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To Prove or Not To Prove — Swift River 
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Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
sorry for the wait, guys. <3

you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
And just like that, a feeling like peace settled across him. For a moment, it was just him, Marsh and the forest - like a million times before, drifting side by side like ghosts through their forest, sniffing at scent markers, barking at loners, or, when no one saw, goofing around. Not that the latter happened much, as both were working animals who took pride in doing their duties with perfection, but sometimes, things just happened.

Ice never minded when they did.

Now, though, they had a different purpose, and no room at all for maybe, just maybe, slipping into a different mindset. Scents came to him with each breath, and without thinking, he picked them apart, analyzed, and structured his pattern of movement and direction. The herd was nearby, upwind, and with a natural predator's precision he slunk around, keeping to darkness and beaten paths were few things would rustle and betray them. Knowing they had a few moments still before Jessie would start driving the animals their way, Ice brushed up against Marsh, pressing his side to his for a moment, pausing his life for a heartbeat - he felt the warmth, the presence, the constant tide of life within the copper male, and he took comfort in it. Drew strength from it. Pulled in his scent, deep; he knew it so well, as if it was part of himself.

Then he slipped away again, to wait.

He did not have to wait long; Jessie's bark caught his attention, adrenaline spiking his blood as the cue came. Sharp eyes unraveled the scene, experience allowing him to gauge Jessie's target - ah, yes, this spring's offspring. Young, tender - could be fast as hell when they wanted it. Best give them a nasty surprise. Ice barreled out of his shrub, accelerating to the best of his capacity and heading straight for the doe Jessie was driving. It saw him, tried to veer - caught between a wolf coming head-on, and one nipping it; the Guardian's muscles flexed as he adjusted his path to keep coming at it. With all the momentum of his rush behind it, he had a hard time swerving fast, and as it angled away, he knew that he had to trust Jessie, or someone else, to slow it down. He just wasn't built to catch speedy prey.
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Fenrir who has 77 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aiyana Lyall
Sorry for suck and lateness. Just want to get this done at this point :/

Aiyana Tainn
I walk upon the river
Stay behind? Or find something else? Pft, no! Fat chance that Aiyana would just sit on her furry butt and go on some other hunt. This was a pack hunt and she was pack, so she should get to come along — maybe not go into the thick of it and get trampled (besides she wasn't fast enough to overtake a deer), but definitely to sit back.. observe.. maybe leap in and dance among the carcasses and use her adorable puppy charm (which was Rissa's forte, not hers) to snag a tasty bite. Perking her ears she motioned with her black nose after the other adults, watching as they melted into the terrain. When the sound of commotion broke out, her eager nose smelling adrenaline and fear in the air, she bolted forward, crashing after Jessie and Hotei, just to see what happened as the black wolf crippled a young fawn, and Ice came running out from the opposite direction.. but he was so slow compared to nimble little Jessie.

Ignoring them, she bounded up towards Hotei, even her small body able to overtake the young animal. Growling and wagging her tail excitedly she nosed it, only to recoil when it kicked for her. Food wasn't supposed to bite you back! Angrily, she drove her teeth into its whole hock, pulling and wriggling to punish it for its disobedience.
like it's easier than land
Love is all, from what I've heard, but my heart's learned to kill
Played by Mily who has 194 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hotei Tainn
Hotei's tail wagged when he saw the small black form of Aiyana rushing towards the fawn. With a grin on his face Hotei watched the girl chase the fawn around. The burly black male watched cautiously to see if Aiyana needed help. Her first try ended up with the fawn lashing out at her, which in turn made Hotei leap forward intending to keep the young wolf from harm. He grabbed the fawns neck just after his niece grabbed its hock fully in her jaws.

Allowing the young wolf to feel the rush for a few seconds more Hotei then crushed down with his teeth ending the fawns life. He dropped the fawn on the ground so Aiyana or the other pups could look it over then picked up his burned muzzle and looked at Jessie and Ice's hunt.

"Hunting is cool right?." His question was directed towards the black youth but Hotei did not think he would get an answer back. Not after he had annoyed her before by forgetting to greet her.

Perhaps they needed some more help? However Hotei was already tired enough after firstly running back to the den from outside the territory and secondly after helping himself to a fawn. The black wolf stood back with the pups and watched now. He would only jump forward if Ice or Jessie were in trouble. The two wolves honestly shouldn't need his help now.

[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
[Image: hashtags-jessiehotei02.png]
Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn
OOC: Sorry her kill is odd. PM me if you want me to change it.

Her paws worked rapidly on the ground as she ran, determined to take down the yearling. She paid no more attention to Hotei…or his hunting partner. Her eyes and heart were on the hunt at paw. When Ice’s white fur came into her peripheral vision she accelerated faster. Now she had more faith in herself…she was hunting was a familiar face…but this was just the exordium. She knew well enough that she would have to slow the yearling down much more now that Ice was here. The guy was a massive beast, build for guarding and defending, not keeping up speed in a hunt. The silver female’s jaws clamped down harder and her nipping became all the more harsh. Her body rammed into the body to the yearling’s repeatedly, hoping to slow it down somewhat and succeeding slightly. The act would make her own shoulder’s sore later, but it would be worth it if the pack were to have some source of food.

