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united we stand — Willow Ridge 
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Played by Switch who has 50 posts.
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Sica Nithron
<blockquote>This meeting he had every intention to sit, watch, and listen. There was a lot of informtion to be taken in before he could be of use in his role. Observing silently, he payed mind to the many who gathered, who their attention was upon, and what seemed to be the male leader of the pack. What struck him was the fact Elettra was the one in control, taking the lead and he seemed another loyal member to her side. His golden gaze was cool, hiding his rampant thoughts. This didn't really suprise him, this was her pack. He had sensed that upon their first meeting.

He dipped his head to the gathered group at mention of his name, trying to pick out the rest.

There was a pull to his ear, the most important part he would need. How their relationships were to the surrounding groups, who they were, and every sliver of information they had about them.
The pack names he already had in his memory, but added changes, and specifics. <i>Borden.</i> Had he been one of the wolves to chase him? He would like to find out, having some plans in the works already. Questions arose from others, his eyes were drawn to Elettra wanting to have clear answers on the matter. Sica would easily eat up all knowledge, he would surely need it. He was sure he was missing somethings. The red wolf who hung back, not even being addressed, and there was something about the hiarchy as if it would soon change. It was merely intiution, something he wanted to trust, wasn't sure if he should.

Elettra put his mind to rest, and he decided any issues he had should be brought to her attention personally. And she would soon in fact address the man, and there was no doubting he had done her wrong by the coldness to her steel gaze. Half amused, and intrugied by his curious mind Elettra gave further reason for him being here. Sica watched her more closely than the low wolf, still catching the hints of things he did not know. He understood her command, and passed this Kiche a fleeting glance. The dark silver wolf would be happy for the change in words, the details of what else needed to be done. By the collective quiet he was enstilled with more admiration for Willow Ridge, and Elettra.</blockquote>
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Played by Rachel who has 473 posts.
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Phineas Argyris
The stability of surrounding packs in the area surpassed his care – Phineas had given his allegiance to Willow Ridge, even if for but the harsher seasons of the year, and the thought of another pack disbanding meant little to him, spare that the pack itself had been considered allies. If anything, it did leave the Ridge slightly weaker.

A few names were tossed around – Borden, Nina. Both again held little value to him, spare he knew of the dark she-wolf and her mate’s wishes should he come across them. Nina seemed a friend to the pack, others voicing concerns for her well-being, while Borden seemed to be a man on Elettra’s distrust list.

Bowing his muzzle in understanding, Phineas’ eyes would then slip to the male the dark Lady introduced as Kiche. The ivory male studied the wolf, curious as to what the beast had done to earn the wrath of their Leader.. and more importantly, why he felt the desire to seek penance with her. The wolf was given a task, and Phineas once more looked to Elettra, his eyes shifting to her mate every so often to see if he would offer any more insight on anything. It seemed strange to him that the Leading pair did not seem to work as a single unit.

Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Whats This!? Not Sebastian? SHENANIGANS!

<blockquote>There was a deep feeling of satisfaction as Elettra returned his greeting. She instilled in him a feeling of worth, filled the dark void that had consumed him for so long. She gave him purpose, and he would be eternally in her debt.

Rose’s small jerk did not go unnoticed, although the golden wolf paid it little heed. If that was the effect it had on one who was expecting it then it may yet work to his advantage in his new role amongst the Willow pack. He continued to observe as others filed in, the dark, scarred lady caught his attention, and he made a mental note to seek her out at some point. She looked as if she had some very noteworthy tales to tell.

He couldn’t help but feel a little relieved as the familiar mottled form came into sight and settled at his side. While he may have butted heads with Shade, this was a wolf he appreciated the company of. Eyes slid over the others, familiar and not as they trailed in, ears instinctively flicking back in the presence of the silvered crème coated male who took his seat at his lady’s side… Amongst the many this was the wolf that piqued his interest the most. He wanted to get to know him better, and although he had no doubts about his lady’s right to lead or any decision she may make in choosing a mate, this male was unknown to him. Why was he only just meeting him now?

