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Detonate — Mountain of Dire 
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Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
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Although she had grown used to hunting for herself and her sides were slowly filling, she was well aware that the weight her children held, even little Adonis, was entirely Ava’s doing. She owed the dark woman so much. She owed them all.

She had kept her distance since the meeting, busying herself with menial tasks. It seemed she had developed a talent for fishing in her absence but she did not enjoy the watery flesh as much as she enjoyed the warm red meat of a newly felled goat or deer, and with winter fast approaching it was time to leave the guarding to the guardians like Ash, and focus on stocking their caches for Poison Paths first winter on the mountain. It would be a harsh one she was sure.

Goats were tricky critters, and while Ava seemed to have the act down to a fine art, the more cumbersome build of Naira made it harder for her to keep pace with the fleet footed beasts over the uneven terrain, but she was determined. Onward and upwards she climbed.

Occasionally, her eyes would stray to the east. Back to where she had spent months trying to claw her way home. She thought she could see a stand of trees they had made their home while she recovered from her wounds, and she small creek she had forced herself to fish from. Further south, she could see the edges of the cliffs they had walked up and down for weeks on end, looking for any tiny nook that they could use to climb back home. The further south she looked, the hazier the view became. She knew what lay that way, but she didn’t care to remember right now.

A gust of wind bought the scent of the floppy eared deer to her nose, and a slightly more unexpected scent too. She had hoped that by scaling the mountain instead of roving the heights that she may manage to miss the fiery eyed second, but she was up here too, no doubt seeking the same thing Naira was. Her posture instinctively shrunk as she put herself back on the trail of the deer. Perhaps their paths wound in different directions.

code by bryony
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]