Her emerald eyes looked ahead briefly as she continued to nip, seeing the small rocky hedge ahead of them. With a bark at Ice to indicate the obstacle ahead of them, Jessie once again rammed yearling towards the ridge. It success…it collapsed and Jessie was hoping that Ice would pin the thing down so she could make up for the last hunt the two of them had gone on. Go for the windpipe. The yearling started to kick out, causing a nasty snarl to escape her mouth and fangs to expose. She looped around quickly towards the throat, hoping to the heavens that Ice had pinned the thing. She then lunged, her canines wrapping around the others wind pipe, and no sooner, did she crush it. It thrashed, the life slowly pouring out of it. They had succeeded.

[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
Played by Grey who has 322 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fenru Donata
seriously handing out a thousand apologies. :c

One by one more of the pack appeared. Aiyana first, whose energy was infectious (especially after confronting their dark Uncle about forgetting to acknowledge her). Marsh second - whose greeting was gladly accepted with the wag of a tail - then Uncle Hotei. A lick to the chin was given and the yearling proudly received it. The gesture made him feel like he was finally starting to find where he stood among his family. Uncle Triell arrived and a bump to the shoulder had him grinning. When Ice showed up, the smile softened, and an avid whine readily greeted him in return.

He watched as Jessie sized them up, seemingly making a plan tailored to include all who had heeded her call. Hotei asked the question he had been dying to ask, but Aiyana's clamor over his forgetfulness and apology kept him quiet and out of mind. Ice came forward to stand beside Marsh and, in turn, Fenru stood up, uncertain as to what to do. He glanced back to Jessie, wondering what the verdict was. By posture and looks, it was apparent she was through with the scene that was starting to unfold before her. Orders were given but Fenru's name was not called. Ice and Marsh were to scout ahead and track down their prey, then she and Hotei were going to chase the target.

If the boy hadn't been paying careful attention, he would have loped off after the two gentleman, thinking of himself as an apprentice of sorts. As Ice and Marsh went ahead, Fenru's eyes fell to his sister. Well, if there was anything useful he should be doing, pupsitting was it... His gaze went back to the where two of his heroes had traveled ahead and the voice in his head cried out that he wished he could have gone with them. He was about to just go ahead and follow their trail when Triell's voice brought him back to the responsibilities at hand. Right. Baby sister. He looked to his Uncle with a rather unsure gaze, his expression relaying something akin to, "Whatever..."

He wished he hadn't let his awareness wane. One second Aiyana was there, the next, she was gone! A black streak headed after Jessie and Hotei. Fenru's jowls fell open and he dashed after her. Regardless of Hotei's proximity to her, he was determined to make sure nothing would go awry during her 'hands-on' approach with learning how to hunt with the family. His hackles rose and his lengthy limbs easily brought him close to the flailing fawn his sister was urgently trying to take down. "Shift yer weight back," Fenru advised her, focusing only on the dark blur that continued to surge onward. "Everything ya got. PULL on that leg!" His eyes shot to Hotei as an afterthought, certain that Aiyana would easily take down the crying, hobbling fawn on her own if given the right words of encouragement. His sister was fully capable of anything she put her mind to, he knew, and if Hotei was still edging on the means to further spoil her involvement with the pack hunt, Fenru was ready to take up the same stand both Ice and Marsh had taken.

Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the ICE breaks.
Adrenaline had flooded him, heightening every sense and reflex, leaving no room for thoughts as he worked up his speed step by step. Jessie was harrying their target, more so now that he had fallen slightly behind, and he knew that he had to reach them: he couldn't let her do this alone, that would be.. unfair. With his breaths coming in bursts, he finally drew alongside Jessie and the fawn as her constant nipping had slowed its pace. Jessie's bark made him flick his gaze upwards, noting the obstacle. With a harsh nip to its hock he slowed enough to allow his pack mate to slam it into the rocks, upending it. Just a heartbeat later Ice was on it, weighing it down by standing on it. Baring his fangs he grabbed its neck from behind and locked it in his jaws, pulling its head back — giving Jessie a larger target, and also helping to immobilize the kicking creature. He could hear the crush of its trachea, its frantic breathing turned to gasps and eventually silence. Its eyes glazed over and life bled out of it, legs kicking weakly as the electric current ran haywire in it, before winking out. Slowly Ice pried his jaws open, retracting his bloody teeth from its neck.

"Good job," he praised her quietly before turning to look over at the other fawn; Aiyana was pulling at its leg, Fenru shouting encouragement at her, before Hotei took matters into his own paws and killed it. Grunting, the Guardian gave Jessie's nose a lick with his bloody tongue before ambling over to Marsh, licking his chin, too. They had made two kills, Aiyana had got to practice, and no one had died — a success, right? Now it was just to call for the rest of the pack, Corinna, Kisla, Rissa, and feast. Silently he waited for the copper male to cry out to them.

[ figured we can just fade to black/wrap it up? ^^ ]
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul