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state of emergency (m) — Red Fern Forest 
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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 54 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mature for likely swearing and/or March-related themes. For @Sunder only.

Waiting had gotten old. Walrus was growing impatient, and it showed in her actions. At this point in time most of her activities were centered around marking the forest with her scent and otherwise broadcasting her receptiveness. Neither @Adelard nor the far less desirable Leviticus had yet been willing to seize the opportunity she strove to flaunt, and so her radius had begun to expand.

Far outside of the Chasm's territory now, Walrus tore a small clearing apart with her scuffling and clawing and itching. Her scent was everywhere, and her efforts could be heard easily at a distance, the still, cold air perfect for carrying sound.
(This post was last modified: Mar 13, 2022, 07:44 PM by Chan.)
Played by Sunshine who has 23 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sunder was a creature of habit. Despite his best attempts at trying to put distance between himself and those that were associated with the deranged woman he had encountered a couple of days prior, it was futile. Could one truly blame the devilishly handsome boy though when the thick perfume of needy women wafted on the air like smoke from a wildfire? It was this same scent that was both intoxicating and madness-inducing that currently had the man's nose firmly planted to the ground.

Deep inhales allowed sensitive scent receptors to dissect the alluring pheromones and more personal information about its owner, only daring to break contact with the ground to survey his immediate area. The last thing this stud needed was some unwelcomed wingman or one angry Lardll; according to Woya, chasing him out should this female he was trailing be one of his.

Content there was no immediate danger nearby, Sunder increased the power behind his strides to close the distance between himself and this mysterious floozy that left plenty of welcome, I'm open signs strewn about in the form of dark-hued tufts of fur and heavily scented markers. It was the sound of claws scraping against hardy trunks that let him know he was growing close. Letting out a low bark, he made his presence known before daring to step any closer, pale green eyes honing in on the blurred shape.
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 54 posts.
Inactive No Rank
The sharp, staccato sound captured her attention effortlessly. She froze, on her hind legs with her thick talons all but imbedded in the fibrous flesh of a tree. A wicked grin twisted her charcoal lips when she inhaled and found the source's scent to be decidedly male.

"Finally," she growled to herself under breath, forsaking the maimed trunk to put all four paws back on the ground and meet with this faceless stranger. When her vivid sights did capture him, she was far from disappointed. He wasn't as bulky as she might have liked, Adelard still had the advantage there, but he was young and healthy and alluring all in his own rights.

Her tail whipped through the air above her back, as clear a signal as any.

"Well?" she asked, in a tone that added what are you waiting for?
Played by Sunshine who has 23 posts.
Inactive No Rank
The dark-coated woman all but froze once Sunder's presence was announced, nails that were formerly scoring the surface of a trunk now tearing at the earth to close the distance between the two strangers. Wasting no time the ebony she-wolf flagged her tail high and mighty above her back, perfume wafting around to engulf the dark agouti male while offering a single word in greeting.

A ravishing smirk settled on inky lips after a salmon tongue gave his chops a savory lick, his throat rumbling with the beginnings of a low growl. Had another male been present perhaps it would have been taken as an act of aggression, but not in this case. Consider it a courting call fueled by both their raging hormones.

"Well, hello to you too, darling." He purred softly in his deep-toned voice, body stalking forward as his pale green eyes locked on her citrus pair.
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 54 posts.
Inactive No Rank
The stranger did not shy from her advance, and her features darkened with gleeful vice. It seemed her time was indeed better spent outside of the Chasm's illusionary control. His words were unnecessary, but she could suppose that maybe he wasn't used to such forwardness from women. She certainly wouldn't be having use for him herself if she hadn't decided to become a mother. It wasn't the hormones and the discomfort they afflicted pushing her into this stranger's arms or the promise of taboo pleasure, but her own will alone, as Walrus always operated.

