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Played by Siki who has 497 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sorry for the wait, guys, it's been a super long week for me! you're all awesome <3

The moment the tasks were set, each and every one of them leaped to it immediately; from his place at Morganna's side, Craw watched them turn tail and jump to their duties. The two women disappeared together, after confirmation from Celandine, and Craw trusted that he would see them both back up the monadnock once they were done. The weather was working against all of them and running out locals could be difficult on the worst days, but he knew that Capable was not the giving-up sort, and Celandine's fire was yet to show any signs of going out. They would get it done.

Wraith and Greer ran ahead, and then it was just the two of them. While he was prepared to support her movements if necessary, Morganna made it entirely clear that she needed none of it; instead, Craw just scrambled after her, ascending the rock as he tried to keep visual tabs on the other wolves in the storm. Most importantly, he kept an eye out for Greer, who was supposed to be finding somewhere for his sister, but it soon became clear that Morganna had overshot her brother completely, focusing instead on a long line of pale boulders. When she started to dig, Craw helped as he could, though her single-mindedness and rocketing agitation encouraged him to keep his distance; once she was satisfied with the space, tiny as it was, he kept well clear of her, lingering only to make sure that nothing else disturbed her and to keep an eye out for the others.

He did not know how Capable or Celandine were doing, but eventually Greer and Wraith found them, a darkness in the latter's expression which Craw took to mean that the man had done an unsavoury task. It was for the pack and children, though, so while Craw butted his nose against Wraith's cheek in support and gratitude, he did not regret whatever his companion had been forced to do.

The night passed tumultuously. At some point in the darkness the storm broke, and when the sun rose it was to a calmer world. Craw had never strayed far from his mate and where she lay huddled among the rocks, even when others had taken the opportunity to explore the plateau and its surrounding terrain. Even from here, beside the boulders which glittered with subtle streaks of vibrant yellow the higher the sun rose, Craw could see the world stretch for miles and miles around. The six of them stood upon a pinnacle totally unique in this land, and the longer he gazed out at the horizon, the more he enjoyed the view.

Morganna's soft woof drew his attention instantly; turning to her for the first time since giving her space in the heights of the night before, he approached slowly, head lowered and ears back, instinctively wanting to present himself as unthreateningly as possible. He recognised the tightness in his chest as he gazed at her, knowing that tucked away beside her somewhere was new life. The sensation surprised him in its familiarity, because these weren't his, and yet...

If permitted, he would approach close enough to nudge her nose with his own, a rumble of approval and contentment in his chest. It was done. They had done it. The monadnock was clear, by all accounts, and now had given birth to their wards for the year. It was theirs.

Eyeing the pale boulders with their shining veins of gold, Craw strode around the nearest one which slanted into the ground, and heavily jumped up upon it; reaching its tallest point several further feet from the ground, he surveyed the flat plateau of the monadnock, saw the path they had taken to ascend it, saw the world spread out around them, as though an empire waiting to be built.

When he pulled his head back and sang, the sound as rough and deep as any of his spoken words, the message was many; to bring them all together, to celebrate the new life they had safely delivered, and to proudly say - this is ours.
(This post was last modified: May 14, 2016, 11:45 AM by Craw.)
[Image: wm_by_euphoriclies-da4medx.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,816 posts.
There is a family of deer nearby. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Vet who has 367 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Wraith Kael

Of course Craw would see. The wolf knew him better than Wraith felt he knew himself half the time. And in knowing him, gave the simple touch to ease his heart from its burden. In silent gratitude, the northerner bowed his head before his gaze fell to Morganna where she lay snarling and uncomfortable. He needed no further warning not to approach. Even his own mother had snapped at his when he was younger for daring to come near in an effort to offer comfort when she was conceiving. He'd learned the lesson well enough to not make the same mistake again.

To help his Alpha feel safe and secure, Wraith sat nearby, back facing her as his amber eyes scanned their surroundings constantly for any hint of threat. He could scent now the coyotes that Capable and the white female were after, but made no move to assist them; they would call if they needed it. Though it was painful to sit and do nothing, the wolf saw it as his duty as his best friend watched over his mate with the steadfast devotion Wraith had known the male to be capable of showing.

It felt like hours that he'd sat there still as a black monolith. Perhaps it was, for when Morganna's low woof came, he felt an ache in his shoulders that had him standing a bit tenderly. His gaze fell to her exhausted, smiling expression before he sought out the life they were all striving so hard to protect. He approached slowly, allowing for ample time for her to warn him off if she didn't want him getting close. At her side were two squirming little bodies. The first had fur as dark as the night, highlighted only by an illuminating flash of lightning. Try as he might, he couldn't help but think of the pup as his own blood. Pride and love surged through the wolf, though he knew every ounce of success belonged to their exhausted mother. His eyes then move to the little female. Her brilliant coat was like the sun compared to her brother and he felt the same love and pride. It was obvious there was no possibility she had come from him, but he loved her all the same. All pups held bright hope for the future, but these pups especially. They signified their unity, their grit, their fight to survive as a newfound pack.

Wraith lowered himself to his belly, head on his paws as his soggy tail swished along the ground behind him. His smile could only be described as euphoric as he watched them suckle contentedly. Looking again to Morganna, he had to share that feeling with her and stretched forward to lick at the end of her nose in congratulations. "They are beautiful."

[Image: wm2_by_becuffin-dblzotz.png]
Played by becuffin who has 879 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Morganna Archer-Lyall
@Craw @Wraith @Celandine @Greer @Isuni, Round 3! Lets try and get this wrapped up by the end of next weekend <3

She hadn't known what to expect. The sudden wave of love that washed over her as her eyes settled on her children once again was enough to make her heart explode, and she had a daughter... For a moment she dared to wonder how she was going to survive raising two when a timely reminder came as Craw pressed his nose to her own. She returned the gesture, reaching up to run her nose along his muzzle, pressing her forehead into his cheek, offering a smile as he moved to climb on top of the boulders under which her children were resting.

Her attention was diverted from Craw's ascent as Wraith drew near, the look of love on his face as he stared at the children, a welcome change from a look dismissed in the depths of the stormy night. A quick glance showed all were well, Greer had made himself comfortable a short distance away, and completely unaware of the trials Capable and Celandine had endured the night before she did note their presence with a smile. Wraith drew her attention back with a lick to her nose, she knowingly smiled as he said her children were beautiful. She had to wonder where the red in the little girls coat had come from, (perhaps some relative on Morganna's fathers side? - perhaps even her father himself remembering Asriel's red nape and her own ginger flecked fur - or perhaps @Renier...?) Her thoughts were cut short as Craw called their claim on the land - if he was happy to stay here, even temporarily (well it wasn't like they had a choice really she wouldn't be able to move the children for some weeks), then she was happy to join him in his howl, her voice only broken by a chuckle as the two blind puppies, with their tiny folded ears, tried to join the chorus with their miniature warbling peeps.

[Image: hashtags-skollmorganna02.png][Image: hashtags-morgannarenier.png]
Played by Vet who has 367 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Wraith Kael
Trying to get this one moving again <3

It was such a gentle, tender moment. Nothing like this would have happened within the boundaries of Willow Ridge. Of that, Wraith was certain. In those beautiful trees, there was too much animosity between the wolves there. Duty was born there from something other than love and loyalty. In this new home, he would make sure these young ones knew duty should only be borne from love and loyalty. Not fear, not intimidation, not self-serving purposes. @Morganna had asked that he teach them right from wrong and he would do that to the very best of his ability.

The dark wolf's head lifted as his Alpha ascended boulders nearby and let out a call for all to hear as the worst of the storm died down. Craw's howl broke through the early morning, trumpeting their claim above the rain. Morganna's howl joined in, cementing their unity. As the pups squeaked in response, Wraith's chuckle joined their mother's. With that love and loyalty in his heart, the northerner lifted his own muzzle to the sky to join @Craw in their claim. His howl boomed deep like the thunder that had plagued them throughout the night, melding with his friend's without trying to overpower him. In his song held the promise to love and protect this new pack, this new life, and this new land.

[Image: wm2_by_becuffin-dblzotz.png]
Played by Pinn who has 460 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Celandine Argyris

Very fast, very poopy. Just wanted to get it done xD

She followed the older woman's lead, charging through the downpour, barely able to see the dark outline which marked the coyote she'd set her eyes on. It turned to face her, all hunched up and very wolf-like as if it were going to defend itself. A smile etched it's way onto her lips, as her head lowered. Oh, how she hoped there would be blood. 

Another brilliant flash lit up the sky as she neared her target. It's eyes widened as a growl erupted from Celandine's throat. Unfortunately, it was enough to startle the disgusting creature, and it turned-tail. Giving chase, the woman did not look to see how her companion had fared. If Capable couldn't take on a single coyote, then it would not be the Argyris' head on a stake.

The woman allowed her victim to retain some false sense of security as they flew across the tundra. Predator remaining one tail length behind the prey. It lasted a while, until she simply grew bored of the chase. Not too keen on eating the horrid-smelling thing, she surged forward, teeth grasping at it's hindquarters. It was enough to send them both skidding across the ground in a tangle of snarls, and teeth. Her own canines set in wherever they could find purchase, but that did little to stop the disgustingly wretched thing from retaliating. 