Deep down he had to admit there was only one real reason he wanted to get to know this wolf better… So he could judge his <i>worth…</i> But this was neither the time nor the place and he remained respectful of the position that this wolf held.

If only to keep <i>her</i> happy.

He listened intently to all his lady had to say, paying special heed to the mention of those they should avoid. He had been aware of the disappearance of Ruiko and Aeylen for a while, although he did not realise the pack had disbanded. There was a dull ache in his chest as he thought of the Scrap of a yearling he had abandoned, and Nina… He knew them well, there had to be more. But he understood that rumours and speculation helped nobody. He kept his thoughts to himself.

Questions of course were voiced and dealt with quickly, everything was going smoothly and so the golden man felt free to let his thoughts wander as he looked at the red wolf pointedly. They had met… he knew this wolfs name but why was it so hard to remember? <i>Salamander? No that’s not it… S… s… s… Seb… Sebastian? Was that it?</i> Something about the name rang right within his mind and so as the answers were dealt with it seemed his lady was about to address the issue of the unintroduced…

But the name that left her lips was not the one he was expecting… Had he been mistaken? Or was there treachery afoot?

His lips pulled back displeased, transforming the grizzled man into a <span class='word'>loup-garou</span> as he continued to look murderously upon the man. Apparently his lady had known him before… So was she the one who had been deceived or was he? Either way, it didn’t sit well at all, and it was something he would get the answer to before the night was out, he was going to make sure of that.
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Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina
http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/291/b/a/naritabletwo_by_terra_anne-d5i6qdf.jpg) top center no-repeat #02345e; outline: 5px solid #003377; border: 1px solid #fff;" valign="top">
Now that Narimé knew about Kiche, and the reason he was in the pack and yet not so much a part of the pack, she realized why Elettra had made her move away from the cowaring wolf. The young she wolf was curious as to what Kiche had done to get on Elettra's bad side, but she wouldn't ask right now. Especially not during a big meeting like this. Perhaps later she might ask the alpha about it. Then again she might not even ask at all. She's gotto have a good reason for letting him stay to be her chew toy, I think I sould just trust that her reason is a just one. She shook her fur then began grooming her chest uncomfortably. She'd just remembered something from a long time ago when she was just a little pup.

The lowest member in my old pack was the alpha's sister who had tried to take the leadership away from the lead female. I remember her getting beat up everyday from everyone in the pack... I hope he won't get too beat up. She glanced over at Kiche and looked over old and fresh scars. It seemed like he had been picked on a lot. Maybe she would try to help him sometime if they were ever outside the pack territory. Angling her ears around the young wolf placed her bluish gazeback upon the alpha pair and listened.

Nari sat watching intently at everyone's reactions to all the news Elettra spoke about. Most everyone was agreeing with her for certain subjects. She noted Kanosaks silent snarl after Elettra mentioned Kiche. She wondered if he also knew the male in some way. It seemed both he and Elettra had history with the lowly male. She finished grooming her chest then began drawing her paw over her ear like a big kitten. There wasn't anything else she wanted to speak up about and in all honesty she hoped the meeting would be over soon. Being both pissed and tired after missing her prey Nari just wanted to curl up in a corner and rest away from the world. For once the girl didn't want to speak to anyone.

Played by Ver who has 80 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Remy Geddes
<blockquote>As each wolf filed in Remy did little to hide her mossy stare, adding the fresh faces to the few she had already encountered in her memory. Shade she hardly noticed, comfortable with his presence, though she did lift her massive head a little higher when the next, a disfigured male, did his part to acknowledge her. Thouroughly pleased she took the moment to ponder, was that a war-torn mask he did wear? She would have to find out at some other time of leisure. A blink would bring her attention back to the mass that was beginning. One vaguely familiar female trailed in and sat an awkward distance from Shade, followed by Skana's regal gait. An unfamiliar grey male appeared next, peaking her interest only slightly, and then came Narime who devoted some small piece of attention to the red-furred creature hanging back, which was quickly addressed by Elettra's dissent. Interested, though still unthreatened, she allowed her cool gaze to merely survey the attendance. She was pleased to see Reed appear, gift at the ready. His presence was integral to her current understanding of the hierarchy, perhaps even a comfort that something had remained static this entire time. Even Koda's sudden appearance served this purpose. The stoic and pale male she'd seen at the borders filed in politely afterwards, completing the roll call. she cast one more critical glance among the wolves; Elettra had had no problem gaining followers (her leadership prowess was entirely factual after all) and it certainly was a full house. But now, business.

