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When trouble comes a knockin' — Cedarwood Forest
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<blockquote>His Second's approval solidified the answer Valiant had been seeking and Borden watched as a wave of relief washed over him. He waited for a 'thank you' or any gesture of gratitude, but the Lyall found that even the simplest wag of a tail was all that he had needed. The wolves of Grizzly Hollow were no strangers to wanderlust or the need for adventure and to have them come back after some time was not unusual. In all actuality, to have them show up in one piece, in decent condition, was more than what Borden could ask for. Loyalty was the key here, and to have Valiant's dedication to his pack with winter's up and coming approach was wholly appreciated. If not for his reappearance, Borden could have readily considered him dead for abruptly abandoning his post. <i>Cor aut mors.</i> With one more glance to Kade, the leader gave another dip of his muzzle before turning around and leading them toward the heart of Cedarwood Forest - Grizzly Hollow.</blockquote>