The coyote ended it first, pulling away from her, and running once more. This time, she let it go. He would remember this encounter, surely. Confident that the creature wouldn't return, Celandine double-backed in search of the group. The storm passed as she returned, daylight threatening to overtake the land they stood upon. Keenly aware of the new scent that hung in the air, the pale woman took note of the glittery rocks as she made her way up the monadnock. 

She planned on reporting to Craw (Celandine Argyris, reporting to someone? What kind of messed up alternate universe had she found herself in?) before tending to the few puncture wounds marring her pristine coat, but his voice hit the air before she'd gotten the chance. Here? Well, if that's what they wanted. Tipping her blood-stained muzzle to the sky, Cela let her own sweet melody harmonize with theirs. 

(This post was last modified: May 24, 2016, 07:04 AM by Celandine.)
Have you seen my OOC preferences?
[Image: YCWYGS9.png]
Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall

He remained where he was, nestled neatly upon his rocky perch, and observed the new pack come together piece by piece. Despite his few years, the shadow had quickly learned how much puppies brought a pack together. Morganna could not have picked a better time to part ways with Willow Ridge. Skoll was also to be thanked. His delay in overthrowing their uncle had only fuelled the charcoal queen’s desire to leave. Perhaps his big brother wasn’t so bad after all.

Whether this place was permanent or not, for now it would have to do. It would not be realistic for the group to travel for several weeks, until the pups were able. Until then Greer would oblige to scouting the nearby territories and fuelling the overwhelming desire of wanderlust that had formed during their venture north. This place was nothing like the crop of willow trees he had been accustom to since birth. It was open — perhaps too open — and reminded him of the mountain that Kyna once called home.

Craw’s call filled the air without warning, dismissing his nervous thoughts. Morganna’s was quick to follow, her exhaustion evident in her bold voice as it joined the spider’s and consumed their surroundings. His fur stood on end as Wraith and Celandine followed suit, velvet ears twitching as he sought them out in the morning glow. A frown creased his maw briefly before he threw it back, offering his own melodic voice to the mix. For as long as the queen wanted this place would be theirs.

[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by Siki who has 497 posts.
Inactive No Rank
@Morganna @Wraith @Greer @Celandine @Isuni
Closing it off here so we can say the claiming thread is done! Thank you all so much, you're all fab. Ace, if you want to get your third post in just re-open and sneak it in, no probs <3

Morganna's voice joined his, and soon after, those of the others, one by one, wherever they happened to be. Whether or not this location would prove permanent - and, stood here, now, feeling as though he were on top pf the whole world, it was an appealing idea - that they reached consensus was gratifying, encouraging, and he felt a hot, vicious pleasure deep in his breast. There would be a great deal of work to do over the next few weeks, as they scouted for neighbours and optimal hunting grounds and dangers, but that work would not let up, for they then had puppies to raise and territory to defend and pack relations to make, and so it would go until the end.

He wondered, then, as his gravely notes filled the sky along with those of his allies, how long this monadnock had existed, how many lives had claimed it for themselves and grown and died on its peak. Such a grand, distinct structure in this low-rolling landscape must have had countless rulers, of countless species, and now this group had come and in this moment of time, it would be theirs. Let their names be inscribed forever in the rock of its jagged, angular face, immortalised among those bold enough to stand here and declare dominance.

His voice fell silent for a few moments as he just enjoyed the sound of all the others ringing in his ears, their chorus strong and glorious, before he joined in again. There was so very much to do. Though the storm had fallen still, he felt its roaring in his core, and he revisited and reiterated every promise he had made to himself, and knew that this was one step closer, that he would get everything he wanted.

What a day.

What a lovely day.
[Image: wm_by_euphoriclies-da4medx.png]
Played by Ace who has 125 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Celadine moved for one of the interloper, and Capable veered towards the other.  Her lips peeled back in a wicked smile, her dark eyes all alight, even in the darkness of the storm.  These were the things she lived for.  These were the things she was made for, these were the things the wolves of Moose’s Tooth never realized she was capable of.  Teeth flashed out, and she lunged, barreling into the animal with no remorse. 

The white female had already bolted off after her victim, but the redhead found herself with an animal slightly more sturdy.  It rolled back to its feet and charged – perhaps it hoped to scare her with her own game!  She might have laughed – she’d taken much bigger creatures head on (Craw came to mind), and she jolted forward, crashing into the animal a second time.  Her jaws missed its scruff, but it mattered little.  The second time was the charm, and the coyote seemed to take the hint.  As soon as it rolled onto its feet, it wheeled around and bolted into the darkness, tail tucked between its legs as it sped off.

Capable gave chase, but not for long – it wouldn’t be back.  Before she could begin a search for the Argyris, Craw’s call went up.  He’d found whatever he was looking for, and soon Celadine’s voice joined.  Content the woman had been successful, she lifted her head, and joined the song in victory.

bring me home, bring back what's stolen,
like you're supposed to