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Family Matters... — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Jen who has 71 posts.
Inactive VII. Subordinate
Tempest Thorben
<blockquote>She gave Shade a smile and said, <b>"I've been well, thank you."</b> Tempest stood proud, yet respectful as she took everything in and was happy that her brother had found some measure of happiness. With a look at the dark fae, whose name she had not yet learned, she smiled and nodded her head in agreement. <b>"It appears that he is. I worry little for his safety, merely his happiness, as he is a very capable guardian. I know that he will benefit your family as he has always looked after me with unwavering diligence."</b>

Tempest thought for a few moments, weighing her options, despite knowing that she really only had one course of action to take. She could only hope that Gui's new leadess was amenable to her hopes. She turned even more fully to face the midnight woman, lowered her head and tail respectfully and gave voice to her wishes. <b>"Ma'am. I do not wish to be parted from Guiness. We are two sides to the same coin and he was there for me in a time of great heartache and pain. If it pleases you, I would like to join your pack and continue alongside my brother."</b>

Her request hung in the air for a moment, before she continued. She knew that with the winter coming, concerns about providing for more mouths would be high and she wished to assure this woman that she could pull her weight. <b>"I am a good hunter and fisher and I can defend myself and others easily, should the need arise."</b> Memories of the rogue male that she had killed to defend herself came to mind and a shadow passed over her bright eyes for a moment, before she pushed the dark memory aside.

There was one more thing that the leadess needed to know up front in order to make an informed decision. <b>"I must ask a boon before you decide though. I still search for our younger brother, Sloane Thorben. I ask that I may find him before I join your ranks."</b> She glanced towards Shade and added, <b>"Shade has provided me a lead and my hope is that it will not take much time to accomplish my goal."</b></blockquote>
The Calm in the Storm
Played by Namara who has 438 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Shade Slayer
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/Shade-Table.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top:335px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">
Shade smiled a bit as he listened to the conversation. "I can assure you his safety here, and I could only hope in the short time he has been here, he is fitting in well?" Shade heard elettra say. then guiness grunting out my... family. Ah how much He loved having Guiness in the pack. He wished Tempest would be in the pack too. Then Tempest spoke. "I've been well, thank you. It appears that he is. I worry little for his safety, merely his happiness, as he is a very capable guardian. I know that he will benefit your family as he has always looked after me with unwavering diligence. I am a good hunter and fisher and I can defend myself and others easily, should the need arise. I must ask a boon before you decide though. I still search for our younger brother, Sloane Thorben. I ask that I may find him before I join your ranks. Shade has provided me a lead and my hope is that it will not take much time to accomplish my goal."

shade nodded, he knew it was his time to speak now. "Yes, shadow will be able to tell you where to find him. though I recently met Nina, who would also be a lead, maybe even better of a lead. She's most liekly traveling with Sloane. Though I'm not sure where to find her, perhaps you could see Shadow, she might know." He said. He knew this information was important to help Tempest, she why wait?

(This post was last modified: Nov 24, 2012, 10:10 PM by Shade.)
[Image: pinepride7_zps7a552c31.png][Image: ShadeSig_zps8e8a9e64.png~original]
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
Elettra's tail was a wave, low at her ankles in a relaxed manner, accepting of the lick of submission which the young silvered female in her pack offered her. Through outwardly she normally tensed so such a sign of affectionate submission, Elettra had learned to hold back this outward feeling even if inside she had yet fully gotten used to the contact. Such a simple wolf act was not so much practiced in her homeland, where other sorts of growling had otherwise been offered to the Royal Court. Though Elettra's tail remained low (arched out slightly and curled up at the tip) to show her relaxation amongst her members, her eyes were hard and her expression stern. She was forever calculating, always making such the members of her pack were doing their job, seeking both their faults and their skills.
Her attention sweeps Guiness, hearing what little words he had to offer and taking them in secret happiness that he was doing well. Though her smiles came small and subtle, as quickly to wash from her face as a summer's breeze, she cared for her members deeply, as she cared for herself. If they were happy and healthy this meant she was doing her job, it meant the strength of the pack's survival and the sureness of her position.
Alas, Tempest Thorben speaks up once more, her words direct and sure, proper and pleasing to Elettra's ears, which perk upwards in interest. She speaks for Guiness is ways he did not long to speak for himself, assuring his abilities to do the pack well as one of yet another Guardian amongst the ranks. Willow Ridge held a number of capable fighters, two medics, a scout, a messenger, an advisor, a handful of hunters and a crazed bible thumper. It did well to know that some of those whom did not major in hunting did well with the hunt anyhow.
Her willingness to keep close to her large brother is made obvious now, though her willingness to seek out the other just as sure. "A fisherman then?" It tugs at her interest directly, that perhaps Reed would not have to stand hours alone in silence as he waited out patiently for a fish. He would have a partner now in his efforts, when Tempest was not doing a group hunt with the other two huntresses of the pack. It was obvious, if not by her size alone that she would be able to defend herself and others if need be, where of course if the need arose as a member of the pack Elettra would expect her to be there for the pack. Though knowing she held an art for hunting and fishing more so, this allowed Elettra to hold little worry over another mouth to feed if the mouth was capable of not only hunting for herself, but the lot of the pack. "I understand your need to seek him out before you can settle securely and without worry. However, you must also understand that with winter coming, the need for rogues to find homes grows more desperate. There is little room for more amongst Willow Ridge, though your skill of hunting is precisely what such a large pack needs, not to mention the family bond which will tie you here. I will keep my doors open for as long as I can, but the clock is ticking, Thorben." She speaks this with honestly, willing to let her know that she would be accepted once and only when she could offer her full dedication to her and the members amongst her. Although of course, no promises could be made if someone else came offering at her door who seemed just as capable, if not more. There is a brief pause to which Elettra dips her muzzle to the other woman, her tail twitching upwards as she does so. "My name is Elettra Archer."
Played by Lightning who has 136 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Guiness Thorben
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/GuinessTable.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 200px; padding-bottom: 15px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">

Many words were exchanged…all the words of which Guiness knew highly well, that he understood without second thought. His tail flickered behind him slightly, his golden amber eyes watching Tempest’s own as they stood their, much conversation running between the family. His ears pricked as the many words flowed so easily over Tem’s tongue. Her words easily enchanting him into watching her all the more. It was not odd having his sister talk so much, she was usually the one that spoke for the two of them, she was always understanding his silent way of communication. The two knew each other so well, it was when the dark look flickered across her eyes, did he tense slightly, before it easily slipped away. He had been there when the deed had been preformed with the rogue…though he had not been there the whole time, merrily exactly at the wrong time, or maybe the right time.

The conversation continued on lightly as he silently noted Narimé’s silence, probably the first time he hadn’t heard a word come out of her mouth, it was a good sign though. It proved she had common sense…when it was business she knew her place. Shade spoke finally, Guiness’s ears pricking as Shade spoke. This Nina character was sure coming up quite a few times within this pack. Was she some sort of God or something…and before he knew it, a full coherent sentence escaped his mouth, "Who is Nina?" His nose wrinkled slightly as his deep toned voice echoed throughout the brief silence before Elettra started speaking, a happy spark emitted from deep within… Hope…yes that was what it was. His sister could join him within the pack…it would be much easier for him, especially when it came to protecting her.

Pillar of Strength
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina

A real smile replaced her fake. Tempest was going to join their family after she found Sloane. Or at least there was a chance that she would. Narimé was glad for this. Though she was confused about how Shade had a lead on Sloane. The younger male Thorben would be traveling with Nina? Had he been a part of Copper Rock Creek Pack before it disbanded? She wondered about these thoughts then was suddenly glad that Sloane had indeed found a home. At least for a little while, and he still had friends to help him even now. To Nari it seemed as though Nina and Sloane must have been closer to stay together after the pack disbanded. She felt a little pang in her heart thinking that he was traveling alone with another female.

Stop thinking like that... They need to stick together just to survive.. She told herself and then pricked her ears surprised to have heard Gui's voice. She turned and looked at him with a grin. He almost never talked.

"Nina is a friend of our pack. She was a healer in Copper Rock Creek pack until it disbanded." She answered him then turned her gaze back to the others."Though I'm surprised that she is trying to lead..." She said this a bit lower for only Guiness to hear. Nina hadn't seemed to be the type to be strict as a leader should be. Of course this was Narimé's experience in life to only have strict leaders. She never knew about leaders like Jaysyek or Tlarx to be so kind.

Played by Jen who has 71 posts.
Inactive VII. Subordinate
Tempest Thorben
<blockquote>Tempest was relieved. Everything seemed to be falling into place for their family. Guiness was a member of a strong and vibrant pack and though it came with an understandable condition, it appeared that her own acceptance was favorable. A bit of tension that she'd not even realized had built up melted from her shoulders with the leadess <i>Elettra's</i> words. She was welcome, but she must hurry. With a relieved and knowing look she answered the regal dark woman, <b>"I understand and I shall make haste to complete my search and return to your beautiful lands."</b> Eltettra seemed pleased with her, yet she must look out for her pack first, as any leader worth their salt must. Tempest would waste no time.

Tempest was grateful to be given a chance at a home and even more grateful for yet another possible lead on Sloane. He was apparently traveling with a fae, Nina. At least she knew that he was still in the region. She did not miss the look that passes briefly over Narime's face at the mention of Sloane traveling with Nina. <i>Jealousy?</i> Very interesting. She couldn't wait to hear Sloane's take on this sweet young fae. It was apparent that he was dear to her heart. If the feelings were not returned, she would have to warn him not to play with a young girl's heart. She liked Narime' and felt that she and the girl might become good friends. She couldn't have her brother go breaking her heart!

She knew that it was time to go now and she found that she was reluctant to leave Guiness again. He was happy here, but she missed her Rock. Soon. She moved forward and nuzzled his affectionately for a few long moments. She gave Shade and Narime' smiles of genuine friendship and turned to Elettra last. <b>"Thank you. I promise not to tarry. I will return quickly to serve you and the pack and stand by my brother."</b> She tipped her head respectfully one last time, turned northward and sett off at a brisk trot to find her lost sibling so she could return to her home...</blockquote>

The Calm in the Storm
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
Silence befalls the leadess, dipping her muzzle to Tempest's words and watching the exchange of detail which was offered between Narime and Guiness. Elettra was ever watchful of her members, strict and demanding of their full cooperation, trust and respect. If being strict meant not being kind, then so be it, but the thought, should it ever be revealed by her members, would be forever painful. Elettra was a woman of secrets - a past that few could say they knew even an ounce about though in turn, she knew little to nothing of her member's pasts. Elettra took them as they were, with the words of promise and loyalty they had offered her and offered them a clean slate by this. She did not romp around and wrestle and laugh and play. She did not small talk very often and she did not open up easily. She was a leader and a hard one, which had seemingly only made the pack stronger by this. It was difficult, leading in what seemed much to her own and little time was left for simply 'hanging out with the gang'. Through cruel, unfair, and hateful was something she was not and dispute her cool and hardened exterior could only hope that Tempest, as well as her pack, saw this.
"I will be waiting, Tempest." She would dip her head in farewell to the large woman, watching the exchange in affection offered between brother and sister, affection which was rarely shown amongst her family, savor one brother of hers, whom boldly showed his love and care before his family. Her attention then sweeps before her members - Shade, Narime and alas, Guiness. "Your sister seems like a good woman to have around. I can only hope she makes it soon." Elettra speaks to the large wolf, offering her feelings where else little was offered by her and with that, she turns and makes her own exit.
Played by Lightning who has 136 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Guiness Thorben
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/GuinessTable.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 200px; padding-bottom: 15px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">

His golden amber eyes were attentive over the people around him…along with his ears which twitched every now and then to make sure he caught every sound in the forest around them while he awaited for an answer from one of his pack mates. When he was given, Gui listened to what Narime’ was saying, keeping in mind that the healer was probably an asset to the pack and it would be wise to know her for future reference. The last words that were uttered by the young fae caught him by surprise though. Did Elettra know about this? His eyes quickly darted back towards his alpha, face neutral as Tempest spoke to her. He found it best to keep his mouth shut for the time being. When Elettra quickly spoke to his sister, he was not shocked that she was now taking her leave.

Silently, he returned her show of affection before backing up and watching her go. With her fleeting goodbye he could only hope that she would keep good time…for it was he who had been watching over the time carefully when they had been together. Elettra’s last words before her departure caused him nod his head to her quietly before nodding towards Nairme’ and Shade, then taking his own leave. His large body snaked through the bushes and trees as if they were simple obstacles in his way. He was now continuing on his way…back to border patrols.

Pillar of Strength
Played by Namara who has 438 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Shade Slayer
(This one is very late and a bit short, I apologize!)
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/Shade-Table.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top:335px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">
Shade grinned, though to wag of his tail, not in front of Lady Elettra. It seemed to him like Elettra wanted stone cold guardians who had no emotions. When it came to the borders, he had to be like that, he had to do nothing but concentrate, focus and guard. No pity for a scrawny loner that was hungry. No, not ever. It was almost a crime to him. His thoughts drifted. With a dip of his head to his leader, he slunk off to more borders. There were several parts along Hush Meadow and Fireweed Rise still to be marked and it was his job. He was more of running out of sight into the distance. His eyes panged with several emotions, he felt as if he wanted to break. Confusion and a weak comprehension of each situation. Nothing of this was relevant to anything but thought. Like how the first wolves communicated. It was more of a topic he thought about to make his head hurt.

Still no solving, still no solving. He wanted to solve all the questions. His tail swayed as it brushed gently against the ground. His ears perked up listening for a howl for him or for the slight pawsteps of loners near the territory. His feet moving at his fastest speeds. He stopped occasionally to mark the trees of the border. He wanted to finish his run so he could go off into a secluded area to think. He could make it through this.

[Image: pinepride7_zps7a552c31.png][Image: ShadeSig_zps8e8a9e64.png~original]
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina
I guess I'm last then. I'll archive too!

Narimé's tail wagged a little as Tempest stuck around for a short while longer to say her goobye's then silently left. The young wolf was glad that Elettra would be offering her a home in Willow Ridge. She had a good view on all of the members of the Thorben line so far. None of the wolves so far had Nari unsure about them. She hoped that Elettra would take pride in those few wolves who were Sloane's siblings.

Turning her head the silver wolf watched her pack mates head off in seperate ways back towards their territory. It was likely that everyone was headed to their respective chores whatever those jobs may be. Narimé was thinking of heading back to rest at the den herself. She had already gotten up early to try her luck hunting. Perhaps later during the evening she would go out as the sun sets to see if any deer might be inching out of the forests searching for food. However for now the young woman felt tiredness creep up her paws. A short nap would be very nice.

Turning herself away from the border the young hunter layed her ears back and yawned. A few moments later and she was padding softly back following Elettra's proud black form with her own lanky gray one.


(This post was last modified: Dec 27, 2012, 05:02 AM by Narimé.)