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Nacti Aurea Porta — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Namara who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Damayanti Abhilasha

Damayanti was in her crippled state. She was nearly starved to death, she had managed to stop the blood from flowing out of her body, and she had plenty of water, but she was starved and she was nearly dead from her wounds. She needed a healer; she had managed to get herself closer to the grounds, away from the dangers of the mountains. She was aiming to find Narime, and perhaps she knew a healer ould help Damay in her deadly state. She collapsed on the ground; she could not continue on for today, it was only noon. Her stamina was at an all-time low, she was near death. She needed a healer, and soon. Her icy blue eyes closed, she needed to reserve her strength. She had fallen under a shaded tree. She was near the borders to the Ridge wolves; she scented the same scent that had been on Narime.

Damayanti had her tail curled up to her stomach and she made herself as small as she could. She collapsed on her side so she was in a ball. She could almost see the crows swirling down around her. The snow covered her in a blanket as it fell. It felt as if the world was caving in around her, her eyes opened slowly as the snow started to stick to her fur. She lifted her head slightly; a weak howl from her muzzle was all she could get out. She was scared and alone. Her howl had two words. She called out 'Help Me.'

Damayanti waited, she would either die here where she lay, or live to fight another day. She was not sure which. but she knew one would happen.

All Tangled In the Roots of my past
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
Could you possibly describe her injuries better in next post so I have a better idea on what Nina has to do, please?


She had been trying to keep her distance from the Willows, wondering when the right time would come for any news to come about Koda. There had still been no word of him and it was starting to highly concern her, not knowing where her mate was continued to be a horrible fate and it caused the woman’s gut to wrench and churn each time she would think about it. She had not planned on being away from the pack for so long, but desperate times always called for desperate measures when it came to loved ones. She had been on the outskirts for quite awhile now and had not planned on going closer for a few more days, preferring to keep her distance from the pack wolves she had once stayed with in her own time of healing. A distressed call from another of her species roused her though, the message clear and bright, a wolf was in need of assistance.

She wasted no time in making her towards the sound of the call, worried about what could have caused such a distressed howl to sound. Her nose quickly told her the answer to her unspoken question. Blood filled the air near Willow Ridge borders, but what really caught her off guard was the wolf scent that accompanied the bloodied wolf. Naira, an old friend of hers, was clearly noticeable on the broken girl’s pelt, and as Nina evaluated the girl closer, she could just see her ribs starting to poke out at her, a clear sign to the golden alpha that the girl was highly injured and probably not a pack wolf. She also knew that if the girl had done enough to piss Naira off of her ends there should have been a good reason for her. She would have to seek her old friend out…later when she was not so busy with the problem in front of her.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Namara who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Damayanti Abhilasha
(Sure, hope these are good enough, if you need me to add more details to help, PM me, but I'm pretty sure this is good)

Damayanti was in a limbo state between consciousness and unconsciousness. She could feel all her pains, but she could not react. All her senses that were working she could use, but not react. She could not move a muscle because her body was working against her, attempting to let antibodies heal the broken ribs, the blood pools that had only recently closed and the back leg that was shattered, not quite snapped in half or anything, but she had a bone, her bone by her ankle, shattered in 3 different spots. She could smell a little bit over the blood, another wolf heard her call and approached her. But she did not react. The wolf seemed to have herbs smell on her pelt as well as a pack scent. Hopefully this one was not as violent as Naira or Tenzin had been.

Damayanti hoped only one thing, to survive this fight; she was freezing cold and injured; the two best makings of a wolf to easily get diseases. She wanted to tell this wolf what happened, and she got out 6 words before she fell into complete unconsciousness. “Mountain wolves attack join. Narime friend.” That was all she could choke out. She would have given a full explanation if she could. She had wanted to join the wolves of Nomad’s Pass, instead she was greeted by Tenzin, who instantly grabbed her muzzle and Naira who had wanted her to roll around on the ground like a little pup. She found the demands outrageous so she challenged Tenzin, and Naira attacked instead. She was double teamed and she was practically dead. Her hopes resting in the hands of the healer she did not know and the hopes that this healer knew Narime. She wasn’t necessarily close to Narime, but she had hunted and she wanted to talk to the fae again later. Hopefully this wolf would allow her to rather than letting her die.

All Tangled In the Roots of my past
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
I think I remember you wanting Damay to die?