Elettra began with a recital of names, both those whose faces were gathered and of the packs that lay beyond their borders. She had smelled the mountain pack herself though Swift River remained a mystery which, according to her queen, was of no particular concern for discovery. Remy, not one for travel, was more than satisfied with that. <i>Grizzly Hollow</i>, the tone which with the dark-cloaked lady announced it, caught her with more urgency. <i>Keep a weary eye...</i> indeed. Remy felt the corners of her lip curl with distaste; spare the lead female she would, in accordance to her decree, but the others - who she presumed were mostly going to be followers of this Borden character - would receive no welcome from Remy. Of course, they wouldn't have gotten much love from the beast anyway, but now she felt a certain hostility against the very idea any how. The feeling drained slowly as Elettra spoke of another pack - Copper something or another - having disbanded. Oh, was that the stink that was frequent on their borders from Koda's mate? Remy cared particularly little about it; allies they might have been but she never saw any of its benefits and the pack's removal did not tug a single shriveled heartstring.

Luckily her hardened heart did not attempt to be reached again as the topic changed. An alliance with Angier Lyall? It would appear the miscreant had not been lying after all about his relationships with her liege. Something crooked teased her pale features as she pondered over what this could mean, as she had demanded of the man something of his in return to her favor once before. In hindsight she hadn't really expected it to be fulfilled, but with this gem of information she could have her own sway as well. <i>Curious</i>.

The questions of her packmates were given idle recognition (after all Remy feared danger of no one) though she was far more struck when Elettra chose to introduce the red man. Her silver stare looked hard as metal as it landed upon him with enough ferocity to cripple the poor-looking male even further. <i>Kiche</i>, Elettra called him, though from that word on her opinion of the unknown creature fell rung by rung. <i>Lowest</i>, the worst possible. He was here for punishment and penance <i>alone</i>. Understanding fully the intent of Elettra's words Remy felt her hackles rise, her green stare fierce and static upon him. She <i>personally</i> would see to it that no broken jaw touched their cache, that no marred paw touched their sacred grounds, that he would be as unwelcome as they came. Oddly enough she could not find an expression as sour as her own as Remy surveyed the group once more. The only expression that pleased her was once again that of the scarred male, but with his torn lip it could be very well that he just <i>looked</i> that way. Perhaps they were indifferent to his position, but she would be certain no one came around to take <i>pity</i> on his soul. Pity was not his right. </blockquote>
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Played by Sarah who has 290 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<blockquote><ul><span style='font-size:7pt;line-height:100%'>i understand that no one besides Kanosak outright growled at him/looked particularly mean. Kiche is just irrational.</span></li></ul>As he listened, he found himself surprised. Either Elettra had changed, or this new environment she had created fostered other elements of her personality that had merely been left to rot in Grizzly Hollow. He had always known her to be unforgiving — and had always considered her inhumanely so— but she had always seemed very... <i>irrational</i> and comprehensive with her frosty dislike back at the Hollow. For example... she made no move to understand him, made no move to learn more about him before she labeled his as dangerous, and even when he made great efforts to prove this was not the case, she threw a fit and left... But maybe it was easier here, easier that now she had gotten away from the place that caused her so much pain that it must have been poisoning her. When she answered Shade's question, she made it clear that Borden was not <i>evil</i>. Kiche had to respect the fact that she did not let her relationship with Borden colour her perception of his moral character. Her reasons... they sounded like an echo of his own thoughts about so many others he had encountered. That he disagreed with her now reflected a new facet of his faith, one which allowed for forgiveness... which <i>craved</i> forgiveness and longed to let others right their wrongs.

