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To Court a Queen — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
The journey south had been a long one, but it had been made easier by the company of Keith, a potential member for his and Narime's future pack. He was well mannered and polite and seemed to know his way around a hunt. Although he was smaller than Sloane, most wolves were. Even Guiness stood shorter than he, albeit he had considerably more breadth to him. When they had arrived in the Willows, Sloane had suggested that Keith head towards the Lagoon and wait for he and @Narimé. For the moment all of that was neither here nor there. Spring would soon be here and instinct told him that breeding season had arrived.

Soon he would be driven to claim Narime' as his true mate, but first he wanted to woo her. He loved her and though she probably already did, he wanted her to know that he would move heaven and earth for her and he would do anything just to make her smile. His plan earlier in the season to aid her in her hunting had gotten sidetracked, but today he had come bearing gifts. They weren't much to look at, being somewhat scrawny, but he had caught four rabbits as a gift for her. He was here to let her know that he was free and when she was ready, they could finally be together and not worry about making anyone but themselves happy, at least for a bit.

The thought of seeing his silver beauty again sent shivers down his spine and he felt almost giddy with excitement. Not a very manly feeling, but he honestly didn't care. This was what the woman did to him and he wouldn't trade it for anything! he thought with a grin. Unable to wait a moment more, he lifted his creamy muzzle to the sky and called for his love. As the notes died away his brilliant amber eyes were alight with the excitement of finally claiming his beautiful Blue-Eyes...

Knight of Honor
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina
<3 So we'll have two potential pack mates following them. Nari has to get Simea too. <3
And the date of this thread has been changed to 3/2/2013

Had it really been two year already? She still couldn't believe that this day was the day of her birth. Even now she wished she knew her real mothers name. Knew her voice, but all she could come up with was Muerda's soft voice in her memories. A soft voice she only used on her own pups. All but Nari. With Narimé she had always been quiet. Just watching. The silver hunter sighed. Then she glanced back into the den.

Narimé couldn't sleep the previous night. The claw marks on her ruff itching as they healed. She hoped Sloane wouldn't fuss over that too much when she told him what had happened. It looked like her fur would grow back around them though. Hide the scars after its grown back in. However she knew she looked like crap now. Just when she wanted to look her best for her mate.

She also couldn't alleviate the fire that twitched her body and made her so sensitive to another wolfs touch. She'd felt this before but only when she was with Sloane. Now it was creeping up on her around any male. Including those of Willow Ridge, and that did not make her happy. Her first time being ready for breeding season might be a rough one. If she couldn't control those feelings until Sloane came.

Perhaps she wouldn't have to control them for much longer.

She had been sitting outside of the den watching the others sleep and generally being lazy. Until the howl rose from outside the borders. Her ears perked and Nari instantly stood up tail wagging. Hesitating for a moment the she wolf looked over her shoulder at her pack mates. They were strong. They would survive without her. Her tail stopped wagging. A few minutes passed as she padded to the den's entrance.

Goodbye my friends. My extended family. Good bye Elettra and thank you for everything. Including the chance at a family of my own. She spoke her words as thoughts silently watching the den. Then turned slowly and began padding to the border. About half way there Narimé lifted her head and howled back to her russet male. Just the image of him in her head setting her body tingling. Then she picked up her pace and ran to him.

He was there. Standing at the border all prince-like, with an air of confidence she only hoped to match. Her nose picked up the scent of a meal before she saw them. The rabbits that he had around his paws. Are those for me? She smiled warmly her tail already raising in the air and wagging.

"Sloane!" She yipped as soon as she got to him and gave him a few licks to his face and chin. Her body going nuts at his scent and the warmth that radiated off of him. Then she yanked herself away stepping back to look into his eyes. "It's time...Isn't it.." For once she was able to hold his gaze for a long time. Then she shook her ruff trying to get rid of the annoying itch.

Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
Sloane waited, filled with an intense mixture of confidence, nervousness, love, hope and fear all rolled into one package. You wouldn't know it by looking at him. He stood tall and proud, exuding strength and vitality as he awaited his love. He hoped that some calamity hadn't changed her mind of befallen her or her pack. The terrible news that he'd learned at the meeting had put icy fear in his heart and he needed to see her safe with his own eyes before he would relax. Blessedly, she didn't keep him waiting long and he felt his fear and nervousness melt away, eclipsed by his love for her.

She greeted him in her usual enthusiastic manner, licking his face and dancing about and he laughed and acted the fool for a few moments for her. He licked her face and ears in quick soft strokes, bathing her silky fur and rubbing his neck and head over her neck and shoulder. The usual tingling was there, but magnified tenfold and he felt as if he could not draw away from her. She solved the problem when she suddenly drew away from him. For a moment, he felt bereft and he wanted to touch her once more and rub his scent all over her silver pelt, proclaiming to the world that they belonged to one another, but her words stopped him.

