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2023 Lottery results & LP Update
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First of all thank you so much everyone who joined us on lottery night! Cade, Tasha and I had a lot of fun rolling and hope you all had a good time watching. Without further ado here are the results!

2023 Lottery Night Results


Clover & Vayko - rolled a maximum of four cubs to be born May 17th
Flair & Chan - rolled a maximum of two cubs to be born May 20th


Finley & Jethro - rolled a maximum of one cub to be born May 11th
Aquene & Nash - rolled a maximum of two cubs to be born May 16th
Kateri & Archer (now loners) - rolled a maximum of three cubs to be born May 18th
Sharlee & Reade - rolled a maximum of three cubs to be born May 18th
Woya & Adelard - rolled a maximum of three cubs to be born May 28th


This year we had two winners of the lottery. All loner litters have a maximum of one cub!
Isome & Spartan's cub to be born May 8th, Winter has also chosen to use the +1 pup won in the halloween content for this litter. So this will be two cubs instead of one!
Niamh & Hagar's cub to be born May 27th


Congratulations to all of our winners! We ask that all couples that were awarded a litter to please send their litter information to the Spirit of Wildwood account, including cub names, appearances, and any other information that is preferred we share. To see an example of what the completed adoption post looks like, you can view an example template here. Once everyone has submitted their information, the cubs of 2023 will be posted in a special thread for adoption all at once.
Here is a handy-dandy calender!

Life Point Update

Just a small update to our Random Event life points! Staff have added an additional category for claiming global RE life points. You may notice some global events reflect all of Relic Lore but also have a certain location tagged as having better/worse luck with it. It you complete the RE within that territory or its sub territories you're eligible for an extra 5 life points in comparison to the regular RE points.

For example.
If you do "A severe thunderstorm over the Lore brings hail. It is biggest over Whisper Marsh, almost the size of bullfrogs!" In Daybreak Peaks you can claim
+15 Complete a Random Event.
Completed a thread themed around a "Random Event". The list of current Random Events can be found here. Threads must be completed in order to claim points.

But if you did it in Whisper Marsh maybe you could claim
+20 Complete a global Random Event in a tagged area.
Completed a thread themed around a "Random Event" in the area described in the prompt (ie. the prompt mentions Whisper Marsh and the thread is located in Whisper Marsh or one of its sub territories). The list of current Random Events can be found here. Threads must be completed in order to claim points.