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In the Morning — Dragonveil Fold 
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Played by WildFlower who has 58 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sonnet trodded forth with her ears pressed back and tail snug against her belly. She was alone, wasn't she? She didn't want to be alone out here! She started to imagine all the scary creatures that could come and snatch her up. Her little heart quickened. Then just as she moved to step alongside a tree there was a monster! She jumped up in the air with a howling scream, her hackles raised. Without pausing to realize it was merely her sister she turned tail and ran in the direction of home. All the while yipping and barking shrilly.
[Image: 7Afz1Ny.png]Tonight we make our dreams come true
**Sonnet hasn't spoken since losing her family.
Played by Molo who has 48 posts.
Inactive Pup
The plan had worked, and far better than the girl could have ever imagined it would. In fact, she dared to think it had been flawless. Sonnet jumped, a shrill screech escaping her, and then promptly turned on her heels to run as fast as her little body would carry her.

Pan hadn’t meant to physically hurt her sister earlier, but this? Well, it was rather funny.

The girl couldn’t help but to laugh, before striking a little victory pose and beginning what felt like a rather accomplished trek back home, head held high. While she’d finally accomplished that independence she had wanted, all of the running had been tiresome. A nap sounded nice, now.