Her soft voice soothed him and he shuddered at her words, "It's time...Isn't it.." She sounded as nervous and excited as he felt and as he drew in her intoxicating scent he knew that her words held more promise than she might realize. It was time for them to leave, provided she was ready. But he breathed deeply and her newly acquired heady perfume in addition to the perfection that was his mate was nearly too much and his body felt inflamed with the need to just be near her, marking her with his scent and daring anyone to try and steal her away.

Taking several calming breaths, trying not to concentrate on her scent he settled his excitement. She was so very young, although she was now fully an adult. He didn't want to frighten her with his almost aggressive possessiveness. She might not be ready to leave her pack yet, he wanted her to be sure. He would wait if that was what she wanted. Even if the thought of her returning to the males in her pack irrationally made him want to rip them to shreds. He met her gaze for long moments, drowning in their seemingly endless depths before he answered softly in his own deep voice. "Yes, my sweet. But only if you are sure that you are ready." His words gave her leave to wait if she needed more time, but his eyes begged her to never leave his side again...

Knight of Honor
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina

Her cheeks burned a rosey color as she listened to her mates voice. Its usual huskiness seemingly lower down an octave. Did she really make him like that? Years of always being that awkward long legged youth tormented her into thinking she was an ugly female. It wasn't until she had first met Sloane and the ensuing meetings thereafter that Narimé learned the real beauty she had. Both in her personality and her now ripening body. It was still hard for the silver hunter to think of herself as beautiful enough to attract males.

Well.. I guess Rais had been that way too. Though she liked him because he had reminded her of her adopted brother in his personality, lanky silver, and black furred body. Her brother Liote had been the same size and color, and he often acted the same way that Rais had. I wonder if Liote is well? She shook her head not dwelling on the past. For she had a future to worry about.

Noting Sloane trying to control his breathing Narimé blushed again and looked away to the Willows. She would miss this beautiful place. Miss her family and friends who were here, but Nari knew she would make more friends and have her own family. A real family, with the russet man in front of her. A long time had passed between their confession and Nari had enough of that time to think on what to do now. Tipping her head up and looking Sloane square in the eye proudly she touched her nose to his.

"I'm ready to be your mate, your alpha female, and.. to be a mother.." She never took her eyes off his as she stood there nose to nose waiting for him to scoop her up and run away with her. Like a prince rightly should. For right now Nari felt as if she were in a fairy tale story. The princess being taken away by the charming prince. But to what castle? Where will we go...I have an idea but he will have to approve of it too..

Finally closing her eyes and sighing Narimé stepped to his right side snuggling up to his warm fur and nuzzling his neck. Every touch sending an electric current through her back. Not a shock that hurt, but a shock of some other feeling that warmed her. A good feeling that she wanted to keep having.

"I have an idea on where a good den could be.. If you wanna go look at it. We would just have to fix a few things to make it as safe as possible for pack mates." And pups She spoke with an alluring voice tipping her head down watching him with violet hued eyes. "Besides I just remembered that there is a potential pack mate there waiting for me to help her. Her name's Simea and she's looking for her brother, but I think she's really interested in joining too." Nari added almost forgetting about her black companion in the heat of the moment.

Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
Finally feeling under control, despite the undercurrent of raw emotion Sloane looked at Narime' and saw a myriad of emotions playing over her own face. He hoped that was a good thing, since he had effectively given her an out for leaving the pack just yet. He had wanted to take back the words almost as soon as he said them, but that wouldn't have been fair. As it turned out he had nothing to worry about. She touched her nose to his and looked him square in the eye, completely sure of herself as she answered, "I'm ready to be your mate, your alpha female, and.. to be a mother.." His heart did somersaults in his chest with utter joy at her words.

Then she snuggled into his side with a sigh and everything felt perfect in that moment. They belonged to each other and their long wait was finally over. The warmth and tingling that accompanied her touch nearly overwhelmed him, but he wouldn't give it up for the world. It was a sensation that he would gladly feel for the rest of his life. She buried her nose in his thick fur and he fairly hummed with happiness.

After a few moments, she spoke of a possible den which he had to admit he had not put much thought into between leaving Secret Woodlands, the big meeting and his rush to get to her side. The timber of her voice sent another shiver through him and he wondered in awe at the changes in her, loving each and every one. He nodded his head in agreement to take a look at the place she had in mind, although he felt a trifle disappointed at the mention of another wolf being there. A potential pack mate he reminded himself. They would need pack mates to help protect and care for the young that would come later in the spring.

He would simply have to steal her away for some alone time afterwards. Settling the matter of the den took priority over his desire to be alone with his mate. For the moment. With a nearly inaudible sigh at having to share her already, he gave her a loving smile and a gallant bow as he said, "Lead on, my fair Queen. Wherever you go, I shall follow!"

Knight of Honor
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina

Feeling a little self conscious about Sloane watching her hind end as he trailed her Nari blushed brightly but nodded. I'm used to leading hunts so... this shouldn't be so hard to do.. To lead Sloane to the cave. To lead pack mates around eventually when we gained some. She started forward away from the Willow Ridge border,pausing when she came upon a hill then looking back. That pack had given everything to her. She would definitely keep them close, and try for an alliance with her old alpha Elettra in the future.