Elettra continued on to answer that silver girl's question, but instead of listening, the saint continued to mull over this change he had never noticed in himself. When had it crawled into his heart? Yesterday? Months ago? There was no way to know, but he felt with only a tremor of doubt that it was a step in the right direction. Although it was difficult to contend with the thought that he had changed so much that now he contradicted himself, so difficult that it scared him, he felt that it was better to grow than to regress merely for the sake of consistency.

His lady caught him unawares.

"<i>This, everyone, is Kiche.</i>"


Suddenly a thousand gleaming questions fell upon him as Elettra began to explain his presence and his punishments. Though in reality the stares were more curious than anything, Kiche had never quite lived in reality. As he peered sheepishly back at the twelve other wolves, he saw no friendly questions in their eyes. What he saw was disapproval, disgust, and hostility. Deeper into the ground he sank. <i>Forget me, forget me, I want nothing to do with you,</i> he begged them within the confines of his mind, <i>I don't ask for your forgiveness.</i> He had never hurt them.... he had never done anything... So why did they all board up the windows and hide away their forgiveness as if they expected to deny him when he had never even asked for it. <i>I don't even know any of you...</i>

His ears perked once more at the sound of his name. This time he was being addressed directly, being assigned a task. <i>Good.</i> He had feared that his penance would continue to just be a matter of, "go sit in the corner and think about what you did until you're sorry." He longed to <i>do</i> something with his penance, with his <i>faith</i>. The scarred man balked, however, at the mention of a herbal back-up storage. Medicines. An old demon rattling in the cage of his heart caused him to shudder. But... but there was nothing... wrong with what she did... what Elettra did. Medicine... he had never seen it do anyone any harm. <i>Where is your evidence?</i> he asked himself. <i>The churning in my stomach.</i> But this wasn't an optional task.

It might have been a bow or it might have been a shrinking in his soul, it was hard to say what caused him to sink farther into the ground as he gave her a nod of understanding.
[Image: Kiche-porcisig2.jpg]
like my art? comission me!
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
Silence was amongst her members this time around, savor the shuffling of bodies as they rest amongst her within the group that made the whole of Willow Ridge. Savor the turning of attention to Kiche before back to her once more and of course, savor the small nod which was offered by Kiche himself. She awaits for only a few moments longer, her attention sweeping the crowd to view each member to see if they had anything to say and of course, turning her crown to look over Koda to see if he, as her partner, had anything to add on. Sadly as it were, it was unlikely due to his lack of being around during all these recent events for the most part. Hopefully that was to change, if Koda planned on staying in leadership without the challenges of other men whom may want to take his place.
Having felt she'd waited enough from other her subordinates and council, the woman spoke up once more. On to the next topic! "Alas, comes the most interesting part of this meeting on part of all of you individually...pack roles." Her gaze would firstly sweep over those whom already held roles, one at a time as she spoke of them, so that everyone may know them and what they majored in within the pack, should they too seek to obtain this task. "Narimé, though still in youth and yet to officially obtain the task, is without a doubt known as an exceptional huntress of the pack. Remy is our first and leading Guardian, as she is our Second." For already Seconds in themselves was recognized as guardians specifically to the leaders in helping keeping the order and helping to prevent challenging of the leading pair. Being both a Guardian and a Second only heightened her obvious fighting ability. "Reed is a hunter as well, specific to the art of fishing. Whilst Koda at my side professions in Guardianship as well and I, healing. Lastly, though the task is unofficial, Sica has acquired a title of Ambassador amongst us." Now that everyone knew of their pack mates skills, it would be easier for members to find who they needed, when they needed it.
"For many of you, these pack roles have been a long time coming. Do congratulate Shade as fellow Guardian within the pack, where likely quite a few of you will also follow..." She speaks this as she passes her attention onto both Kanosak and Guiness. "Gabrielle, or Rosealia as some of you may know her by, will be a huntress and to begin work once more when she has fully healed." After all, though the break to her leg was not as horrible as it could have been, much time and mending would still be in the works before she was able to hunt as she once had. "Skana I believe has been very much owed the role as Advisor amongst the pack." Having helped not only during the flooding, but came along during the travel to Copper Rock Creek, as well as giving her views of what to do with Kiche. For a brief moment, Elettra pauses for anyone to speak on this, hiding the ill feelings she held that Kyrie was not here to gain the role of Healer she was very much capable of. Whilst Kanosak and Guiness were likely on their way to work towards gaining the role of Guardian, this left only Phineas and Kiche officially without roles in the pack, one wolf as their Lowest and the other whom was likely to leave once Winter had passed.
"Lastly and very importantly is the obvious lack of one of our members, a founding member to Willow Ridge. Her name is Kyrie Hyde and for those of you who have not met her, she is a very small young woman with a runners build. Her fur is white with hints of creamy tones and hazel eyes. She is a very soft-spoken, sweet girl and I have my fears..." She pauses, her face hardening with a tight, thin line. "Sica, Phineas." She addresses them both, sure of her decision in these two men despite the fact that she did not believe them to have ever met Kyrie before she had gone missing, mainly Phineas, whom was one of the newest within the group. "Sica, I trust your former travels and words will gain you the information you need to hunt for her. Phineas, I will be placing your mentioned skills of scouting to the test... Her scent should still be thick along with my own in the Infirmary, as she had spent much time their training. I would like both of you to work your way along Relic Lore and find her. Winter is coming and she needs to be home, safe." She would not like to think that she was dead or that even if she was not, that the two men would not be able to find her in time before Winter came. She was looking only to their success and regaining her member back home. "If any of you have any information that may help Sica and Phineas in their search party, speak up now, for they will be leaving tomorrow morning..." With this she silences once more, awaiting anything else her members may have to ask of her or information to inform her with.
Played by Abbie who has 106 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rosealia Slayer
<blockquote><font style='margin-left:20px;'>Thorns prickled her pelt.</font> A man named Borden made some questionable decisions? Screwed the fate of his sons? So he was either a pack threat, or just plainly one of Elettra's un-forgiven wolves. Her heart skipped a beat and she heaved a sigh. Best not to worry. It wasn't likely that Rose could come into contact with him...unless he was lurking Willow Ridge. But her leader hadn't said that. Then the Creek pack came into conversation. She decided not to worry about this too much either. She showed no interest in this. She had seen Nina only one other time. She shrugged to herself; the Creek pack may be an ally, or was a pack ally, but they couldn't spare much food with thirteen-no-twelve mouths because Kiche didn't count. She was sure that if anyone saw this group that they would be dealt with appropriately (whatever appropriate was.)
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>Rosealia's</font> eyes swept over the strong family she was part of, and then her thoughts went to Kiche as Elettra spoke of him. So, that's what it's like to get on Elettra's bad side? She glanced at Kiche curiously as he sunk into the ground unnecessarily. No one was growling at him, except Kano. But that was a small price to pay to be lowest- a simple growl and to be looked down upon. After all, Willow Ridge was known to be quite forgiving. Even the steel-boned Elettra. As Kiche slunk away quickly, she felt bad for him but didn't show it. It was just her nature to want to help the scrap. Her attention briskly shifted to Narime, wondering if she felt some sort of need to speak with him as well. Maybe so. The yearling was even more compassionate that Rose. But the second female's disapproving gaze to the lowest gave her an uncomfortable feeling. Maybe it wouldn't be a good idea to speak with the beating post of Willow Ridge.
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>With</font> all that, the ranks were announced. She looked at Shade with the mention of his name and she sheepishly nodded in congratulations. Her name followed after, and she looked down at her leg which was sore. She hadn't thought about the damage all morning. Not thinking about it was a lot better than fussing over it. Her body filled with pride as she was proclaimed an official hunter. Her eyes gleamed and she dipped her head respectively to her leader, tail thumping on the ground and tongue lolling out happily. But her happy-streak was stopped in its tracks with the mention of Kyrie. Her fur bristled with concern for the polite huntress she had met at the border in her joining. Sica and Phineas with find her. They had to. She would be somewhere, right? Rose thought, obviously uncomfortable with her missing. Her eyes grew wide. She wasn't dead. She isn't dead. She won't die. The toffee little wolf kept repeating to herself, glancing up at the black wolf that was her leader. Sadly, she had nothing to give, but she looked at her packmates, especially Narime, for some sort of clues. </blockquote>