Wordlessly she met him with a full shoulder check, her fangs aiming to grab at his scruff. All she knew was rough, and he was in for a bad time if he'd been intent on something tender. It didn't hurt to make sure those genes of his were solid, either. Her children would need to be fighters, every minute of every day.
Played by Sunshine who has 23 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sunder paused in his steps and held his ground as the darker female made her approach, his lips adopting a near-permanent smirk to them thinking all was about to go smoothly for himself. He couldn't be more wrong. Where the young buck had anticipated a gentle brush against his body that would surely lead to more, instead a wordless shoulder check greeted him. The unforeseen gesture promptly warranted the barring of tarnished fangs and a thunderous rumble to reverberate within the depths of his chest, throwing his own weight into that of the woman's to derail her attempt at grabbing hold of his scruff. Oh ho, so she wanted it rough huh?

"I like them fiesty." He rumbled flirtatiously while lowering his head to better guard the front of his throat, muscles tensed and ready as he shifted his stance to widen enough so his balance wouldn't be sent off-kilter should she try to shoulder check him again. Clearly, the man was going to have to work for his reward today.
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 54 posts.
Inactive No Rank
His response, assertive and unbending, had her smiling once more. That was the kind of dominant personality she wanted her kids to inherit, not just from her but from the other half of their blood as well. And still, he was not deterred. His tenacity would be rewarded, but after she had one more moment of fun.

Her growl was practically a purr as she drew closer, sliding the length of her side against his. Her tail flicked at his muzzle as she passed, curling around his rump to mark the other half of him in a similar way. This time, however, when she reached his shoulder she went again for his scruff. If she failed to grab fur, her paws would raise to give him an even stronger shove.
Played by Sunshine who has 23 posts.
Inactive No Rank
The contrast of that grin slithering along her lips in pairing with her contradictory actions had Sunder nearly confused, had her said actions not made sure he remained on his toes. Now it was the mystery woman's turn to fill the air with the sounds of her growl, a mere purr in comparison to his own as his fixated gaze watched ever move she mad closely. The rumble in his own chest rose a few tentative octaves watching her silhouette glide itself along his side, the flick of her tail beneath his muzzle flooding his nose with the intoxicating scent of her heat. It was definitely enough to coax the beast dwelling within out some more.

Once more the rose bore its thorns in the shape of her fangs seeking the purchase of his scruff. Unfortunately, having been so consumed in the alluring scent she wafted so heavily around him and directly into his nostrils Sunder wasn't able to dodge this attempt. Guard hairs bristled along the man's spine feeling the tips of her teeth sink in, a snarl rippling forth. Were all women so hostile when they needed an itch scratched this time of year?!

She may have managed to get him this time, but the agouti man wasn't about to give up.

Side to side now with her jaw clamped on his scruff, he mustered up his strength to throw his weight around once more hoping the jerking motion of the collision would loosen up her hold enough for him to slip free.
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 54 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Walrus made her mark, but she didn't keep the hold for long. He'd been caught off-guard as planned, but reacted quickly thereafter. His maneuver was successful and she released her grip while taking steps away from him, quickened by the momentum transferred via his force. She'd seen enough. Her skull lowered briefly, conceding his strength of will.

The offer was made silently as she nodded her head toward a less open clustering of the forest's trees and brush, then made her way to it. Her tail wagged welcomingly behind her, fanning her scent. There'd be no more fight to be had, his prize ready for the claiming.
Played by Sunshine who has 23 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Relief was to be had in the release of pressure along his scruff, her teeth removed as intended by the shoving of his weight toward her, her frame bounding a few steps away. It was at this point his lids narrowed in anticipation for another charge and narrowed further when one didn't come. Instead, the woman gave a conceding nod of her head. Here the man huffed, tail flagging pridefully above his back in response to his victory. Following the direction her head nod had gone Sunder's gaze settled on the more secluded spot just off the beaten path.

All it took was the fanning of her scent to get his motor running, paws rapidly in hot pursuit of his hard-earned prize.

