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Just cuts and bruises — Pitch Pine Trail 
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Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer
Karpos Slayer
i'm gonna pick up the pieces, and build a lego house...


Keeping the pack safe sounded like his kind of job. If he could keep Adsila safe, what was a few extra wolves to add to it? He smiled, his grin wide with a bit of a mischievous feeling in it. "Ieh luv youh Unkell Lachsies." He said, batting at the yearling's ear a bit. He was feeling really tired too, a small little cough followed his thoughts. Cough. Cough. Cough. He looked towards the pack den and looked at his 'Uncle.' "Ima tirehd, Ima goh sleep." He said, scampering off towards the den where his sister, father and adoptive mother laid. He settled in between Adsi and Shade before shutting his eyes and drifting off to sleep, his dreams soft and warm like a little fuzzy ball of happy.

Karpos was fully grown, and he was a Guardian of the pack. Adsila and he were hunting off on the horizon, to bring back food for the new pups that had just been born, or rather for their mother. Karp then saw a bobcat, and he hissed at it, leaving the prey to protect the pack territory. He leapt at it, Adsi right behind him, and they took to to the ground, killing it with little injuries. The dream was unrealistic, but it was the mind of a pup after all, his breathing was light and calm, like it normally was while he was sleeping. He was just a pup though, he knew nothing of the hardships beyond the pack den.

Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
AND ARCHIVEEEEE <3 want moar lachie/kaprie threads!!!!!!!!!!
Lachesis could not imagine being anything but happy while being around Karpos. His youthfulness and innocence was dangerously infectious, and the yearling was unable to find a negative thought swimming around in his mind. As the ball of fluff spoke his grin widened considerably (if that was even possible, as the boy was already grinning like a buffoon) and he pressed a quick lick to Karp’s forehead. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px;">“I love you, too, Karps.” And he truly did. The ghost loved and cared for the pup as if he were his own; Lachesis would do absolutely anything to keep the youngster safe. It was a similar love as the one he felt toward Anastasia – he only wanted the best for the shadow puppy and felt at home while in his presence.
It was the boy’s cough that brought XIX back to reality, his brows narrowing slightly. It was probably nothing, but definitely something that the future Healer needed to keep an eye on. If Karpos was to get sick he knew that his blue-eyed dove would blame herself, as she always held herself accountable even if it had nothing to do with her. XIX decided that he would check on the boy tomorrow to see if the cough was still present before making a trip to gather up some skunkbush bark… and perhaps some juniper berries, because he knew that Karp would cause a fuss having to eat wood. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px;">“Sweet dreams – I’ll come b-bug you tomorrow,” the yearling called out to Karpos has he sprinted toward the den before he swung his lanky body around and disappeared into the foliage. XIX wondered if there was any berries hiding within the Fen…
[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
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