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fragments of the past — Heartleaf Creek 
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Played by whoami who has 15 posts.
Inactive No Rank
O O C |

speech, thoughts

Italia nodded along as Sharlee spoke of her decision leading to them. This was something that she couldn't argue with. She frowned at the mention of Iounia, knowing that meant her sister was probably completely alone now.

Her niece further introduced the boy before them, Eros, son of Vi and Vanadis. This was her great nephew, and with a slick tongue to boot. "A whore, eh?" she smirked, proud that he wasn't the cookie-cutter ass-kisser that some tend to be when hierarchy is involved. "Hello, Eros. It sure is great to meet you, " she spoke, sitting comfortably between the two.

"Dumped the baby, and then left?" she inquired, brow furrowing in disgust. The whole pack had apparently suffered greatly, as she could tell the dampened mood the subject put them in (as it should). "I'm sure I can learn more on the matter once I meet with your father and Vayko. "

"Have you seen them, by any chance, Sharlee?"
(This post was last modified: Mar 15, 2022, 02:52 AM by Italia.)
Played by Kai who has 286 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sharlee Valle
So much for trying to not traumatize her nephew. It seemed someone had already done that. The words that came out of his mouth after she'd introduced him shocked the Valle woman. This was just too much so she sat back on her haunches. Well now that that was out in the upon Sharlee nodded at Italia's repetition of the word."Yes that was one of the things that she'd said as well as insulting what we have created here. There was plenty more but I feel you should speak with Vi about it since he was there." She gave Eros a stern look hoping he'd get the message that now wasn't the time to go repeating things others had said.

Sharlee nodded again to what Italia said. "We are now raising her and taking care of her," she added. Then her aunt spoke of learning more from Vayko and her father. "My father knows nothing unless someone has told him and he has no power here. If you are interested in staying with us Viorel and Vayko are the leaders they are who you need to speak to. Yes, I've seen both my father and Vayko. They are within pack territory if you would like Eros and I can take you there."
Played by Cade who has 558 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater II. Leader
Eros Valle
Eros realized when it didn't happen that part of him had wanted to shock or anger. Instead, Sharlee glazed over what he said, sending only a disapproving look as a bone. His other aunt actually seemed pleased. He wasn't yet sure what to make of it, but he wasn't done craving a larger presence in this conversation. Equally more than that, were the paradoxical desires for this to end and for it to not be just because of him.

What he yet had the maturity to decipher was that he wanted them to realize that they were being unfair and to stop because of that, otherwise it felt as though they were simply hiding the behavior from those who disapproved, which was just as wrong according to his personal moral set.

It sure is great to meet you she said, and he brightened briefly, tail picking up to wag again. The rain clouds reappeared when Italia refocused back onto their shared relatives.

Dumped the baby, and then left?

Eros' grit his teeth, jaw setting. Yeah, that had certainly been what Sharlee was telling her.

I'm sure I can learn more on the matter once I meet with your father and Vayko.

They'd probably tell her the same thing too, though. Sharlee offered for them to meet with the pack's leaders now, and Eros spoke up before an answer could be given by his other aunt.

"What none of them will tell you is that maybe something happened to Gramna Sita and it wasn't just something she chose to do because she's a fish of a wolf. N' sometimes," his adolescent voice began to rise, fueled by an emotion he was trying and failing to keep back, "sometimes wolves just have bad days and they feel too much and it makes them do the wrong thing. Aunt Mod would still be here too if someone hadn't made her leave."

They all knew who that someone was.
(This post was last modified: Mar 17, 2022, 04:29 AM by Eros.)
Played by whoami who has 15 posts.
Inactive No Rank
O O C | I had meant Eros' father in the previous post, she was talking to him prior to talking to Sharlee in the end, asking if Shar had seen Vi or Vayko. Sorry for any confusion! We can fade whenever, I wasn't sure if you wanted me to just yet. If so, let me know and I can just edit this one.

speech, thoughts

Italia grimaced, then nodded in agreement, a quick "Yes, of course, " she uttered after Sharlee finished. She widened her eyes when Eros began talking, wanting to pinch herself for not first considering the possibility that maybe Sita had no other choice. Her tail was low, wagging slowly, listening to him specify how Aunt Mod would still be here too if someone hadn't made her leave. She frowned once more, upset that this emotionally fueled moment was how she first met him.

