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we don't dream anymore — Fireweed Rise 
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Played by Fenrir who has 77 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aiyana Lyall
Aiyana Tainn
I walk upon the river
Black as a crow, Aiyana Tainn crept onto the vast, open meadow. With a bloody sunset painting long shadows across the virgin snow and blazing the skyline with fierce orange and red she was, for now, hard to spot where she lingered by the few trees standing in the open. She had never been out of a forest before, not in this way — not where there would be nothing but her and sky, once she set out across the pure white. Lithe and thin, and with a hard crust frozen by the cold temperature, she could stand atop it, only sinking every odd step and never far. It had been a rather easy way here, a trek in daylight, but now that was fading.

She was not afraid, though. The darkness had become her friend.

She watched the sky in frigid silence, each breath a puff of smoke dissipating in front of her face. No clouds marred the view, and as the darkness rolled in to claim the world, stars came out, one by one, until the entire vault of the sky was filled with those tiny, bright specks. Some were brighter than others, some she could only see when she did not look exactly at them, and as the world darkened further, the Milky Way split the sky in half. Her golden eyes were pained and wide, fixated on the brightest star she could find. "Rissa," she whispered, the first time Aiyana had spoken that name since she had lost her sister's trail.. since Ice, Fenru and Jessie had come back with the news that she was dead.

Losing Torrel had been.. hard, but she had managed. She had had Rissa, her exuberant joy, her brilliant eyes, her self-centered, arrogant ways, her utterly adorable face when she slept, their adventures, her incessant babbling to fill Aiyana's silence.. but most of all, she had been unconditionally loved, by her equal, her partner in crime, her fellow adventurer. The loss of Torrel had only solidified their bond, and she had thought it unbreakable, that they would conquer the world together and be queens of Mount Dire.

Instead, Rissa had been taken across the Serpent — and killed.

Aiyana drew a shaking breath, and blinked the tears from her eyes. Her heart was thundering in her chest as she stared out across the snowy vista. She had never before been alone with the sky... and perhaps her courage would've waned and she returned to the comfort of her trees, if not for the memory of her dear, beloved sister. "For you," she whispered, and stepped past the last tree. Paw by paw she made it out onto the snowy field, until the trees were nothing but black lines on the horizon. There, far out, she stopped, and tilted her black head back to peer up into the vast sky. She knew that she was loved still, that her mother's heart would never cease beating with love for her, but it was not the same. Nothing would ever be the same, nothing would ever be Rissa's love, the love of the one she had been born alongside.

Her sister was dead, and she was alone in the world, and it felt like someone had torn a hole in her heart.
like it's easier than land
Love is all, from what I've heard, but my heart's learned to kill

Note to self: Mumford and Sons - I gave you all
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
The ghost of what once was a proud, honorable leader slipped through the cover of darkness to a destination that was unknown to her. Guilt and sorrow suffocated her till she could no longer breathe her once calming lake air. She just had to get out and breathe. The thoughts couldn’t be escaped while she was in her kingdom that began to feel like a prison. What she thought had been the right decision at the time at turned out to be completely incorrect. What she thought was a decision to shelter the children from the wrongs of their parents had turned around and bit her in the ass. She was wrong. But she was willing to accept her fate. They could choose who they wanted to be with. But, deep in her heart, she just wanted them to realize how much they meant to her and she had only meant for good things to come out of this.

The eurhythmic beating of her paws kept her mind off these thoughts, however, as she made her way out of her prison towards the place where she first had entered the Lore. Athena wasn’t exactly sure where her paws were leading her, but once the snowy meadow came into view, she knew exactly where she had been taken. A place of renewal, now a place of mourning. Her heavy heart weighed down on her, making her stop in her tracks. She couldn’t go any further. Looking up into the sky, stars lighting up the world, her mourning voice rang out into the lands. Her missing Tlarx, her crumbling pack, the disappearances of two of her closest friends, and the judgment of her adopted children were the lyrics of her song. She had loved in shades of red, but losing them was in shades of blue. Forgetting everything would be like trying to know somebody you never met. And that was impossible.

After her song ended, her burning eyes looked around in the glistening darkness. Shaky breaths raddled inside her as her beating heart slowed back down to normal. She needed to get ahold of herself, but she didn’t know who she was anymore. She needed to find herself again. But where did she need to start? She needed guidance, but she had no one. She was alone in her crowed kingdom. The one she devoted her love to had disappeared. She was sure Belladonna wanted nothing of her. Who could she go to? The skies would just have to do for now as she looked up at the stars once again, searching for that one burning star. That one star that had always seemed to help. The star that always appeared to take on the burning amber glow of her mother’s eye. Perhaps it was her imagination, or her increasingly distraught mind, but she believed that her mother was up there. Watching over her. Always.

