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commands of my elders — Whisper Marsh 
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Played by whoami who has 13 posts.
Inactive VIII. Subordinate
O O C |

speech, thoughts

It had been one month since he had been released, let loose from the plane that had transported him here from many miles away. The wind had pulled at him, the snow making his joints ache. Fabian could tell that it would be melting soon, though that still wasn't fast enough. Even with his large size, he ached for the weather of springtime. It always brought peace to him, seeing the dew on the freshly sprouted grasses and hearing the chirping and chattering of the creatures coming back from the south or out of hibernation. He longed to see that the world around him was thriving.

The marsh he had come to was still iced over, but small areas of it were trickling slowly. He stopped to lap up the chilled water, it dripping from his dark lips. The area was heavy with scent markers, and he did not fail to ignore them. It would be foolish of him to waltz into the area without thinking there would be no opportunity for others to show. Fabian looked forward to this chance. He had been alone for far too long.
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 231 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Scully Archer
Scully was doing his best to keep an eye on things for @Avella, but he found himself wandering from home more and more often. His tireless seeking brought him to the marsh, which he would have avoided altogether if not for the scent of a stranger lingering at its edge. He pushed onward and searched for the individual, all but stalking through the ice-coated reeds and thin, barren tree trunks. When his gaze finally settled on him, he couldn't help the crooked smile that slithered up his maw.

He was handsome.

Scully barked, attempting to garner the other man's attention at a distance while his long legs continued to pull him closer.
Played by whoami who has 13 posts.
Inactive VIII. Subordinate
O O C |

speech, thoughts

The memories of fire and smoke played back in his head. The cries of his father, the screams from his aunt who had raised him since he was but a pup. They were telling him to go, to save himself, to not look back. It was at that point that the bark of a stranger caught his attention, his dark ears perked in the direction. He swiveled his head around to look.

It was another male, around the same age. His coat was not the same pattern as Fabian's, though, they did carry the same colors as one another. He lowered himself to the ground in submission, ears flat and legs crouched. He averted his eyes, hoping not to cause any sort of aggression to arise from the man.

"Apologies if I am trespassing, " he began, voice husky as he breathed out the words. He was hoping that this pack was welcoming. If not, he was going to be in for a battle. He gave a smile, hoping he was as charming as his aunt used to say that he was. "Fabian Umbra, " he introduced himself proudly.
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 231 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Scully Archer
The other man seemed to immediately throw in the towel, something Scully wasn't really used to and which swiftly reminded him of the place his ancestors had once held in these lands. For a split moment, he was his father, the crown everything he ever wanted and the stranger before him nothing but a means to an end. Scully slowed to a stop, his happiness abated and numbed. The other's voice brought him back to the present situation.

Fabian Umbra, he introduced himself with dignity despite the submission of his posture.

"You're not," he answered, giving a nod of his muzzle that asked the other wolf to stand taller while his tail began to sway behind him once again amicably.

"Scully Archer. My pack's further that way," again he used his nose to gesture, "so y'haven't fucked up yet."

It was meant teasingly, the crooked tilt of his smirk hopefully indicating as much.
(This post was last modified: Mar 13, 2022, 05:03 AM by Scully.)
Played by whoami who has 13 posts.
Inactive VIII. Subordinate
O O C |

speech, thoughts

Fabian could tell he was welcomed to rise, and so he did. His body came into its full shape as he stood, his stance powerful. His tail wagged, matching Scully's, glad that this happened to be his first encounter with anyone. So far, so good, he assured himself, as if he didn't know that he could be likeable.

The joke that was told didn't humble him in the slightest. So, there was a possibility he could have fucked up? But he didn't. He still had what it took to blend into a crowd of many, and it wasn't even that hard. Or, at least that's what came to mind for him, anyways. Still, it did catch him off guard. "I think I like you already, " the words spilled out of his mouth, snickering at the like-minded humor that the male presented.

His eyes had met Scully's and he directed his snout in the same direction he had been guided in. "Are you the leader of this group?" he quipped, his sight meeting the silver-toned eyes of the other one. He was wondering if his friends were as funny as he had been.
(This post was last modified: Mar 14, 2022, 12:58 PM by Fabian.)
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 231 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Scully Archer
Fabian relaxed into what Scully would assume was his natural posture, enabling the Archer to once again feel earnestly at ease as well. The words that followed only further bolstered him, his crooked smile growing toothy. The spare heir did like his compliments.

"Nah, my sister took that on. I'm her second," he answered in a convivial tone, before motioning back to the other with a nod of his muzzle.

"You lookin' for an alpha?"
Played by whoami who has 13 posts.
Inactive VIII. Subordinate
O O C |

speech, thoughts

"Heavy is the head that holds the crown, " he said of the man's sister. His father had plans for him to be the reigning Umbra before the fire had happened. He knew somewhat of how she must be feeling with the amount of pressure that role held.

He nodded his head, although he was telling himself to remain wary of this pack. He needed to be a part of one again. Life out here on his own had proved difficult. Hopefully, this was the place he had been searching for. "What may her name be? Do you think I could garner a meeting with the Queen?"
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 231 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Scully Archer
It seemed the answer was yes, Scully's ears pressing forward with keen interest. They were certainly coming along nicely on numbers, which was especially good given that any wolf could come or go at a moment's notice. Such was the way of life, and amassing notorious nomads.

"Avella," he felt comfortable to answer.

"She's out of bounds currently, but expected back any time. Is your business specific?"

He couldn't assume the man was looking to sign up with them. Perhaps he had other intentions, and any good brother would attempt to field those.
Played by whoami who has 13 posts.
Inactive VIII. Subordinate
O O C |

speech, thoughts

Avella, the name ran smoother than honey. He wondered what she was like - if she would be a merciful leader or one full of wrath. It seems as though she was not currently available, although she would be making her way there soon.

He shook his head at Scully's question, ears flattened. "I don't guess it would be. I'm just looking for somewhere to call home again, " he spoke. His greying green eyes blinked momentarily, blinking away the flash of memory of his old territory and family. "That is, if Miss Avella would grant me that opportunity. "

It was time to move on. Surely, right? Fabian's father, aunt, sisters, the oldest one's firstborn litter he was going to help raise and advise... His old girlfriend, they were all gone. Perhaps the ending here won't be as bitter as my beginning has been...
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 231 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Scully Archer
He did want a home. Scully brightened noticeably, long-teeth poking into view.

"We do so like collectin' our strays," was his teasing way of letting him know his chances were likely good. If he maintained the same easy, benign demeanor he had thus far.

"C'mon, I can take ya home and give ya a tour while we wait for her. Maybe you c'n show me something yer good at."

He nodded with his muzzle toward the pack's territory before setting off, relying on Fabian to follow after.

/ Fade