Then Nari set off again finding it hard to keep herself from looking back a second time. The gray she wolf pushed forward ever aware of her mate following close behind. Why was it that knowing he was behind her had her heart pounding in her chest? Nari closed her eyes already taking a trail she knew well and letting her paws guide her. She thought about Simaea and wondered if the girl would accept her invitation or not. What was Rievaulx doing? Would he join her as well? Or look for a different family. Opening her pale violet hued gaze Narimé wondered if Sloane had already found a wolf or two who might join them.

"Hey Sloane." She called him slowing up a little to pad at his side.

"Do you remember the cave I came out of after falling in during a scouting mission?" She asked flicking her blue gaze to him and ignoring the ache in her body that was beginning to calm down as they trotted along.

Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
He followed behind her, content just to be near her once more without the need for one of them to rush off to some other responsibility. Responsibilities owed others. Now any responsibility that they had, they chose for themselves and they needn't report to anyone else. After a few minutes, Narime' slowed her pace, matching his stride perfectly. Then she turned to him as the walked asked, "Do you remember the cave I came out of after falling in during a scouting mission?"

There was no way he could forget it. He had been so consumed with worry over her after finding out that she'd been trapped below the icy ground. He nodded his head. "Yes, I remember. What about it?" he asked curiously. Then everything clicked in his head. That was what she wanted to show him as a possible den site. He thought back to the large cave opening with the smooth dirt floor and water nearby. There was definitely potential there. Before she could answer his question, he went on. "Is that where you were thinking of for a den?"

He'd have to have a closer look around since his time there before had been quite brief, but from what he could call up in his mind it seemed like a beautiful location. Once they verified whether it was safe enough they could decide together whether it would be an ideal home.

Knight of Honor
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina

Her eyes glanced about enjoying the new freedom that excited her adventurous heart. Her blue gaze settled upon a pair of birds passing by on their left. The male bird, she guessed, with its bright red plumage and fancy crest was showing off to the duller gray female. The scene brought a warm smile to the she wolfs lips as they continued trotting along. The birds reminded her of Sloane and herself.

Her ear still set back listening to her russet males voice. He seemed to understand what she was talking about. That the very cave that had once scared her and still awed her could make a wonderful den. Heck they could fit a whole pack in there. However she knew that the dangerous tunnels would have to be closed up. That would take work from many wolves not just Sloane and herself. However there was promise in that beautiful place.

"Yes, though there are some dangerous tunnels I'm aware of. Those tunnels can be easily enough blocked off with plants and some digging." She looked over to him to see what he thought of the idea. Her eyes traced the males russet frame sending shivers down her back again. She had to look away to lessen the sensations running through her.

Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
As they talked about the cave and it's possible safety issues, Sloane realized that the fact that she'd already been thinking about a den location for them, for their family, pleased him greatly. It was a sure sign that she would be a good alphess, thinking ahead and planning for the future. He'd been quite busy leading the Woodlands pack and being so very far away he hadn't had the time or even foresight really to think about a den. He liked the idea of it being fairly close to the lagoon where they had first met as well. That just seemed fitting to him.

"Yes, we'll take a closer look, but it sounds like a wonderful den site, my love. I'm glad that you thought of it. If the dangers are minor and avoidable, we can certainly work with that!" he added encouragingly. Then he allowed himself to drift closer to her until their pelts mingled ever so slightly as they traveled together. The warm tingling sensation was quite pleasant and it made him want nothing more than to steal her away from the world and keep her all to himself forever. Unfortunately, life just didn't work that way, so he contented himself with their brief time together before the reached the cave and Narime's new friend, Simaea.

Narime's newly acquired perfume had his mind drifting towards being alone with her again and creating their first litter together. He thought perhaps soon, he would steal her away for himself. He would take her to the lagoon and it would just be the two of them and a billion stars twinkling in the night sky. The thought brought a dreamy smile to his lips and a sudden warmth to his neck. He might be older than she, but when it came to loving.... well, the playing field was quite level as far as experience went!

Knight of Honor
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina

They traveled quickly closing in on their destination. Narimé viewed the scenery around her with new eyes. Watching the birds flit around the trees, and the mammals jump out of their burrows. She crossed rabbit scent galore and briefly thought about taking a few for breakfast. Maybe after meeting up with Simaea we could get a better breakfast. She thought delighted that Sloane would be with her everywhere she went. Likewise she would follow him everywhere he went.

Not using words anymore the silver wolf loped along bouncing off of Sloanes body every once in a while as they traveled. She couldn't get enough of just being close to him. Just the feeling of their fur mingling had her heart fluttering like a butterfly.

So the two wolves traveled side by side to their possible new den site and to a new friend.

I guess this is fading out..? -has no muse for more right now-