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Fear of the Wrath — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Namara who has 438 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Shade Slayer
http://i1081.photobucket.com/albums/j347/holdbacktherain/sets/shadetable.png) bottom center no-repeat; background-color: #c7b49b;">
Shade walked towards the pack, the newly named Rosealia Slayer with him. He was in fear of the wrath that Elettra might bring if he were to step out of line. But his face kept strait, his eyes they're chocolate brown as normal, compared to the firey depths he showed when he was afraid, or even scared, or angry. He kept the strait face for Rose. Elettra would have to deal with it! <b style="color:#8e989d">"I'm not sure if we should bring some food back, it sounds like a good idea to help the news set in with Elettra." He said calmly.

Shade's and Rose's fates were combined now. Shade was born to an unknown line of Lone Wolves. The Slayer wolves. His father ruthless, crueld and mean. When he started training Shade and his sister Shadowstorm how to survive the cold world. He used his first lesson: Packs are weak, bottomfeeding losers that couldn't take care of themselves, so they hung together and shared food. He told Shade never to join a pack. Shade was an idealistic child. He had reason and said that wolves would be stronger in numbers. His father attacked him, leaving no permenant scars, but the emotional trama to get it stuck into his head. This went on for a year or so, his mother kept begging his father to stop, claiming they were children, they didn't know better. It got worse as it happened. His father started to beat her too. It was gruesome to watch. He was out on a final hunting assignment. Returned early with two hares for the family. He came to the sight of his parents fighting a group of two or three lone wolves. Out of fright, he ran for his life. Hoping his sister made it out alive too, he began to search for her. He searched everywhere far and wide for a long 4 years. He finally came and arrived here, in Relic Lore. Here he met the beautiful Rosealia who Born an only little girl, Gabby would've been set up for a perfect life if her mother hadn't gone mad. But she did and eventually ran away when her father, Claude, couldn't keep her mother sane or quiet. Her father took care of her until he taught her to hunt, and when she asked where mommy was, he would tell her "far away." She also had an aunt named Venus who substituted for her mother by teaching her how to dig dens and track rabbits the way she was built. Her aunt taught her to lie and hide in the darkness, but her father made sure his sister, Venus didn't teach her any more of that. Venus also had four little pups, named Maddie, Boa, Blake, and Serpentine. They were her cousins, two years younger than her and quite obnoxious little cubs. They caused constant trouble in her life, pranking and such. After that, and when Venus' pups grew up and the old aunt died, Gabby took care of her elderly father. Until she left him one cold morning and she found him mauled by a bear. With that, she ran away and traveled into Relic Lore. Where there, she saw Willow Ridge and met Shade.

