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Don't mind me — Dead Empress Backwater 
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Played by Kai who has 286 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sharlee Valle
Sharlee waited to hear how Vi would answer her question. This was the most important one for her. It would determine so much in regards to her future decisions. Then he said that it was something that he would come to her about. She resisted the urge to scoff, now was probably not the best time to be coming to her with such a query. She would be the first to admit it. Instead she went with a thoughtful, "I see. Then I should probably figure out what advice I would give in just such a situation."

He went on to talk about his further thoughts on the matter which told her the one thing she needed to know. While Vi had made it clear that there was a chance for her. The only case where she would be able to have a litter of her own was if Vi or Vayko would give up theirs. Without Vi Saying it Sharlee guessed he wouldn't be giving up his opportunity. As for Vayko she doubted he would give up his first chance. Vi's question told her that something was going on. "I haven't been around much to be honest but it sounds like my brother took my advice."

She was rather proud of Vayko for doing what she'd told him instead of sitting around wondering. However, it seemed that maybe her time with the wolves of the Backwater, her family, might very well be over.
Played by Ghost who has 669 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle

Viorel grinned at her thoughtful response, unaware of what was going on internally for her, ”I would certainly appreciate that.” After all, he had literally not the slightest of ideas what he would do if that situation was to arise. Then he shrugged, ”To be honest though, things change so quickly around here. Vanadis and I debated if we would have a litter this year, and I would not be opposed to giving my litter to someone else next year if I knew someone was interested.” But, that had not happened this year, and he and Vanadis had decided to have more children.

The next statement floor him. Viorel blinked hard once, twice, three times, his face frozen in a comical look of confusion. Swallowing, ”You, um, you suggested that they get together?” Why would she do such a thing? Like, he was fine with it he thought, but why would she encourage that to happen? If it had happened naturally and their emotions developed that would be one thing, but to encourage everything to get messy seemed reckless. Why tempt fate to destroy their murky family dynamics?

He would wait for her answer, but this development made him tenser than anything she had said so far.

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]
Played by Kai who has 286 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sharlee Valle
Sharlee would do as she said she would but it would have to wait. Even she knew she wasn't in any mind space to come up with the best advice. "I can come to you when have more of an idea," she offered. When that would be she didn't know though she doubted that advice would be needed any time soon.

What he spoke of next angered her a little more than she already was with the whole situation. She'd had no idea and if she had known they had been debating it then maybe she would have asked. She hadn't and now she was in this position. "It might be a good idea to make that known next year," she stated trying to keep her tone calm.

The conversation had turned to her brother and Clover. Sharlee didn't really know what had happened after she'd spoken with Vayko about the medic. It was clear that Viorel was rather surprised or startled by her Confession though she wasn't sure which. "He expressed that he liked her so I told him that he needed to find out how she felt. I encouraged him to talk with her because for all he knew she might feel the same." She didn't really see why Vi would react the way he had to what she'd said to her brother.
Played by Ghost who has 669 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle

At first the leader was confused, and his brow furrowed over yellow eyes at her word, and the slight glint in her tone. It took a while for the gears to start turning in his head, ”Well, I mean I could but you and Clover are the only girls in the pack who could breed and if Clover is with Vayk…” Suddenly realization brightened his eyes, and a flush crept up his neck about how long this had all taken him. He didn’t even finish Vayko’s name.

The whole topic of Vayko and Clover was entirely forgotten.

Trying to be as soft as possible, he continued, ”Sharlee, are you asking all of these questions for you? Or is this all some big hypothetical?” Suddenly everything made so much more sense, and he could not believe how dense he had been about the whole thing. Guilt twisted his belly as Viorel thought how obnoxious he and Vanadis had been being, and that Vayko was not even using his litter.

How stupid could he be? He had no idea that this was something his cousin, and advisor was even interested in. She had never shown any romantic interest in anyone, was this something that she wanted to do all on her own?

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]
Played by Kai who has 286 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sharlee Valle
Vi had spoke of him and Vanadis maybe not having a litter next year. Thinking perhaps her cousin had not thought about it she decided to point out about making it clear. At first it sound as though he didn't exactly agree with her but when he stopped right in the middle of her brothers name she looked at him. Her features took on a confused expression. She didn't understand why he'd stopped mid sentence.

