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i can do bad all by myself — Dead Empress Backwater 
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Played by Cade who has 121 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater IV. Second
Asmund Ingerssen Valle
The boy continued to appear thoughtful, easy-going. Maybe if all the Cove pups were like this, things wouldn't be so bad during their visit. Still, his fear was just as hard to shake as ever. He wriggled the rest of himself out into the open, but he never stopped slinking, his tail tucked so flatly against his stomach it almost looked like he didn't have one at all. Every sound made his ears swivel and his eyes snap to attention, always ready to dart into cover should something go awry.

"Follow me," he couldn't help but whisper, and then he was off. By the time he'd gotten Matos where the other boy wanted to go, his threshold for daredeviling would be met and he would barely squeak out a goodbye before vanishing once more amongst the snow and forest debris.