“Please help me,” she yelled out towards the stars, her heart hoping that someday she would get an answer.
(This post was last modified: Jan 14, 2013, 07:53 PM by Aiyana.)
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Fenrir who has 77 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aiyana Lyall
Aiyana Tainn
I walk upon the river
The world barely stirred as the quiet intruder walked across the snow. No wind sighed, or blew to rustle the faraway branches on the distant trees, and nothing broke, or had broken, the perfect cover of white. She was alone, or so she thought, with the cold world, nothing between her and the sky in the most curious, intimate relationship. After a while her journey ended, her movements stopped, and she paused to merely drink in the vast heaven.. but how could she comprehend it and its size? It spanned the world, covered it from horizon to horizon, and she could not look at all of it at once. All those bright, shining stars... what were they? Had the sky looked like this, on Rissa's journey across the mountains? Had she been allowed to spend a glorious moment like this, with only the stars for company? Oh, what I wouldn't give for having you beside me... But her beautiful sister was far, far away, but as a child seeking to cope with her pain, Aiyana decided that she, all the things which had been Rissa, was still out there, somewhere, playing among the stars.

A song of such anguish as she had never heard before, such a terrible lament of sorrow, startled her, but nothing else in the frozen world moved. The snow didn't crack and shatter, the stars didn't fall from the sky; nothing stirred except her heart, and after a moment the howl faded into a silence filled by the beating of her heart. It throbbed in her ears and somewhere in her memory she could still hear the echo of the heartache, as if someone had pulled every emotion straight from her own black soul and poured it into the air. "Know this Aiyana, you are not the only one who was abandoned or has lost a parent." Triell's words came back to haunt her and for a moment she was filled with the shame she had felt when he walked away from her that night, but in the next moment, it slipped away. The pain of others did not lessen her own, but if she had needed more proof of his wisdom, here she had it, in the lingering silence, which seemed so much heavier. Another soul filled with pain was out there, and she strained in the darkness to see her; there, a flash of moonlight across the snow, the ghastly glow of a white wolf. No breeze stirred to carry her scent, but Aiyana could see her in the distant darkness.

Again her pain was given voice in a shout at the sky, a demand which the black girl found rather stupid. The sky could help no one, and to beg for its aid was to buy yourself more woe; it would not answer. She had known that others were prone to call out their pain, as the River pack's voices had mingled when they lost Torrel, but the news of Rissa's demise had tumbled her into a world where she spoke even less than before. To cry out her pain to the heavens somehow seemed wrong, something she did not dare, couldn't — perhaps she was afraid that she would set what memories she had of her wombmate free, if she allowed her pain to escape? And while the thought of someone else being privy to her song of mourning greatly disturbed her, she did not feel like an interloper on this woman's sorrow, nor did she feel a desire to comfort her, or even approach her. Her heart, her pain, was her own; Aiyana could give her nothing, nor did she desire to. She could number the ones who still mattered in her life, and knowing the pain of loss, she saw no reason to increase that number. That would only bring her more pain in the future.

And so, she remained a silent shadow in the night, watching Athena with golden eyes from afar.
like it's easier than land
Love is all, from what I've heard, but my heart's learned to kill
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
Is this good enough for you? :)

she nourishes the poison in her veins

Her heart knew that she would never get the answer that she desperately wanted and needed. It was a fact of life – the sky can’t talk. However, Athena still wished that somehow she could bring her saint of a mother back to her and keep her all for herself. She needed her mother more than anything, but reality was too harsh. Her mother was gone and she’ll never be able to see or hear her ever again. Why did life have to be so harsh? Ever since she was a child, life had been a struggle, but she was here now. She was alive and had her own pack, so perhaps Mother Nature wasn’t so harsh to her after all.

She was unaware of the presence of the Swift River cub, but she sensed that she was somehow being watched. The hackles on the back of her nuque began to bristle on end as her fiery eyes whipped around; searching for what was causing her such distress. When she came up with nothing, she decided it had to be time to get back home to her family. Perhaps go snuggle up with Belladonna for the night. Turning on her heel, the Queen of the Lake made her way back towards her awaiting kingdom.

|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Fenrir who has 77 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aiyana Lyall
Of course. <3

Aiyana Tainn
I walk upon the river
Quiet breaths slipped out from a quiet heart, as black as her coat in the night. Golden eyes watched the other wolf, her fur shimmering like moonlight, until the female seemed to realize not only the futility of her quest, but also that she was being watched. Aiyana watched impassively as the fur on the others neck grew spikier, stretching towards the stars, and eventually how she turned back towards the mountains from whence she had come, and returned to her abode. Nothing but a shadow under the stars, the River female slowly let her gaze fall to the snow in front of her, thinking once more of the cold space beside her, and the hollow ring of her heartbeat. When Rissa had gone, she had taken the warmth of the sun with her. Heaving a small sigh, the slender black wolf turned back towards the forest, knowing that she shouldn't linger away from home for too long — it would only serve to restrain her in the future, and if there was one thing left she cherished, it was freedom. On quiet paws the quiet girl slipped back into the forest, throwing one glance at the sky, but seeing not the stars, only how the branches obnubilated them. The air felt heavier in her lungs, the world darker, and there was no Rissa to light it up for her.
like it's easier than land
Love is all, from what I've heard, but my heart's learned to kill

the end. <3