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Stay Close, Don't Go — Mountain of Dire 
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Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
scars remind us who we are

Nodding at Nina's departing words, the smile evident on her face, she welcomed the affectionate gesture that Nina gave her and Athena returned the favor. It was indeed saddening that the two of them had to depart just as they were just beginning to get to know each other as friends. Noting that the thickets were where the woman would most likely be, she nodded a fair well, knowing that they'd see each other again. In time.

Turning back to Ash as he nuzzled her affectionately, she nodded at his suggestion. "That is a great idea." Licking his cheek before turned back to her home, she couldn't imagine not having Ash with her. She couldn't than him enough for holding everything together. He was her glue. Without him, nothing would be the same.

|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||