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young volcanoes — Secluded Spring 
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Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
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Once the female released his scruff Lachesis buried his muzzle under his still damp forepaws, limbs quivering as he melted against the ground. There had never been behaviour like this within the Pack — all the wolves worked together despite his parents being the 'leaders'; decisions were made together and there was no show of domination or submission. The only ranks in the Pack had been his parents' roles, aside from that the rest of the wolves worked together and were always friendly with each other. The only aggression Nineteen had ever known was play fighting with his siblings — there had never been any need for it. There was no rival packs in the area for them to fight over territory or prey, and they had lived an extremely peaceful life. It was safe, exactly what Lach wanted (needed) right now.
He could tell that she was looking at him but he kept his eyes focused on the ground once he removed his forepaws. Were all the wolves going to be like this here? If so, he wanted no part of this place! Although he knew that it had been wishful thinking in hoping that these wild wolves would be similar to his pack members, he had not expected them to be as rash as this female. His lips remained shut once he realized how useless his words had been, his long legs folded beneath his crumpled body.
[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Steph who has 56 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Siku Tartok
The nameless wolf did not look to her again. Siku's hackles fell flat and she shook out her ruff, content again at last. He had been spang in the right place at the wrong time for himself. Siku's way was that of a wolf, no nonsense and savage, unforgiving and unrelenting. She loved as well as she could (for she did not truly feel emotions as most may) her family—her true pack, Tartok—and respected those that she ran with —the wolves of Phineas and Borlla—though even if they were to do as Lachesis had done, they would earn the same treatment.

She looked to him no more. Moving to the lake, she drank once more to sate any residual thirst and once that was done, she turned to go. Sitamat and Aves were not here, it would seem; though she was sure that they would return at some point. She would return to her temporary pack, done with her business here, feeling no ill toward the stranger she had just met. She had put him in his place, and so there could be no grudge to bear.