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what do you think you were created for — Skeletal Hill 
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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 54 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Walrus had been quite pleased to find the daunting summit of remains, bones that had clearly been picked clean and sundried before being amassed. This was someone's collection, or had been. It's age and lack of maintenance was clear, what had once been a neat pyramid of skeletons now malformed and pocketed. It had been trod on, stolen from, and otherwise affected over time. She could only imagine how immense it had been at it's peak.

Still on a mission, she conceded this would be a nice place to take a break from all of the squatting and stomping and scratching that it took to make her receptiveness irrefutable. She grabbed the hip bone of what had likely once been a deer and set to work, chewing away at the aged thing while laying upon the softening ground a stone's throw from the slopes of Skeletal Hill.
Played by Arya who has 14 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Zavier Elliot

When he happened upon the hill scattered with sundried skeletons of all shapes and sources earlier that day, the ghost was intrigued, so he decided to grab a foreleg of what seemed to be a mountain goat and headed out back into the woods. There he settled underneath the shadow of a fir tree and went to work on the bone. It had taken him an hour or so to get completely done with the bone he chose, but before Zavier wanted to take his leave from this peculiar place, he wanted to grab one for the road.

Though, as he returned to the hill another form was settled upon it. The breeze warning him it was yet another female that he happened upon. This land seemed to be just overflowing with women. His lumbering form only slowed to send out a chuff her way to decipher exactly what he may be able to get away with around this woman.

Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 54 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Walrus lifted her head from her current fixation to regard the stranger that called to her, unexpected but not yet unwelcome. That he was male was a boon, and she licked her lips as though he were the next thing she'd be chewing on. Pushing herself up onto her paws, the bone was forsaken so that she might better appraise the other wolf. Large frame, healthy coat - good enough.

Maybe one of her kids would get those striking eyes.

Played by Arya who has 14 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Zavier Elliot

Emerald eyes watched her expressions as she regarded him with a sharp peach gaze before she abandoned the bone she was occupying herself with and rose onto her paws. She had a large, sturdy frame while her dark coat was marked with the scent of others, though the male didn't mind. Closing the distance between the two of them as she spoke, his gaze regarding her as he approached.

"Care for some company, ma dame?" Zavier drawled as he paused in his slow approach just mere feet from the vixen as he was quickly enveloped with her distracting scent.

Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 54 posts.
Inactive No Rank
He didn't rush to her, instead approaching with a healthy measure of caution that appeased her need to remain dominant, even in this situation. She eyed him every step of the way, watching for a moment of weakness, and was happy to witness none. By the time he stopped, she had a devilish smile upon her feral lips.

"Would love some," she drawled, closing the remaining distance herself. She kept her head high, but pressed her side against his, dragging their fur together as she walked past. This was enough, she was ready to concede.
Played by Arya who has 14 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Zavier Elliot

Her sly smile brought a shiver of anticipation down his spine as her words caressed his ears before she closed the remaining distance between them herself. Allowing her to take charge, he kept his head just below hers, though not much lower to appear lesser by any means, while she ran her body alongside the length of his. Zavier was happy to let her take the lead until it was his time to shine which wasn't long after.

short phone post >.< Zavier fade
(This post was last modified: Mar 28, 2022, 05:16 AM by Zavier.)
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
Fresh tracks show an injured deer has recently passed by. Hunt opportunity! +10 Health