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bullets catch in your teeth — Windsong Fjord 
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Played by Fira who has 12 posts.
Urokh was just a moment behind the Alpha. She’d waited just long enough to tell what he was doing before bursting from cover herself. She angled her direction so that she was running the woodchucks towards the river, and towards the Alpha at the same time. Either way, they’d be relatively easy to catch that way, trapped between two wolves and the river. Speed was not a strong point of hers — not by a long shot — but when she was close enough, she could lunge relatively well and she managed to snag one of the frightened creatures in her jaws. She had seen the Alpha drop his kill in the grass to go after more, so she followed his lead, killing one more. Others managed to escape, of course. She could not catch them all. One managed to scramble beneath her and escape between her legs.

She looked up every now and then to gauge how she and the male were doing combined, making sure to readjust her body every now and then so that she was always semi-facing her hunting partner. Having lived alone for so long, it had been a while since she had tasted the meat of anything bigger than a rat or a weakened rabbit. Her stomach growled at the scent of all this meat but she kept her feeding instincts in check and simply dropped her few kills on the ground and went after more.

Words: 241 @Gent -- sorry for the delay! I had a busy weekend! <3
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 711 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Gent Lieris
Not a problem!
Hunting post 5 out of 8 (dragging it out a little, sorry, so that we can get LP for it <3).

His hunting partner was faring better than her self description had caused him to anticipate; Gent was glad. She felled one without his assistance, catching it at the beginning of its panic just as he had his own kill. That made two, and he would have been satisfied if that was all they could manage. Yet the battle was far from over, and the shade king was eager to exterminate as many of the miserable little beasts as was possible for the duo. His snapping jaws and well-placed steps sent another relatively frail marmot scrambling toward her waiting teeth, just after another had gotten the best of her and managed to duck down under her bulk.

That meant three down, and only two more to go. Now more than ever, it was a challenge to see if they could succeed in picking off the entire colony. Gent lunged past @Urokh, chasing after the one who had skittered between her legs.

"Get the last one!" he asked of her over his shoulder. She'd said she wasn't quick, and without them both working together it was likely that neither of them would succeed in adding one more body to their count. Yet with three little carcasses safely in the bank, Gent didn't mind risking a sure fire thing for the possibility of nabbing five out of five.

Played by Fira who has 12 posts.
Urokh grunted in acknowledgement when the male told her to get the last of their prey. He dodged around her to go after the creature she had let slip beneath her paws, and she turned back to the last woodchuck. It seemed frozen in fear, unsure what to do with itself. Urokh froze too, afraid to make a sudden move and send it darting away into the underbrush, but after a moment, she realized that she was probably not going to be able to snag the last one. Still, the male — who was her potential Alpha — had given her an order. He didn’t seem the type to do anything drastic should she fail something as small as this, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t going to try. Alphas gave orders. Urokh followed them, to the best of her ability.

So, after another moment, she took a chance and darted at the creature as fast as she could — which was much slower than the tiny creature, who disappeared almost immediately with cries of warning and fear. She chased after it, hoping to use the river again to trap it, but it darted to the side far away from her jaws and escaped. She grunted in defeat and acknowledgement, and then turned and waited for the male whose name she did not know. She had failed an order, but she had carried it out as well as she could. That was, she hoped, sufficient.

Words: 242 @Gent -- Finals suck. I've been so busy studying! >.<
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 711 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Gent Lieris
Hunting post 7 out of 8.
I feel your pain hahaha. Sorry about taking so long.

Without another look back Gent charged on, doggedly pursuing that nimble marmot. His stamina was beginning to deplete; he would not be able to outright run it down. Without matching pace, however, there was little he could do in the hopes of herding the animal toward a more indirect route. His hopes lifted when the whistlepig's tiny feet began to scramble instead of gallop, but then they fell again when the beast scrabbled up the trunk of a tree.

The man halted at the base, skull tilting back as his pale eyes searched the greening boughs for his prey. A chittering sound floated down to his ears from within the shadows of the leaves, a warning that might have been ridiculous coming from such a creature aimed at something as large and deadly as he. Except he remembered the pain between his shoulders, the skin still tight and pinched from scarring, and subconsciously his nape twitched to shake the phantom feeling. Ears leaning backward, he took a single step backward, and then another, before finally turning around and giving up with a bitter chuff.

No witnesses, no shame, he supposed.

Gent trotted his way back to @Urokh, not at all disappointed to see that she hadn't managed to catch her last target as well. They still had three, and that was plenty, especially when the meat wasn't even his main concern.

"What's your name again, little lady?" he asked her as he moved to gather the fallen bodies.

(This post was last modified: May 23, 2016, 09:15 PM by Gent.)
Played by Fira who has 12 posts.
Urokh’s ears swiveled at the sound of his approach, and then shot forward in attentiveness when she saw him. Unthinkingly, she hunched her shoulders a little, an attempt to look smaller than her would-be Alpha. They were about the same size, for he was just as massive as she, and it was all she could do to show deference. He seemed unconcerned about the last woodchuck she had let escape, and a small breath of relief escaped her maw. She let her eyes find his for just a moment, then she looked away, to the ground, to show she was not challenging him. Everything she ever did was driven by instinct.

She perked up a bit when he asked for her name. “Urokh,” she said, her voice deep and gruff as gravel like always. “I have no surname. My birth pack did not use them.” She fell silent again. Speak when spoken to. Answer the question, then shut up. That was what her Dam and Sire had taught her. Do as you’re told, stay out of the way, be helpful, don’t blunder about. Always, always follow an Alpha’s instructions, or you will shame yourself and your pack. Her parents’ words came back to her now, as they often did. They may have chased her out (for an understandable reason), but she still heeded their teachings even now.

Words: 228 @Gent
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 711 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Gent Lieris
ugh totally derped and forgot she had already given gent her name, so i added 'again' to his dialogue in the previous post. sorry about that, thanks for rolling with it. >_>

One more post from you, if you'd like? If not, just hit archive & let me know so that I can get you added to the pack. <3

Urokh, and nothing further. A masculine name in his ears, befitting her appearance. Curious too that her pack did not see fit to tie them all together under a second name. Were they secluded? Had they not cared to establish a legacy? Perhaps did not have the need? Maybe it hadn't even come to mind.

"Gent Lieris," he returned as he moved to gather two of the bodies together, leaving the third for her to carry. "I'm satisfied, Urokh. You're welcome to come home with me, its just across the river and south a ways."

He would take her directly to @Raela, so that she could simultaneously help in delivering the gifts, take her credit for her part and most importantly, introduce herself before settling into the pack lands. Gent clasped his jaws down around the loose skin at the whistle pigs' backs and picked them up by it, throwing Urokh an interrupted smile before taking off the lead the way home.