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Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/KodaTable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 200px;padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">Koda had remained silent since taking his place at Elettra's side and would continue to do so. He had as much, if not more, to take in and process as the rest of the pack. Although he had not left by any means his presence had been scarce around all of the others and so he had indeed missed much. At the moment, though his mind still reeled from the news of Copper Rock Creek, his mate's pack, disbanding. His worry for Nina was a near tangible thing, yet as ever, his duty was here and he would have to trust that she was safe.

Pushing his concerns to the back of his mind for the time being, the pale wolf looked around at the rather large gathering. He did not miss the looks of speculation and perhaps even doubt cast in his direction from several members. While he understood, he was still their leader. Koda stood a bit taller and returned each look with a direct and confident one of his own. He would need to remedy his lack of relationships with his packmates soon.

All the while his chocolate ears took in all that his partner had to say as she continued with the business at hand. Introductions were made and he made note of the names and faces that he was unfamiliar with so that he could make a point of getting to know them at a later time. Other packs were covered, many of which he really knew nothing of, but still he took careful note of where they stood with Elettra. As her partner, he would echo her orders, given he had no personal knowledge of his own to form an opinion. Borden of Grizzly Hollow... A wolf to be wary of. Koda filed this bit away and did the same for the unkown wolf, Angier Lyall, an ally of sorts.

His golden gaze fell upon the bag of bones that she referred to as Kiche and it was obvious the two had a tumultuous history. Yet the message was clear. He was the lowest of the low and to be given no quarter, but he was hers to do with as she wished for his penance. A part of the kind wolf balked at the obvious mistreatment, but he also knew that sometimes such things were necessary. He would merely see to it that others followed her orders regarding the edgy-looking and unfortunate male.

Then she moved on the pack roles, and he nodded his head slighty as she spoke. Most of these were wolves that he knew from the founding group and the roles fit perfectly, of course. He gave Reed and Remy nods of approval and he gifted Narime' with a smile of pride. The silver fae was growing into a fine and talented young woman. His brows did furrow slightly again when Elettra spoke of Kyrie and he glanced over to her briefly. He actually had spent a bit of time with the small wolf and cared for her a great deal. That her scent had grown faint since her forray to find more herbs and such had not passed him by and he was relieved that they were dispatching a pair to search for the kind girl. He didn't know the two selected and could only hope that they found her in time and brought her safely back to the bossum of her family...

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer

It was over. The group remained silent, ether accepting all of which had been told to them or forever holding their peace as the meeting came to a closing. Her attention would sweep the crowd once more: her set of hunters, her guardians which seemed to out weigh everything else amongst the pack (bringing much the feeling of her home land to her) as well as those with more specific roles only for themselves to look after, the Advisor and the Ambassador. When not helping the pack through troubled time and when not being scent off on scouting missions, Elettra knew these two wolves would do their time amongst the pack in others ways, much as those undecided amongst the ranks would. Raising her tail to a manner to which it would arch over her backside, she huffs out what would be a meeting adjourned ' to her large group before her silvery attention is offered to Koda and she moves off from her placement on the small mounting of hill, hoping that only he may follow at her side. Though the meeting was over for the pack,Koda had remained speechless throughout it all and there was still much catching up to do privately, even if her ideas were far from what the lot of her pack may thing them to be.