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decade — Empress Riffle 
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Played by Kai who has 286 posts.
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Sharlee Valle
Her song lasted for a long few minutes, in the distance she could hear her cousin join her. I beat later Archer had joined in the sad song with them. It was the best send off she knew besides what was left to do, Sharlee didn't want to consider it despite it needed to be done.

Sharlee was so caught up in the loss that they had suffered that she hadn't noticed Vi leave them. Everything around her seemed to be muffled as the tawny woman settled in against her grandmother, resting her head across her chest. For a moment she closed her eyes until she heard her brother say her name.

Archer had brought up the one thing Sharlee didn't want to talk about. Once Katna was in the ground it would all be final. While she laid there the Valle woman could pretend that she was asleep. Vayko had also suggested a place but it was him asking her to help that brought her back to the conversation. "I'll help," she told, "And then after maybe we can put some flowers there." A remberance of their matriarch and the woman they all loved so much.