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She doesn't even go here — Laurel Thicket 
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Played by Winter who has 65 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iseldir Archer
The young Arher's fears remained murky and nebulous as he sniffed at the air, listening. He didn't know? A thoughtful frown etched itself onto Izzy's features despite the sense of fear, that only made things more confusing. The thicket remained almost stubbornly quiet, the seconds ticking by only adding to the sense of suspense, as if any moment something could come crashing through and bring it all crashing down.

" 's okay," Izzy murmured, sounding unconvincing even to himself. He couldn't always give the answers others wanted of him, either.

"Ya," he nodded swiftly, that was something he could answer. They could go do mum and dad for help, they'd know what to do. An animated nod of his head indicated the direction of the willows, and that they weren't close but not too far either. Hopefully. He raised a paw, taking a halting step.

The only question was if they should run for it, or try to sneak back to safety without being noticed by whatever was after the other pup?
Played by Cade who has 121 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater IV. Second
Asmund Ingerssen Valle
All he got was a ya and that made him hesitate, because what exactly was he saying yes to? The mom part or the dad part? Or did he have both, like @Archer and Eros used to? It mattered to Asmund but, he also saw that the other child was ready to move and the thought of acting rather than just waiting to be found was highly appealing in the moment.

Iseldir may have been unsure, but Az knew exactly how he was making it from here to there. He took a deep breath, readied his muscles and looked to make eye contact with the other chocolate-dipped pup. When he felt they were both ready, Asmund would burst forward like a shot, taking off at a dead run. He would be depending on his agemate to take up the lead and hopefully they would be home safe before they knew it... and before those great big jaws could catch them.