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A Tale of the Stars — Secluded Spring 
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Played by Namara who has 231 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ashanti "Celestina" Aranna
(276 words)

Ashanti just couldn't let it go. Her eyes closed as she breathed in the scents of the forest surrounding the spring. There was a short period of time that she considered this her home. In that time, she'd become emotionally attached the area. She knew the best spot for hers, but best spot to just hang out. the best spot to hide and the location of the den. She'd loved this place, but she swore to follow Nina to the end. No matter the cost. Her eyes narrowed as she padded out near the spring. She dipped her muzzle in for a sip or two of the water. Her eyes full of emotions. "I'm going to miss this place." She told herself as she lifted her muzzle, the cool water droplets still on her tongue. She remembered the warning she gave Ash, she knew that he needed to heed the words or she would hurt him badly.

Ashanti thought she smelled another wolf in the air, but she ignored it. Nina would be expecting her soon so she had better get on her way. But yet, the pulling of the forest was so tempting. She decided to cut through the forest on a stroll. Maybe hunt a bit before she returned to Nina. She crouched down slightly in a hunters crouch to stalk a little woodland creature. A mouse. Her eyes centered on it, she carefully stalked towards it, she leapt at it and landed on it, the force of her impact killed with with one fluid motion. She sat down and ate it as she looked around at the forests natural beauty.

[Image: Ashanti-greysig02.png]