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get on out of your seat — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by Cade who has 909 posts.
Paradise Falls I. Leader
Chan Eastfall
I want a family. The words were so simple but he couldn't help but have the same internal reaction he'd had when @Flair had uttered virtually the same sentiment. It could mean so many different things, could even end up being something completely different from what the woman thought and expected. Chan bit his lip with his small-teeth as he looked back on her, struggling with determining what the right way forward was.

Given her wish to stand with him, he went ahead with the assumption Finley specifically wanted to be a mother. Not wanting a father but needing to get the deed over with to procure what she desired would explain the mixed signals he felt he was seeing.

"... do you have somewhere to take them to live, others to help you raise them?"

His voice was gentle. Maybe she knew exactly what she was doing, had everything planned out except the guy.
[Image: 5BdYuOb.png]
Played by Ghost who has 229 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Finley Lennox Kane

She had been honest with herself, and with him, and now he was just staring at her with his stupid little teeth out. Finley felt stupid, which was a feeling she had a lot, but she didn’t like this Chan fellow looking at her like she was. Then he was talking all softly and pointing out all the flaws in his plan. She didn’t like it at all.

Still, she was too far deep to lose her head and she had to let out a sigh to release some of her anger. She still felt it, but she needed to smother it for now, do what she had to do. Green eyes narrowed so quickly before blinking that Chan might miss it if her was not paying close enough attention. Trying to sound reassuring she said, ”I’m going to figure it out.” Hearing the words out loud even Finley realized how childish that sounded.

Looking away she added, ”I guess I will have to.” Afterall, is that not where she already was? Just trying to figure it out because she had to. It was that thought that she tried to swallow, but couldn’t and muttered, ”I do have to.” It was quick, already out in the open before she even realized she was saying it, and profoundly sorrowful.

How quickly her world changed.

Played by Cade who has 909 posts.
Paradise Falls I. Leader
Chan Eastfall
Her initial answer was a disappointment, and made it quite clear this was not a situation for him to have part in. Bearing children while being unprepared to properly provide for them was a damaging choice, and certainly not something he'd be helping her achieve. Hopefully, if she was really intent on this path, her situation would change swiftly and for the better, for not just her benefit but her offspring's.

I guess I will have to, she added and his ears leaned back against his nape, ink-lined lips frowning. He wanted to tell her she really didn't have to, but then she uttered one final piece to the puzzle. Chan blinked, mild bemusement flickering across his eyes as he processed the implications of those four words.

After a moment, he went for the lemming. With swift strides he retrieved it, and brought it to Finley, depositing it at her paws.

"I wouldn't make for a good dad, I don't think. But... if you want, I'm traveling with others, and you're welcome to join us. We can have your back, while you figure things out."

He took a few steps back then, trying to make it clear that if she wanted him to go, he would.

"It's up to you. Just, know you don't have to be alone."
(This post was last modified: Mar 25, 2022, 04:57 AM by Chan.)
[Image: 5BdYuOb.png]
Played by Ghost who has 229 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Finley Lennox Kane

Chan said nothing for a moment or two and Finley had to fight to keep her paws routed instead of bolting. Truthfully she may have ran if her chin did not still smart so badly, clearly running was not a good plan at the moment. Then he turned and the woman was sure that this was it, she had told him she had already gotten herself knocked up and now he was going to just leave in silence. She didn’t blame him, he was a stranger after all.

Green eyes had been staring at her paws in dismay when suddenly the lemming was dropped in front of her. Looking up in surprise Finley was shocked by his words. He knew about her situation and was offering to help her? Looking back down the food at her feet, stomach gurgling at the sight, she felt awash with emotions. Green eyes welled with tears, the happy kind, as she nodded silently.

Her voice was small when she finally spoke, ”You would let me come along, even though…even though I might slow you down? You don’t even know me.” Finley did not know that wolves like this even existed in the world. Sure, everyone in her family was nice enough, but they were always just trying to get by, they had never shown any kind of altruism to strangers.

A more logical wolf may have considered this might be a trick, but just like with Camden, Finley was showing her naive side. ”That’s, that’s really nice of you.” She didn’t even know what else to say, how to voice her appreciation.

Played by Cade who has 909 posts.
Paradise Falls I. Leader
Chan Eastfall
Her surprise was evident as she spoke toward the ground, Chan's split gaze watching her crown. Slow them down? A small smile appeared on his lips. As if they had any agenda to interfere with, and in the broader scheme of things, taking care of one another was what wolves were meant to do.

That’s, that’s really nice of you.

He stepped forward, moving with a measured gentleness to give her the choice of retreating from his touch. If allowed, he'd use his nose to lift Finley's chin.

"No one deserves to be alone, and everyone deserves a future. Go ahead and eat, then I'll bring ya to meet my friends."

Even if one could describe her pregnancy as an 'avoidable mistake,' it didn't change hers nor her children's worth. For himself, Gwen and Flair it meant extra warmth when at rest, another set of eyes watching for rival predators and another body to hunt prey. When the children came? A plan was already forming on how to best help Finley set herself up for success there, @Jethro's plan to form a pack of his own particularly coming to mind...

/ Fade
[Image: 5BdYuOb.png]