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now someone understand me — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by Ghost who has 235 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Finley Lennox Kane

It was gettign darker all around them and maybe that was why the mother felt like it was easier to open up. Here with the dim lighting and in close quarters but no one around to judge them it felt like she could say anything. She shouldn’t have done it, but Finley pressed her shoulder back up against the man’s and this time she also took a moment to press her forehead against his cheek. It felt nice to have such close contact, even though it was was wrong. She whispered, ”I never told anyone else any of that before. But, it feels good to tell you.” Then she pulled away, turning to watch the sun finally dip below the horizon.

The world around them was bathed in the blue that came in the minutes after sunset. Finley couldn’t help but see the conflict on her companions face as he looked out over the expanse in front of him. What he said took her by surprise and it was clear on her expression, but it also left a hopeful flutter in her belly. One she tried to suppress. She looked at him intently, ”It’s not bad. Not so long as it’s what you want, and that she knows your arrangement isn’t…romantic.” Then she followed up quietly, ”but if it’s not what you want, you do have other options….” She felt like she couldnt breath, waiting for him to respond.

Played by Molo who has 474 posts.
Inactive XII. Subordinate
Jethrᴏ Kane
She was back, closer, pressing against his side. It felt nice, but somehow.. wrong, too. But was it? Was it wrong to enjoy someone’s company, to share stories, to bond? Finley professed that she’d never told anyone what she’d told him, but that it felt good. Where was the harm in that?

”Am glad,” he murmured. Taking in a breath and deciding to relish the touch and embrace, to lean into it. Especially as the sun set below the horizon, and darkness took over.  ”Will never breathe a word of it to anyone, either.” That secret would stay here in the darkness, never to be spoken of to anyone except between each of them, as this moment likely would.

Fin professed that it wasn’t bad, as long as Siyet knew. And that was the question. Did she? But if it wasn’t what he wanted, he had other options..

”Never told her I loved her. But I think.. she believes I do. I care very deeply for her, just.. it doesn’t feel like it is what it should be, or.. what she wants.” In a way, Jet supposed that was deceiving her. It wasn’t fair to her for him to let her believe he felt something that he didn’t.

”But I gave her my word. Can’t go back on that. Unless I tell her the truth, an’ she changes her mind.. this.. we can’t be. Not now. Not yet, anyway. That isn’t an image I think either of us would want..” not in front of their friends and pack. Or for the future. But at the same time, he didn’t want to close the door on whatever this was completely.
Played by Ghost who has 235 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Finley Lennox Kane
Feel free to fade on your next post!

The mother felt her leader lean into her touch and for a long moment she thought everything might be okay. The quiet moment of intimacy, whisper words and shared secrets, confessing even their deepest fears. She asked with baited breath, ”And do you think this could be what it should be?” She regretted asking when she heard what Jethro had to say next.

Finley’s whole body stiffened in reaction. Her mind flooded with the images of waking up alone last spring her suitor nowhere to be found, Chan’s rejection, all of it had been for the best but it didn’t feel good now. This stung. She had put herself out there in a way she had never imagined doing and now she was once away turned down, a second choice.

She got to her paws suddenly, not wanting the man to see her upset, though it was obvious. She gave him one last look and asked, ”is it not what you want, or is it not what others want from you?” That had been what all of this had been about, wasn’t it? What had brought them both here. Her words weren’t cold or thrown in a way meant to hurt, but genuine. She wanted to know. She would wait to hear the answer, and then she would leave. She needed to be home.

Played by Molo who has 474 posts.
Inactive XII. Subordinate
Jethrᴏ Kane
Did he think this could be what it should be? That.. was a good question. ”Maybe.” It was all he could say. This was new, and it was intriguing. Jet had never felt like this for anyone, but he didn’t know, not for sure. But it definitely could not be if it was done like this. In secret, behind the backs of others.

And now Finley was stiffening. Rising, moving away. She was hurt, too, as Siyet would’ve been. As she probably would be, yet. Now there was remorse, regret, more guilt even. How deep had her feelings been?

But at least it hadn’t gone too far, and his company didn’t leave. She asked another question. One that was both easy and incredibly challenging to answer. Jethro rose, but did not approach, and forced his gaze to remain level with Finley. She was hurting, and he too. The truth needed said, though.

”It’s not what I want anyone to see from me. A leader that goes back on his word, and sneaks off with someone else. No matter how he feels about her.. ” that wasn’t someone that would be worth following, in his opinion. He hoped Finley felt the same. Because to lose her, over this.. wasn’t something he wanted.

--ik you said to fade, but ill leave it up to you. Just in case you/Fin feels compelled to write more.
Played by Ghost who has 235 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Finley Lennox Kane

Maybe felt like an honest answer to the Lennox woman, who would agree. Up until today she had been trying to smother the possible romantic feelings she had been having for Jethro. There was no way to jump from that into absolute certainty, but it also didn’t feel like nothing either. But, they did not have the luxury to explore where this would be going, not with Siyet thinking that he was in love with her.

Hurt was still clear on her expression, but so was understanding. She nodded once, ”Okay.” What else was there left to say really? Until he figured out who he wanted there was nothing that could be done here. Besides, being someone’s second best was better than being no one’s anything, Finley could live with that.

Forcing her maw back into a pleasantly neutral expression she gestured with her muzzle, ”We should be getting back.” Then she started walking, ready to travel together and speak as much or as little as Jethro wanted. It would be like nothing ever happened until he decided.

FADE! We will probably need an updated thread once Jethro figures out what is happening with Siyet!