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no grave can hold me — Paradise Falls 
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Played by Cade who has 80 posts.
Paradise Falls III. Second
Marigold Tanga

The sound of it sent a flood of adrenaline through her. Where were her siblings, @Flair, the other children? Would they all go directly to the call? What if the danger got them first, because she ran for Dad instead of checking on their vulnerable first? The indecision tore at her even after she'd chosen, flying over the ground to reach where the howl had sourced from.

Adelard was on the ground, bloodied but explaining, and she tried to make sense of what words she managed to catch. A frown pulled deeply at the corners of her mouth, stormy gray eyes glinting like sharpened steel as she looked to her father. Micaden and his mother's absence prodded and poked at her incessantly.

Were they under attack? If so, they had to be found. Marigold couldn't imagine any other priority for herself.
Played by Cade who has 5 posts.
Paradise Falls Pup
Constantin Valle
Tin had never heard a call so commanding from the pack's alpha before. He had been happily chewing away at a bone when it reached them, Nadine rose, said she'd look into it, and something about the way she went about it made him feel like maybe it didn't really concern them. At least, not yet. Not unless she reported back otherwise, he supposed. Oh well. Mom would get them going if it was really needed.

He settled back into what he'd been working on before, easily shrugging away any unease the event had caused.
Played by Cade who has 913 posts.
Paradise Falls I. Leader
Chan Eastfall
Chan diligently tracked rollcall in his head with each face that appeared. They couldn't all teleport to him, but it was still agony to wait. What if someone got left behind, made even more vulnerable by the pack gathering here, what if someone else was attacked too?

"Wait, please," he answered to Nadine, dual gaze settling on her a moment while his muzzle bobbed once up and down. They would indeed be proactive, but more information from Adelard was needed first, and it certainly would be more than just pairs when the gathered group next broke up. They could be dealing with multiple aggressors, and so needed to prepare accordingly.

Chan, Lyall...

He moved to step closer, ears pressing forward to catch every word, but suddenly the russet face of his own child filled his vision and blocked his path. Addy had indeed settled directly in front of him, clearly oblivious to what might be inconvenient or even inconsiderate about their actions. Something he'd grown well used to and did not find off-putting in the least bit. He simply lifted his head higher then settled it heavily upon Addy's crown while leaning forward, tucking them against his chest and regaining focus on Ad.

Who, very thankfully, was apparently uninjured. The scales had not tipped with this news, however. Things were still bad, and he couldn't help but think of what had happened to Flair before... what they had lost because of one wolf's petty grudge.

"Did he smell of anyone else, could you tell?"

He spoke around the others best he could, trying not to be an impediment on Adelard's care, but swiftly came to feel that sharing his thinking with the group would be the most efficient way to move forward. He lifted his head and raised his voice a touch.

"We cannot let anyone else get ambushed the same way. We have to act as though there might be multiple unfriendlies out there. We have to act as a pack."

It would take a touch more time, but if it meant avoiding catastrophe, it was worth it. As much as he wanted to run out himself to find and rescue Towser, as leader, he couldn't just consider one wolf above the rest.

"We'll get Adelard and Riven to the infirmary, and have the children and their parents gathered there as well. Half the pack will stay to protect them and each other. The other half will move out to find and rescue Towser."

A lot of this can happen off-screen if/as you guys prefer. Unfortunately the Towser party cannot be successful, but a valiant attempt will have been made! Of my characters, Chan, Atara and Marigold will be going with the Towser party, and Addy, Ryder and Tin will be staying at the infirmary.
(This post was last modified: Sep 16, 2024, 05:24 PM by Atara.)
[Image: 5BdYuOb.png]
Played by Cade who has 53 posts.
Paradise Falls IX. Yearling
Atara Kane
As others filtered in but her mother didn't, Atara couldn't help but dread; what if @Finley hadn't heard the call? Her heart was hammering within her chest as she watched the forest, still and dark and almost mockingly empty. What if they came from behind? What if Adelard was a distraction? Her legs shook with the desire to change course, but she forced herself to keep her guard.

Chan's insistence on acting as a group helped a little. He wouldn't let her mother be left behind or forgotten, right? Still, what about this moment?

Maybe that was why Ryder and @Indigo and @Hazelnut had not appeared either. Maybe they were fetching Finley first. Or... maybe they were the ones in trouble... or, maybe everyone was in danger...
(This post was last modified: Sep 16, 2024, 05:47 PM by Ryder.)
Played by Tasha who has 74 posts.
Paradise Falls VIII. Subordinate
Nadine Daireann
Left Nadine's a little vague to do more of an 'off screen' but can pivot if we decide otherwise

give me your heart
and i'll give you my soul
to just feel a little piece of heaven

Her heart nearly burst in her chest as Chan asked her to weight. Her paws twitched and as did her maw but true to the command she’d remain rooted in place, her eyes tracking him as if waiting for the word of his release to launch towards the direction her paws pulled her. It unnerved her to know such a thing could happen so close to them, and to one of their own. Her heart ached uncomfortably, wondering for the first time in a few months whether or not Lillia was okay… or if perhaps this clearly murderous individual was after her too.

Her shoulders rolled back and the fur bristled along her spine as he spoke of acting as a pack, though the vigorous nod she offered showed it was in agreeance with his orders. They would hunt this creature or wolf just as they did prey: together. And they would succeed. Perhaps she’d even take the pelt as a form of atonement. Cyran’s pack had done that…

“Let’s go.” She offered to show she was ready.