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Played by Tasha who has 20 posts.
Inactive VIII. Yearling
Geminia Lupine

Gem felt… awkward. She felt she didn’t really know what else to say. She offered up the fact that she looked after Woya, bringing her extra food and whatever she mind need. Gem offered a nod to that. She could handle such a task; she was a fairly gifted hunter when it came to small prey, so she could take down some extras in order to ensure Woya had enough to get her by.

And with that, the girl was stating she needed to leave. Geminia nodded. “It was good to meet you too… safe travel, Enera.” Geminia would be there when she returned; she had no intentions of going anywhere, especially since it seemed like the pack needed her help. They were fractured from the loss of their packmate, Enera’s mother, and all that could be done was to be there for them through this time.

She would head off with the new plans: finding food for the alpha female taking care of not one but two broods of children.