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Played by whoami who has 13 posts.
Inactive VIII. Subordinate
O O C | AW I guess? Also a join for Scully & Avella

speech, thoughts

They had made their trek through the marsh and had finally arrived at the ridge. Since @Avella was not currently present when they had arrived, Fabian did his best to keep up with @Scully showing him the territory in which he would be residing -- so long as he was officially accepted as one of them, anyway. He had enjoyed following the second in command around, as his humor kept him well-entertained for the two days they had to wait.

He was lying down under one of the largest willows that towered the area, licking his paws gently and watching the moon glisten in the sky. It was a clear night, one of the signs that the temperature would be warming soon and the prey would be coming back out. Fabian stopped, sighed, and rested his head on his feet. When will she get here? his mind wondered. It was evenings like this when his brain was going ninety to nothing and he couldn't will himself into slumber.

He stood up, lazily gaining his footing. It wasn't that he wasn't tired -- he just couldn't calm the thoughts long enough for him to close his eyes. He padded over to a clear opening adjacent to the den and stared at the moon. Fabian's hazel eyes glittered from the reflection of light upon them, his muscles relaxed and ears perked. A slight huff and a sigh left his muzzle. Patience was not his virtue.
(This post was last modified: Mar 21, 2022, 01:51 AM by Scully.)
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 231 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Scully Archer
Backdated to 3/15 after Avella's return. PP okayed by Kai.

When he'd gotten a moment to debrief her on what had occurred during Avella's absence, Fabian had quickly come up. His personality had so far held true to three days prior, meaning Scully was pretty sure he was as good a recruit as any. He voiced as much to his sister, describing the different ways he'd shown respect for the pack and otherwise portrayed himself as good-natured. It wasn't long after that they were on their way to the place Scully had last known the other man to be.

His silver eyes caught sight of Fabian not far from the communal cavern and he sent out a bark, attempting to gain the long-legged man's attention with Avella at his side. His time of judgment had come.
(This post was last modified: Mar 26, 2022, 08:17 PM by Scully.)
Played by whoami who has 13 posts.
Inactive VIII. Subordinate
O O C | AW I guess? Also a join for Scully & Avella

speech, thoughts

Just as soon as he was debating whether or not his joining of the pack would even be plausible at this point, a sharp bark immediately made his hairs stand on end. Although he was caught off guard, he recognized the tone in it to be Scully's. Relaxing, he turned around smoothly. It was her. She had arrived.

He padded over to the duo, head hung down out of respect, averting his eyes from the leader after he had concluded that it had to be her. He didn't know what he was supposed to say. He had never had to try to become a member of another pack other than the one his life began in.

He cleared his throat, black lips parting. "Took you long enough, huh?" he asked her cheekily, hoping that his joke would be well received. Humor always works... right?
Played by Kai who has 345 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Avella Archer
There were a few things to catch up on upon her return to the willows. One of those things was very pleasing to her. Scully had filled her in on the wolf he'd met while she'd been away. There had been a lot of information to take in but she'd heard everything her brother had said. It sounded like he'd made a good choice. Even more so she was happy to have more wolves join them.

As night fell Scully led her to the place where he said the other man would be. Trusting Scully she followed along until she could see a figure up ahead. Her head turned to look at her brother as he let out a bark to get the man's attention. It did and he closed the distance between them. Avella took notice of how he carried himself as he approached. The first words that slipped from Fabian's mouth could have been taken as disrespect and a glance was given to her brother. "Tell me about it," she returned mock exasperation in her tone. "Now Scully informs me you'd like to become part of Willow Ridge?"
Played by whoami who has 13 posts.
Inactive VIII. Subordinate
O O C |

speech, thoughts

Fabian listened to her speak, unsure if the camaraderie he had tried to impose on her had fallen short. He flattened his ears, smirked, and met her eyes with his. "My apologies if that was crude, " he began, the smirk going downward at the mention of it. "It was meant to humor you, not offend. I do wish to be part of a pack, " he trailed off, eyes wandering away from hers and surveying the area around them.

It was then when Fabian's vision settled on Avella's eyes once more, "That is, if I haven't screwed things up with the lot of you, yet. " This was him hoping she would be the forgiving type. He had been so damn alone, the words he wanted to use not coming to him as naturally as they once had. He had high hopes that he could make this up. "I'm not sure how joining one of these goes... I just know that it's better than being out there with no one to lean on. Haven't had that in a long time. "

The tall one stepped a few strides closer to the woman near him. "What is required of me to become an official member?" stopping just a few wolf lengths away from the pair. He hoped his softened demeanor would quell the issue. He had meant what he told them. Their home calmed him with the way it reminded him of his, a place that he had not seen for a year and a half.
Played by Kai who has 345 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Avella Archer
Avella glanced at her brother as Fabian began to apologize about what he'd said. She turned her attention back to him as he spoke of it being a humor to her and nothing else. She stepped forward and touched his cheek with her nose. "Relax. You haven't offended me in the least," she told him as she stepped back. "I am pleased to hear that you would like to be a part of our pack." A smile was across her features as further confirmation that she wasn't upset with him.