table by bryony
[Image: pinepride7_zps7a552c31.png][Image: ShadeSig_zps8e8a9e64.png~original]
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
...And Elettra would, in fact, deal with it. For obvious reasons, Elettra was keeping close tabs on her three new members - Skana, Shade, and Rosealia, making sure that they had learned and were following the rules of the pack. That they were settling in well and with their settlement, finding a place, and job of their own amongst their fellow brethren. After all, though the woman had rang as a princess nearly all her life, this was her first pack and beyond her founding members to which she had hand picked, grew weary. Her constant attention beyond a watchful gaze sought out any signs of injustice and insubordination for which she held no tolerance for. She would keep a weary eye to make sure her new members fit in well with her older members, cautious of all those whom had come to her doorstep seeking a home to make sure they belonged to Willow Ridge.
Now, fate had sought it fitting to test her yet still, bringing a treat into the pack by the name of both Shade and Rosealia. It would not be Elettra's own bitterness to her formerly love-life gone to shit, but obvious concern for the future of her pack. Though some knew that she and Koda were not a mated pair, others did not, and she would have liked to keep it between Willow Ridge and Copper Rock Creek only. Having a mated pair in her pack would surely be something to remain weary over and if not this, then the relationship by Koda and Nina themselves. Elettra held no need for love in her life and for this she had become well aware of the difficulties which it would place upon her. Be that as it may, her trust in the lot of her members, her confidence in her own power, and strength amongst those whom she knew who would stand at her back with or without leadership, kept her from flinging herself at the first single male she founded upon.
So, although being cautious of the situation, she did not fear it. For if any dared to cross Elettra Archer, there was without any doubts, she would break them. "And what news may that be?" Her voice was an echoing boom which kept froth from the walls of her den's setting - a collection of rocks, formed as a miniature ridge of sorts for which the pack was named. Today, she was not perched high upon the rocky canopy to view her territory from above, but within the confines of the den itself, having just brought newly herbs into her infirmary. Treatment of Nina had taken a toll on it's stock, of course. And here the Queen kept from her resting place, her eyes narrowing to the light outside and upon two of her three newest members.
Played by Namara who has 438 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Shade Slayer
http://i1081.photobucket.com/albums/j347/holdbacktherain/sets/shadetable.png) bottom center no-repeat; background-color: #c7b49b;">
Shade froze in his tracks. "And what news may that be." He faced his leader, fear glinted in the back of his eyes. He had to remain calm. <b style="color:#8e989d">"We, I, I mean it's that well, me and Rose, I mean Rose and I." He stuttered. Hopefully Rosealia might come out and say what he meant. It seemed simpler when he thought it up in his head. But now he actually had to day it and he wasn't sure he could. He hoped Elettra wouldn't, like, rip they're heads of or something. That would be bad. He calmed himself and choked it out.

<b style="color:#8e989d">"Rose and I have decided to become mates. As our pack rules state, you're advisory is advised and it is allowed and all. So we wanted to share the news with you as soon as possible....." He said, giving a respectable bow as the dominance rankings go. He now feared that Elettra wouldn't like this news well. He prepared himself for the wrath of Elettra. But there was not much he could do now. He had a suspicion himself. From meeting Koda, Nina and Elettra at the border. There was some sort of connection between the alpha male and the Copper Rock Creek healer. Was it maybe that Elettra and Koda were not mates themselves?

table by bryony
[Image: pinepride7_zps7a552c31.png][Image: ShadeSig_zps8e8a9e64.png~original]
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
i'm going to go ahead and reply to this. didn't know if gabby was going to or not?

