Def. writing something. XD
She had broken them. Whether it was just the relationship she had with Phineas or the relationship he could have held to the pack, she knew it was over. Though his scent still vaguely graced the lands, his absence within them was more so now then before he had found out of her breeding with Kiche. Now, the brew was into half their cycle and the woman came to an acceptance that she would never lay eyes on Phineas Argyris again. Though likely not at first, Phineas devotion had been for his affections for her and her alone, not the pack as a whole. Maybe he did not even know he was the Second now of the pack. Maybe he did not know that with still Sica's absence it would be he to finally stand at her side - but too late. He didn't care now. His heart was to his future and a future not with she where jealousy and bitterness lie with her having bred with a man that had not been him.
Elettra figures now that if he truly cared for her as deeply as he said to have, he would have stayed. He would have waited for her, fought for her love. No. He had shoved that love into the first woman he had crossed in the aftermath. There was no going back from this. Ruiko had turned away from her, Alexander had left her in the dust and now, Phineas would whisk away with a new shining penny with Elettra to merely stand and watch in his wake. Was this how relationships always be with her? Would ever time she held even a flicker of emotion towards someone, they would leave her? Perhaps she was forever doomed to under find love again, or perhaps it was that she was far too lost, too fucked up, for anyone to bother trying to get beyond that cold, hard shell of hers.
His echo cries out along the lands of the Willows, offering his farewells and a moment for them to do he same as they chose. Her movements carried her slowly, easy, as she made her way. She crest the top of a rocky hill, far behind him, looking but not approaching. She did not want him to see her like this. Not pregnant, but utterly torn by loosing him. So she and her emotions kept at way, watching from afar. If he lifted his head, turned around behind himself he would be her in the distance and distance is what would remain. She bites back the whine in her throat as it catches on her tongue so harshly that now she can feel blood swell in her mouth. A gasp taking her. Goodbye....