"You're right, Eros. Maybe there was something deeper going on with my sisters. Perhaps we can go visit your father, and get his insight?" she questioned, eyes soft. Perhaps she needed to ask Viorel if it would be allowable for her to go looking for Modesto and Sita? She could get the stories straight from everyone and go from there.
Played by Kai who has 286 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sharlee Valle
As expected Italia had confirmed that she did want to speak with Viorel and or Vayko. Sharlee nodded, "Very well, I will take you to our borders. I'll call for them from there." She had no intention of bringing her aunt into the territory without permission. Especially since she had no idea what kind of reception she'd recieve.

Sharlee wasn't one to discipline the pups. She wasn't their mother so she didn't feel it was her place. However as Eros opened his mouth and spoke of things he did not understand she found her blood boiling. She didn't think she would have ever been this angry with the boy. On so many levels he was in the wrong. From disobeying her to thinking he was above her somehow. She didn't want to do it, pull rank on him but she knew she had to in that moment. It wouldn't be much longer and he would be a pup anymore. The time for coddling was over and she was going to let him know that, this was a hash lesson he would have to learn.

The moment he said his last word Sharlee's tale had risen high over her back and a growl elicited from her throat as she turned to face him. A sharp snap of his jaws was delivered an inch from his face, "What the hell do you think your doing?" She snarled at him, "Go home Eros," she ordered. She hoped to the heavens that he listened to her. Sharlee didn't want this to get any worse for him.
Played by Cade who has 558 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater II. Leader
Eros Valle
That got him his reaction. It was so much more than he had been digging for, however. While Italia conceded his point and attempted to mitigate, Sharlee asserted herself in a way that another adult never had before. The fear of a child chased away his adolescent rage in a blink of an eye as his aunt's bared fangs were suddenly clacked before his nose. His eyes shot open wide and he instinctively lurched back, hunching down to the ground.

For a moment he gawked, tears already brimming his eyes. This time, he did not give in to the urge to cry and seek an adult to solve his problems. He had grown enough now to realize that he was carving out his own place in life, and to do that he would need not only to follow his own heart but also be brave enough to defend those choices.

His own lips pulled back in a sneer, the teenager returning. Many options scrambled through his head, to demand to know what she was thinking badmouthing their own family, to tell her all the ways she was being so unfair right now - there was even an impulse to simply holler fish off! in her face.

Perhaps he wasn't yet that bold, or perhaps he could recognize these things would be unproductive. Still, his anger had to get out somehow, and so he shouted "FINE!" before whipping around and skulking away. After a few yards were put between them he added over his shoulder,

(This post was last modified: Mar 20, 2022, 06:41 AM by Scully.)
Played by Kai who has 286 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sharlee Valle
Sharlee had been perfectly fine having Eros there at her side as she spoke to Italia. After the behavior he had displayed she would not allow that again. As far as she was concerned he'd lost that privilege. It was in his best interest that when she asserted herself he had the good sense to back down. And since he clearly didn't understand the the look she'd given him before was to be obeyed she made it clear through words that henwas in a lot of trouble.

His clear disrespect for the rules of his elders and the rules of rank were made clear by the sneer that crossed his face. Another growl came from the woman, she'd never wanted to be harsh to the children but it seemed that needed to change. Eros did not know his place in the grander scheme of things. He wasn't happy about being sent home but she didn't care, he had been in the wrong and he needed to pay consequences for that at action.

When he shouted back at her after being far enough away she couldn't do anything she wanted to let him know of that was a cowards move. There wasn't any honor in it and in that moment she was disappointed and felt that Mayne she'd been wrong.