He froze, instantly, as though shocked, though the fear that was hidden within his eyes are not revealed to her. However, even as he did his best to look calm, it was obvious he was nervous by the way his words suddenly came out a stutter, falling over what he wanted to say to her. Instantly, Elettra became all too aware something was up, something that involved the couple as he babbled on for a grip on what he wanted to say.
When he finally spit it out, Elettra's body tensed as he lowered himself respectfully. Her teeth grind, the hairs on her backside rising as she looked between the pair. It was obvious, she did not necessarily like the situation, as she would have rather avoided all courtship within her pack if possible. But alas, love was love and there was little to do to stop it, even Elettra had her share of such a thing to know this. However, she had already Koda and Nina to keep tabs on (though she had much faith in Koda himself) and now it meant it would be someone else she would have to watch. It was, without a doubt, she would be speaking to Skana on the matter of what she thought, granted she was to be her advisor, if all worked out well.
But her word was her word, she Elettra had no means to go against it. Loving someone was one thing, but having children and accessing yourself as the dominant pair because of it was another. Little knew that Elettra and Koda were not a mated pair themselves and she had no means of letting it slip out easily, mainly beyond the boarders of her home. Obvious, there would be questions should their be a paired pair in the pack, and Elettra and Koda not being it. However, there would still be precaution due to their courtship, and rules. "Since you seemingly know our rules well, then I assume you know that should it even be in question that you wish to breed, your presence in my pack will be no longer? That you will be outcast, hunted for your betrayal?" She speaks sharply, her attention full on them as she questions them, to make it clear that they understand the consequences of breaking the law.
(This post was last modified: Aug 30, 2012, 08:16 PM by Elettra.)
Played by Namara who has 438 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Shade Slayer
http://i1081.photobucket.com/albums/j347/holdbacktherain/sets/shadetable.png) bottom center no-repeat; background-color: #c7b49b;">
Shade was truely afraid. He shouldn't have said something so soon. <b style="color:#8e989d">"Yes, we understand and do not fish to breed." He said quickly, still lowered in respect. He was afraid of the Wrath of Elettra. It reminded him of a fact. Shade's and Rose's fates were combined now. Shade was born to an unknown line of Lone Wolves. The Slayer wolves. His father ruthless, crueld and mean. When he started training Shade and his sister Shadowstorm how to survive the cold world. He used his first lesson: Packs are weak, bottomfeeding losers that couldn't take care of themselves, so they hung together and shared food. He told Shade never to join a pack. Shade was an idealistic child. He had reason and said that wolves would be stronger in numbers. His father attacked him, leaving no permenant scars, but the emotional trama to get it stuck into his head. This went on for a year or so, his mother kept begging his father to stop, claiming they were children, they didn't know better. It got worse as it happened. His father started to beat her too. It was gruesome to watch. He was out on a final hunting assignment. Returned early with two hares for the family. He came to the sight of his parents fighting a group of two or three lone wolves. Out of fright, he ran for his life. Hoping his sister made it out alive too, he began to search for her. He searched everywhere far and wide for a long 4 years. He finally came and arrived here, in Relic Lore. Here he met the beautiful Rosealia who Born an only little girl, Gabby would've been set up for a perfect life if her mother hadn't gone mad. But she did and eventually ran away when her father, Claude, couldn't keep her mother sane or quiet. Her father took care of her until he taught her to hunt, and when she asked where mommy was, he would tell her "far away." She also had an aunt named Venus who substituted for her mother by teaching her how to dig dens and track rabbits the way she was built. Her aunt taught her to lie and hide in the darkness, but her father made sure his sister, Venus didn't teach her any more of that. Venus also had four little pups, named Maddie, Boa, Blake, and Serpentine. They were her cousins, two years younger than her and quite obnoxious little cubs. They caused constant trouble in her life, pranking and such. After that, and when Venus' pups grew up and the old aunt died, Gabby took care of her elderly father. Until she left him one cold morning and she found him mauled by a bear. With that, she ran away and traveled into Relic Lore. Where there, she saw Willow Ridge and met Shade.
(Muse sucks, this post is a lame flaskback type thing)
table by bryony
[Image: pinepride7_zps7a552c31.png][Image: ShadeSig_zps8e8a9e64.png~original]
Played by Abbie who has 106 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rosealia Slayer
http://i45.tinypic.com/23sgruw.png) top center no-repeat; background-color: #690000;">
Gabrielle felt a pang of horror. Would, or was Elettra actually assuming this? Her head lowered immediately, her tail curling under her belly, and eyes averted. No, she knew Elettra wouldn't take it well. Although it wasn't noticeable, worry seemed to show in the dominant woman's body language. Her yellow orbs glanced up to the female momentarily. Bared teeth, bristling fur all showed anger in the ebony woman. Her words came out in a stutter to the response of the rank the alpha held,
"N-no, Elettra. We would never..." Her words trailed off, as if they blew away in the wind. Her eyes looked at her paws, knowing this may result in dislike from Elettra. Shade was starting to get in the away of her hunting duties, that was true-but she has only been in this pack a few days. What did Elettra expect?
Table by Abbie, for Abbie
user posted image

Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
Finally Shade's true fear would show through and the dark colored wolf could easily sense it, however, did not bring the matter to light by speaking of it. They were new members and not only new members, but new members whom wished to become a mated pair. They had yet to fully establish themselves into the pack and Elettra would have much rather them to have been here for quite a while before bringing this news to her of wishing to be mates. Alas, love had fallen quickly and she was grateful none the less they had come to her as soon as possible.
"Good." All at once then, her body lax; her teeth unbarred, the hairs at her backside resting and her display mellow. "Now that we have a clear understanding," For by questioning them in such a way, she had made it clear that they knew the rules of the land, and had not only knew them, but spoken to her face their promises not to go against them. It would give her far more reason to reprimand them should they take back their spoken word. "...I suppose a congratulations is in order." Her hard expression is changed to something more friendly and although she had meant to be pure in her words, they would come off sounding hollow. No matter how she tried, Elettra could not force herself to be overjoyed for the couple. The feelings that they shared she had once held and it had shattered her. Love was only a heartache in the end.
Played by Namara who has 438 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Shade Slayer
Muse is still in da hole
http://i1081.photobucket.com/albums/j347/holdbacktherain/sets/shadetable.png) bottom center no-repeat; background-color: #c7b49b;">
Shade was fearful. Still. He said nothing. He wasn't sure if Elettra's change of mood was a test or not. But he was rather surprised with it. It reminded him of a fact. Shade's and Rose's fates were combined now. they were mates, pack mates and they were the only ones each other could trust right now. Elettra seemed shifty with all hte shit that was ddrama flying in the air. He hadn't seen Koda around lately either.

Shade was born to an unknown line of Lone Wolves. The Slayer wolves. His father ruthless, crueld and mean. When he started training Shade and his sister Shadowstorm how to survive the cold world. He used his first lesson: Packs are weak, bottomfeeding losers that couldn't take care of themselves, so they hung together and shared food. He told Shade never to join a pack. Shade was an idealistic child. He had reason and said that wolves would be stronger in numbers. His father attacked him, leaving no permenant scars, but the emotional trama to get it stuck into his head. This went on for a year or so, his mother kept begging his father to stop, claiming they were children, they didn't know better. It got worse as it happened. His father started to beat her too. It was gruesome to watch. He was out on a final hunting assignment. Returned early with two hares for the family. He came to the sight of his parents fighting a group of two or three lone wolves. Out of fright, he ran for his life. Hoping his sister made it out alive too, he began to search for her. He searched everywhere far and wide for a long 4 years. He finally came and arrived here, in Relic Lore. Here he met the beautiful Rosealia who Born an only little girl, Gabby would've been set up for a perfect life if her mother hadn't gone mad. But she did and eventually ran away when her father, Claude, couldn't keep her mother sane or quiet. Her father took care of her until he taught her to hunt, and when she asked where mommy was, he would tell her "far away." She also had an aunt named Venus who substituted for her mother by teaching her how to dig dens and track rabbits the way she was built. Her aunt taught her to lie and hide in the darkness, but her father made sure his sister, Venus didn't teach her any more of that. Venus also had four little pups, named Maddie, Boa, Blake, and Serpentine. They were her cousins, two years younger than her and quite obnoxious little cubs. They caused constant trouble in her life, pranking and such. After that, and when Venus' pups grew up and the old aunt died, Gabby took care of her elderly father. Until she left him one cold morning and she found him mauled by a bear. With that, she ran away and traveled into Relic Lore. Where there, she saw Willow Ridge and met Shade. <b style="color:#8e989d">"speech."

table by bryony
[Image: pinepride7_zps7a552c31.png][Image: ShadeSig_zps8e8a9e64.png~original]
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
sry i skipped, but i really wanted to close this up for elettra!

The fear in Shade had become unmistakable and seemingly, left him speechless. Elettra fought away the frown that would be her disappointment that he would so easily believe her something to be feared so horridly and remained silent. With one last look between the pair, she would give them a few more moments to speak before she made her way. When all was said and done, the darkly colored woman would stretch herself out and move on past. Now that she was already awakened, she might as well start her day.