As soon as she arrived, her good eye quickly started to evaluate the female’s wounds. Perhaps if it would have been spring, she would have been able to help the female, but due to the winter cold all herbs were long dead and even if she had collected herbs from the fall, they were already used and way back in the springs, where she had not returned since she had been reunited with Iopah. The extremes of this female’s injuries could not be helped and a sharp pang hit Nina’s heart as she heard the words escape the poor girl’s mouth. It was sure that the mountains had been the place where the wolf had attacked her, and the Healer was quite sure she knew who the female was. Flattening her ears, she watched as the girl slowly fell into unconsciousness. Knowing that she could not help the female made her feel somewhat useless. How was she suppose to help someone when she could not use herbs? The amount of blood loss was something she could barely help, besides soaking up what was still open.

She knew that the female’s fate was already decided by the Gods though. There was no way the young girl would be able to survive her injuries, and for this Nina could only sit and pray from above her. The woman’s golden body got up, and she moved quickly through the willows, knowing that somewhere in this place that there was moss. She knew the area well enough, considering that this was another place where she had come to familiarize herself with. She even knew the insides of the Ridge pack territory well enough, from her stay when she had her injuries in the past. Her emerald eye flickered from place to place, her gaze finally landing on a small patch of moss that had fallen from a tree. Quickly, she made her way over to the fern and gripped it firmly in her jaws before turning on her heel and heading back towards the injured female lie.

When she finally arrived at the small body, Nina quietly pressed the moss onto the bleeding wounds of the female, the dry shrub quickly soaking up the wet blood covering the female. It did not take long for all the moss to be filled with the spilt blood of the female. With a small sigh, the Healer picked up the moss and headed away from the female, though not too far away, just in case the girl woke up. She then tucked the moss under her chin and digging a small hole to put the moss in. It did not take long for the deed to be done either, and Nina covered the area back up with dirt and snow quickly, before sniffing the air. A meal for the female would also be nice, but for the time being, it did not seem as though any animals would be willing to give up life for the female and with a small sigh, the golden halo quickly made her way back over to the fallen girl, trying to keep her as warm as possible and making her last moments worth living.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Namara who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Damayanti Abhilasha
[Yea, also gonna fade this out, not much to write to drag her death into a full 10 reply thread. Just wrapping this up and her others so she can go to the dead group thing]

Damayanti knew that she was destined to die, that the fae knew this fact as well as she soaked up the blood and did nothing else. Still unconscious her thoughts even started to slip away from her; she was truly on death and dying. She was truly all in the roots of her cursed past. Her warrior’s heart began to give out from the damages. Her ribs were starting to puncture other areas on the inside of her. If only she hadn’t went to seek out a home in the mountains. What would have happened if she had followed Narime home that one day? Perhaps she could and would still be alive and well at this moment.

It was all over now though, the ribs had managed to puncture her lung had faded away. With one last breathe, she gasped her last breathe and her heart gave out. Her breathing stopped and she had no pulse left to her. She wanted to say last words to go in please, but that would never happen now. She was with the starts, her spirit was gone and not a beat left in her heart. She was dead. Damayanti was no longer with the earth. She had died because she was too arrogant with her warrior spirit. She could now never take it back. She was dead and that was final. She was dead and there was nothing left for her on earth. The spirits called her name. Her eyes were closed and her mouth had no breath coming out of it. Her snout was not moving a slight bit either.

All Tangled In the Roots of my past
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

She watched the dark female in front of her, as death quickly started to make its claim over her. She would no longer be with the living, but her soul would be lifted up to the heavens, so that she wouldn’t have to life on the earth any longer. With a small frown plastered on her face, she made her way forward, her golden head reaching down to touch the forehead of the young wolf, before she finally inhaled her last breath. With a small sigh, Nina backed away from the girl. If it had been a different season, then perhaps Nina would have covered the girl in herbs to take away the awful scent of death and take away the effect of the wolf being dead. The Healer knew of no one, nor did she know the wolf’s name. Just that she had come from the mountains, and that was where, when the time allowed it, Nina would go.

It would not be the time right now, as the golden female turned on her heel to start back towards Willow Ridge territory. She did not wish to keep Elettra waiting long for word of her newly formed pack. So with one last glance as the now deceased female, the golden lady turned her back on her and disappeared into the snowy forest. There was nothing else that Nina could do for her anymore that would change anything. It was yet another death underneath her paws, even though she knew she could not stop it. She just new she would have to live with it in her mind for the rest of her life. Another patient she couldn’t help…another patient that hadn’t been saved.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.