She remained attentive to the man as he went on to speak only to break in amd say, "You haven't screwed anything up." After all he had shown the respect that she expected but as she'd told Hagar she wasn't one of those stuffy leaders, she knew how to take a joke. Her head tilted to one side as he spoke of his experience being a loner. "I am quite familiar with the life of a loner so I understand you feelings completely." She was all too familiar with it. Her time by herself was something she wouldn't ever forget.

After that he dove into what was required of him to be within the pack. Avella's smile widened a little. "Not much," she told him, "We ask that you are truthful and loyal amd that you don't steal from the pack. Do your duties and should you decide to leave you speak with me first." It was simple and expectations she didn't think would be difficult for any wolf. Avella liked to think of herself as a fair leader so her request was fair to her.
Played by whoami who has 13 posts.
Inactive VIII. Subordinate
O O C |

speech, thoughts

The tip of Avella's nose grazed his cheek, and his eyes widened at that. It was chilly out here, but, her nose was warm to the touch. He relaxed, a smile covering his face. That had been the first time in years he had someone even touch him in the slightest. Contact was something Fabian had forgotten. She reassured him that she knew all too well what being on her own was like, and his respect for her furthered.

She laid out the details of being within the pack, and he nodded as she spoke, watching the twinkle of her eyes underneath the moonlight. "I think that could be manageable, " he chimed after she had finished. He sat down, still a few inches taller than the ones before him. You really do have a beautiful home here, " he complimented, his head turning to motion around them. "My name is Fabian, " he doubled back, remembering that his smart assedness had completely distracted him from introducing himself properly in the beginning.
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 231 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Scully Archer
Fabien appeared to display new anxieties in the presence of an alpha, earning a smirk from Scully as he watched with mild amusement. Avella, as usual, took it all in stride and calmly attempted to allay his concerns. She laid out the ground rules, and legs agreed, which was all very much expected. As the man claimed, what other options did he have? He was right, their home was damn beautiful and offered him everything he could want to sate his basic needs. Walking away would've been stupid, unless his words had been lies.

Scully gave his coat a shake to fluff it, then moved forward to sit at the other man's side, giving him a playful bump with his hip first before reclining. His silver-dollar eyes then focused on Avella, waiting for her to give that final stamp of approval she had the others.
Played by Kai who has 345 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Avella Archer
Avella was quick to let Fabian know that there wasn't any reason to nervous with her. She felt that maybe letting him know she understood what it was like to be alone might help him. He seemed to be calmed by her words and the touch of her nose. That was good then they good move on to the important stuff like what was expected of him.

The Ridge leader laid it all out for him in a tone that made it clear these rules were meant to be followed. "I'm glad to hear you say that," she said with a smile across her masked features. "You must also understand there will be consequences should they be broken." What those were she didn't know for the punishment must fit the crime. Scully had moved to the man's side she supposed to wait for what came next. "Welcome to Willow Ridge. If Scully hasn't shown you to the communal den we would be glad to do that once we are finished here." She couldn't help the widening of her smile when he complimented their home. "Thank you, it is quite beautiful and much more so once spring has fully arrived." In Avella's opinion maybe the most beautiful place though she might be a little biased. "It's a pleasure to meet you Fabian. I am glad you found us."
Played by whoami who has 13 posts.
Inactive VIII. Subordinate
O O C |

speech, thoughts

He nodded at her mention of consequences, something he knew was not to be taken lightly. "Oh, yes, of course, " he affirmed to her, shaking his head. He wasn't much of a rule breaker, definitely not like his sister was. It was the least he could do, though, if he wanted to have a safe home. "What's the point of being in a family, if all you're going to do is betray them?" he added.

He returned Scully's hip bump with his paw, nudging the other man's shoulder playfully. Turning his attention back to Avella, he gave a sigh of relief as she welcomed him. She made mention of showing him the communal den, which, he had respectfully decided to wait on venturing into until he was an official member.

"My deepest thanks, Avella " he expressed to her, ears flattening and tail wagging softly. He looked at Scully, eyes gleaming. And thank you for bringing me here. I would love to see the den, " he gushed.

"The feeling's mutual, miss Avella. I will serve you to the best of my abilities, " he said, large body standing so that he could bow his head in respect to her. With that, he cut his eyes to Scully once more, the smile on his features still not fading. "Whatcha say, ready to finish the tour?" he asked the male beside him.

// fade, continue the den stuff in next thread c: