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alliance building — Fool's Gold Chasm 
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Played by Molo who has 154 posts.
Inactive No Rank
The woman did not speak much more, beyond simply guiding him toward Leviticus would presumably be found. And Alarick found himself content with that, heeding her directions and proceeding accordingly. He had done his job satisfactorily, he felt. Avella, herself, could attempt further outreach. Perhaps if Avella actually had the opportunity to speak with the unnamed woman, she would have a better shot at gaining ground and earning some level of respect.

It was certainly quite a relief, though, to detect the presence of his friend amongst all of this, and when they found him, it was even nicer to see a friendlier, familiar face. With one more grateful nod and a soft, ”thank you,” to his escort, Alarick sauntered towards his friend. He did not offer a greeting beyond simply a nod at first though, preferring to wait until the other had left their vicinity to actually speak.

--apologies for the wait on this one. Haven’t been feeling Al lately :s
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 187 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leviticus Armstead
Leviticus had heard the song beckoning the pack's leadership from fringes of their territory, and something about the timber of it had struck him as familiar. Still, he didn't place it as Alarick until the man appeared with Woya marching behind almost as though he were her prisoner. Levi couldn't help but scoff with amusement at the scene, and gladly relieved his newest alpha of escorting their visitor.

"Al!" he greeted cheerfully as soon as able, moving to give the other wolf a brief but friendly hug with his long tawny neck.

"I'm so glad to see you! How have you been?"

It was of course easy to recall their last discussion, and he hoped that his friend came bearing good news. He certainly didn't look as ragged as he had before, and that in itself was something to celebrate.
(This post was last modified: Aug 29, 2022, 04:35 AM by Leviticus.)
[Image: qfzMxz5.png]
Played by Molo who has 154 posts.
Inactive No Rank
It was more relieving than he liked to admit, to have that woman gone. Though a rare occurrence so far, she was someone he would not be disappointed if he did not see again. Levi’s cheer was quite a welcome change, from that, though.

Had it been his friend he had met first, Alarick would have likely been far more emotive, outwardly. As it were though, he only tentatively leaned into the embrace of the other, breathing out a soft huff of relief, hoping to put that less than satisfactory conversation out of mind. At least for now.

”I am glad to see you, too,” the former hunter breathed, the sentiment all the more sincere now. With a breath and a wry smile, Al gave his friend a quick once over, pleased to find that he, too, still looked in good condition. And even more pleased, now, to finally focus on positive things. ”I am doing better. I think.. that I have finally found a home, across the mountains. With another group. Willow Ridge, if you have heard of it?”
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 187 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leviticus Armstead
Leviticus couldn't help but giggle at Alarick's initial claim, fairly certain he knew why the other man was so relieved. Woya's disposition wasn't something that could be helped, so he was thankful to be adapting to it. Maybe his friend eventually would as well, if there were enough visits between them. Over the mountains. That was where he'd come from himself, that wasn't so far, right?

His tail continued to wag happily behind him.

"I haven't, but that's wonderful! How far away is it, do you need to eat, rest?"

He could likely ask a hundred questions, but wanted to see to his friend's comfort first.
[Image: qfzMxz5.png]
Played by Molo who has 154 posts.
Inactive No Rank
That was wonderful, Levi professed, despite not having heard of Willow Ridge as of yet. And it truly was, in comparison to where Al had been as of their last meeting. A part of him wished their homes were closer, so that he might be able to visit more often, but at least he knew where to find his friend, now. That was all that really mattered.

The other posed a few questions, the latter two prompting Alarick to offer him a sheepish sort of smile. ”The ridge is maybe.. three days away? If you are not in a rush. I could not accept food and inconvenience you or the pack. But, an opportunity to rest would be nice.”

Though he had not exactly rushed, the journey had been a lengthy one, so an opportunity to rest for a day with or near a friend would be more welcome than doing so alone.
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 187 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leviticus Armstead
Three days. Could be shorter, but it really wasn't all that bad in the grand scheme of things! Levi's tail continued to wag until his companion's following answer caused the gesture to slow. Well, that wouldn't do. He was sure Alarick had thought to eat before setting out, but travel was hard work! It wouldn't hurt for him to top off. Levi shook his head, but the smile was still in place upon his muzzle.

"You're never an inconvenience," he told him confidently, before tipping his muzzle in a nonverbal request to be followed. He would happily lead the way to the infirmary, where things were just a little more his and they could be assured to have a peace to catch up.

"I caught some rabbits just the other day, had one stored for the afternoon anyways..."

He would continue conversating happily with his friend as they trailed deeper into the Chasm's territory.

Good to archive at any point. <3
(This post was last modified: Oct 05, 2022, 03:57 AM by Leviticus.)
[Image: qfzMxz5.png]
Played by Molo who has 154 posts.
Inactive No Rank
According to the other, Al was apparently not an inconvenience. That put that little issue to rest then, and meant Levi’s kind offer of rabbits was not something he would turn down a second time. That would be impolite, and it was important not to be viewed as such. Besides a snack did sound nice. Even more so when it would lead to more time spent with a friend. That was a two-for-one deal the former hunter supposed he would be foolish as well as rude to pass up.

”Very well then, lead on,” Alarick acquiesced, content to follow the other. Even more so to enjoy a decent conversation.

-archiving here! gonna miss this