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the first of formal inquiries — Swift River 
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Played by Zina who has 19 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Belun Korsakov
The whole idea of having a pack to call a family had not really dawned on him. Of course, it was a momentous event, a wonderful happenstance, a joyous occasion. That he could give an open mouthed smile and wag his tail both nervously and playfully were good signs; they were signs that he was one of the family, and that he understood that.

Belun did understand, on the surface, that he had found a family. Still, his old family, his blood, remained stuck in his mind. He couldn't help but think of them, and wonder if they were alive and well. Life as a nomad had been difficult, and the pack had not been at peace since Belun's father had died. Belun wondered for a moment if they were doing better now that he was gone. Maybe it had been Belun all along that had caused the pack to struggle; he had never been particularly talented at anything. Other people seemed to have things figured out a lot more than he did.

As the familial pair touched cheeks, something pulled at his heart: grief.
Luckily, the concept of "home" was a tempting one, and one Belun accepted gratefully. "Home! I ahm ehs-ited!" His voice boomed and he stood rather abruptly, then caught himself looking quite foolish. His tail was still waggling low, and his ears bowed for a moment while he stole a quick glance at his new female leader.

Corinna swam across a shallow section of river to the other side, and as she entered the water, Belun looked at Fenru before running after her and nearly cannon-balling in. The water was freezing, as he expected. He figured that throwing himself in would be easier than gently and slowly walking into it. The current was light enough to not be much of a worry, and he made it to the other side with no problem. He shook himself, and found that he was standing in the place he would learn to call home.