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Leroy the Redneck Raindeer — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
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Narimé Lagina
Again this post is purely to keep the timeline straight

December 6th, 2012

Tiredness crept up into her limbs. Narimé rested well enough at night spare for the occasional bad dreams that usually kept her up. Perhaps it was the ever moving flow of her limbs carrying her along that made the hunter tired as she searched for anything remotely deer-like. Was it just her bad luck that she couldn't find even one deer for the pack to go after?

The sound of a distress call immediately caught the girls attention and she turned mid step in the sounds direction. Pelting up the snow covered hill the silver wolf dodged trees while scenting the air for other predators. She knew that the distress call had been that of a rabbit, but what she didn't know was why the rabbit had called out. She was guessing a coyote or fox had gotten the creature, and if that was the case then maybe she could steal their meal. Chasing off a fox was easy and she had done that once before with her father. (Of course it was probably her father that had scared it off.) However if it was a coyote then Nari might be more cautious. The young wolf knew the scent of coyote but had yet to see one. Perhaps today would be the day to see the shorter thinner cousin.

When she neared the site where the call had come from the gray wolf paused scenting the ground. The tracks of the rabbit came from farther down the slope along with the tracks of whatever creature had been chasing it. However as Narimé scented them she immediately knew that it was not a canine that had taken the rabbit. Stepping back she looked at the tracks more thoroughly. Much like those huge tracks back in Fireweed Rise these tracks were well rounded. However they were far smaller than the feline tracks at the rise.

Her curious attitude pricked Narimé began following the tracks up the slope. The scent of blood stopped her in her tracks. Then a grating sound, that of a high pitched growl pierced the young wolfs ears. Looking forward she noted the tracks had ended in a blood colored mound of snow. Then the tracks darted off to her left. Her blue eyes followed the tracks to the noise that her ears had already pinpointed. There in the vibernum bushes was a tain creature with darker brown spots running throughout its pelt. Long whiskers quivered on its rounded muzzle and face as the bobcat growled angrily at the silver hunter.

Lowering her head and taking in the sight of the new animal Narimé noted the creatures sharp claws which were kneading the rabbits pelt nervously.

"I guess you got that one fair and square huh.." She growled slightly to the creature watching it flinch at her voice and hiss back at her threateningly. Apearrantly it didn't want to lose its lunch. Lucky for the cat, the wolf wanted to find safer to steal or larger prey. Nrimé dipped her head once more backing away slowly then turned around and left.

Well there's always the forest to try to hunt in.. The gray wolf headed west towards Cedarwood forest in her journey to find food not knowing that a herd of elk was just a bit further east at the foot of Riddle Heights.

(This post was last modified: Dec 21, 2012, 05:29 AM by Narimé.)