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Played by Jess who has 343 posts.
Inactive II. Scout
Wrapping this up- time for her return!
Her confession made her even more aware of how forbidden their passion was. She was also aware that he could use this against her should he ever choose to do so- but so could she, technically, if she could ever find the strength to do so. At times she wished that Naira knew so that she would not have to bear their secrecy upon her shoulders. Sometimes she wondered what Naira would do- would she crumple and cry, or lash out in anger- and would Rhysis receive the lashing or would she? What would the pack do? Sagacity had no idea how the pack's dynamic worked just yet- she'd observed Naira's dominance at the pack meeting, as she'd been the one to call the wolves and had begun the meeting, but this hadn't caused Sagacity to believe that the pack stood behind their alpha female, not their alpha male.

When he leaned against her she was reassured and she sighed softly when he spoke. She could tell he did not like her decision at all, but reluctantly he accepted it. What surprised her, though, was what he said next. Her heart fluttered; he cared. If he could change things, he would. She wanted to ask why he couldn't, but she already knew, and it was that reason which made her heart weaken a bit. If nothing could be done, it meant that there was little hope for them to ever be what they wanted to be. Still, though, she did not lose faith completely; if he wanted her, she could live on that. She leaned against him, pressing the side of her muzzle into his fur. "I didn't know that," She confessed with a small smile. "That means so much to me, Rhysis," She said, her heart beating in her throat. Naturally, she was disappointed that he wouldn't upset the balance of his life for her- was it that he couldn't, or was it that he wouldn't? She couldn't ask and didn't want to know. She preferred to believe that he wanted to, but that it would mean the end for both of them if he did.

To his question she replied without hesitation. "I swear." There was an honest and reverent conviction in her voice; she would not let him down.

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