff who has 4,816 posts.
A young deer has been separated from the rest of its herd. Hunt Opportunity