The way his tone changed as if she was something fragile really caught the tawny woman's attention. Her head tiled to the side as he spoke. Then the question came causing her eyes to widen slightly and she looked away. She'd given herself up and he'd figured it out. She didn't know of she should be happy that she it was him asking or not. What she did know was that she couldn't lie to him.

She sighed before looking back at him, "Its not a hypothetical Vi these questions are for me," she admitted quietly.
Played by Ghost who has 669 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle

A bright smile spread across his face as soon as Sharlee spoke, even though she seemed to be looking away as if she were embarrassed. He waited for her to look back before he spoke, ”Well shit Sharlee, you could have said something! I would be happy to give up my litter next year if that’s what you want.” His smile softened, and his whole attitude became a little bit less brassen.

Sitting down he looked his tawny cousin over, ”You know you can talk to me about this stuff right? As much as you’re my advisor you’re also my family and I want to be there just as much for you as you are for me.” He paused for a moment, trying to gauge whether or not his message was getting through to her before adding one final statement. Words firm, but kind he finished with, ”And for what it’s worth, I think you’re going to make a great mom.” Although the father had learned the hard way the last few months that parenting was not as easy as he thought it was going to be.

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]
Played by Kai who has 286 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sharlee Valle
She'd admitted it, the one thing she'd planned to keep to herself at least for the time being was out there. She didn't really see how it would do any good to say anything now. Her window was gone for another year. She woukd have to wait another year before she could have what she truly wanted. After she'd admitted to Vi that she wasn't asking just to ask she finally looked back at him. Her eyes widened in surprise by his words. "I thought you and Vayko would both be having a litter this year and that being in the position that I'm in it wouldn't matter," she also admitted, "But you'd really give up your litter next year for me?" She asked in disbelief.

This this truly was a surprise and then Vi went on to tell her she could talk to him about this kind of stuff. She shook her head, "I know we're family Vi but I don't know. I guess I've just never felt that I could. I mean it's my job as your cousin and advisor to be there when you need to talk. You're the leader and with your pups and Vana and the whole pack to worry about I suppose I just didn't want to burden you with my problems too." Maybe she'd been stupid to think such things but she hadn't ever felt right adding to his worries.

She met his eyes at the compliment that he offered her about being a mom. "Thank you Vi that means a lot especially after what happened with Eros. I feel that I'm ready for the challenge now though." It was something that had taken up a lot of her thoughts lately and it was what she really wanted.
Played by Ghost who has 669 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle
I'm good to end this here, or fade in your next post!

It may have taken him a while, but the Valle man was happy that they had had this conversation and gotten down to the root of the issue. Jokingly he teased, ”Well don’t go getting yourself kicked out of the pack or anything,” then he sobered up, ”of course I would be happy to give my litter to you, after talking with Vanadis of course.” He couldn’t make this decision alone, but he could not see that she would have a problem with the idea.

Viorel moved forward, and pressed his forehead against his cousin’s cheek. A soft, affection gesture that was not the most in character for the pair, but one that he felt was needed in this moment. Pulling back he shook his head, ”You can always come to me with your worries, whether you think I am busy or not. This pack is here to support our family and keep everyone happy and safe, and we can’t do that if something is eating away at us. Look at what happened with Modesto.” Maybe things could have been different if things were more open and constructive rather than festering.

He wished he could stay longer, but he knew he needed to get back to his mate. Apologetically he offered, ”I should be getting back to Vanadis….” Before he had to take off, disappearing back towards where he had last seen her.

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]
Played by Kai who has 286 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sharlee Valle
Sharlee had been surprised that Vi would offer her his litter in the coming year. She smiled briefly when he made his joke, "You don't have to worry about that," she said only half joking. She was serious because she never had any intentions of doing anything that would get her kicked out. "Of course, I understand," she added when he spoke of having to talk to Vanadis.

She leaned into the affection that he gave her. Though it wasn't their usual type of interaction. She welcomed it this time. Maybe she'd been wrong about things. Vi even went in to assure her that she could come to him when she needed to talk. "Thanks Vi, I try to remember that next time somethings bothering me." She would have to do better in the future cause she knew Vi was right. They couldn't all be happy if something was bothering one of them.

She nodded when he said he needed to get back to his wife. "I should get some rest," she said before heading off to her den.

(This post was last modified: Sep 01, 2022, 03:15 AM by Sharlee.)