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After the Storm — Riddle Heights 
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Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino
For now, it's just Val/Naira. PM if you want to join and I will let you know when. Please note it is set after <a href='http://relic-lore.net/index.php?showtopic=3296' target='_blank'>The Road to Hell</a>, and there is a very real chance Naira will be a Loner so it may not be appropriate for PP members to join (she may want to eat you).

Random Event - Valiant successfully hunted a mountain goat in Riddle Heights.

He had no idea what had possessed him to take on the nimble beast, bleeting taunts at him as it easily scaled the rocky terrain that the large wolf found so challenging. The sad lonely eyes of the little black wolf were burned into his heart. Something terrible must have happened to drag the boy up so quickly, and where the hell was Rhysis? Perhaps it was thinking too much that drove him to the potentially leg-braking task of trying to pull down the goat. Perhaps it was simply the satisfaction of tearing something apart he was after...

His labored breath came in heavy pants as his continued to haul his heavy arse upwards, over the boulders, between the cliffs. He was going to drag this damn goat down if it killed him in the process. His paws slipped on the pebbled surface as he dodged patches of snow that could hide ice, and still the bastard bleeted and ran. He had never been so determined to hunt for himself in his life. Just a little further...

Almost before he had a chance to register, the stupid animal turned, fear and confusion clear in it’s rolling eyes as it turned to run straight at him. Ever the opportunist, Valiant lunged, catching the panicked beast about the throat. Taking it head on hadn’t been his original plan, as the goats head thrashed a horn caught him in the shoulder and its sharp hooves flailed, catching him square in the chest. With a frustrated growl he repositioned himself clear, using his weight to throw the animal to its side.

Slowly, the life was suffocated from the goat, and he had his prize. His moment of triumph, however, was spoiled when the scent of what had the goat so terrified wafted by his nose. He raised his head to see the one wolf he had avoided so well, stalking towards him, every inch the queen she thought herself. Here comes trouble.

He moved himself to stand over the goat possessively. If she thought she was getting a bite of it, she was sorely mistaken.

code by bryony
(This post was last modified: Dec 30, 2012, 03:22 AM by Valiant.)
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Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn

It was time.

Once again she had found herself gazing to the East. To the lands she had found herself trapped in for months. She suppressed the shiver that ran down her spine at the memory of it all. Of all she had seen and encountered. It was a wild place for sure. It was perfect for what she was planning.

She was never going to achieve anything if she remained on the mountain. Winter was here, and she needed everything in place before Spring. She needed to find her mate, gather her allies and collect her children, and then they would leave the lands of Lore behind. But first, she needed to find Rhysis.

It was a familiar scent that came to her on the breeze. One that caused her hackles to rise, the way they had itched to do when she had scented it on her son. It only took a moment for the tawny wolf to find him, followed closely by the scent of fresh blood. These lands ran through her blood. There was no fooling her.

Her tail was held rigid with her spine as she marched towards the male. He spotted her and moved protectively over his catch. A dark smirk crossed her face. How kind of him to bring food for her and her son.

"Valiant wasn't it? You still smell of Grizzly Hollow." She cooed to the silvery wolf. From memory, he was a simple beast. He should be bent to her will easily enough.

(This post was last modified: Dec 30, 2012, 03:36 AM by Naira.)
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino

The way the words rolled off her tongue was like water rolling off a ducks back, so smooth. For a moment he was almost fooled. Yes he smelled of Grizzly Hollow, it was after all, his home. And why wouldn’t it be? The mountain was too harsh for a wolf like him, such a heavy beast would easily fall to his death any higher than the heights. And yet he couldn’t shake the feeling she had something she wanted him to do. Some errand. Why else would she try to butter him up so?

Finally, he asked. “What do you want Naira?” Other than his food. He knew she wanted that from the hungry look in her eye. But she hadn’t lashed out at him yet. Perhaps there was more?

code by bryony
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Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn

He was straight to the point, for that she was grateful. She hardly had the patience to keep this polite game of cat and mouse up for long. It was going to be a long spiel. “Rhysis is missing. Find him, and bring him back.” It was a simple enough command but she could tell by the look he was giving her that he would not do so without a valid reason. She sighed then, simply wanting it to be done with.

Taking a seat for it was a long tale to tell, she started at the beginning, the night Adonis was taken, the belief that she had left her brother for dead. The way she had called for weeks with no answer and the eventual realisation that nobody was coming for her. Struggling for months in the wilderness, loosing herself along the way and eventually clawing her way back up the mountain, but what for? to be relegated as lowest and kicked down for trying to challenge her way up. The way her children were kept from her, raised on a lie, and her plans to get them back.

The sun had moved a ways across the sky by the time she was done, answering his questions as she went and she saw within the wolf before her a change. Determination perhaps to help her, or maybe more so to help his friend, her mate.

His small nod was all the confirmation she needed before he turned, leaving the goat in his wake. He left without a word, but at least the mother and son would not go hungry tonight.

[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]