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Played by Grey who has 258 posts.
Inactive Deceased
For @Naira only. Please. <3

suspiria de profundis
August 3rd; Early evening; Clear; 79° F/26° C.

It was with a dutiful stride that Mapplethorpe, the Advisor of Nomads Pass, secured the borders of his pack lands, but it was with an even more noble march that he traveled through the darkening terrain. The sun was setting and all that was left to do for the day was to meet up with Naira. It had been some time since they last truly spoke - alone, secluded, and just comfortably together in one another's company. He had not had a trying day, but a part of him still ached to meet up with her... to tell her what he told her at the end of every single day: that the regularly visited caches were filled and replenished, the girls were well-looked after, their members were doing their duties... that their kingdom was safe... She was safe from every possible harm under his watch.

Climbing up into the heart of the the Pass, his pace quickened until he could finally laid eyes upon the pack den. His nerves flared up and he had to swallow the lump quickly building at the back of his throat. Ever since he could even fathom what kind of relationship he could have with Naira, he found that his soul could no longer rest. It made his heart flutter day and night and spun dizzying thoughts about how regal and beautiful and powerful she was. In his eyes she could do no wrong and in comparison to all the women who had been apart of his past - his grandmother, mother, and all his sisters - she overshadowed and surpassed them all beyond all measures.

His citrine eyes took in the pastel colors that streaked across the sky and felt the wind brush up against him. It was going to be another cool, but pleasant summer night. He took a deep breath and held it captive in his lungs as he attempted once more to steady himself. Tonight, he was going to do it... All he needed was to get a grip... He - they - had come this far and with everything into consideration, he felt like now was the perfect time to bring it all up.

Shaking out his forearms and steadily placing back down onto the cool, hard stone, he continued towards the old, dead tree that was still considered one of his main haunts - the place where she had once come to him in search of solace and undisturbed sleep. It wasn't usual for her to be hang out underneath the gnarly roots, but he figured he might as well visit it first before attempting to see if he would have to coax her out and away from the pack den to where they could be alone. On his way over, he stopped to pluck a vibrant yellow Blazing Star blossom from its place along the base of a scrub pine tree. Only once he secured its stem between his teeth, he brought both his head and tail up with his confidence renewed.

He was going to find Naira Aquila - the only woman who had ever come so close as to transform his heart of stone into one that truly beat.

template base by GINNYSAURUS | image by DAWNTHIEVES.DE
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
Sorry it's short but at least it's a start :)

The signal is subtle, we pass just close enough to touch.
No questions, no answers. We know by now to say enough.

It was growing harder by the day to convince the pups to settle down for the night, but eventually all three were piled in the communal den, their eyes closed and breathing steady. It was with a relieved feeling that Naira exited the den, knowing her brother was not far, and the rest of the pack would not be long in joining them. She however, was still restless from an afternoon of pup-sitting and while the borders would be well taken care of by Mapplethorpe, she needed to get away if only for a few quiet moments away from the rambunctious children.

While the old gnarled tree was not a place she often found herself, it was close enough to the communal den to be a convenient trip and far enough away to offer her the peace she craved. She settled herself amongst the gnarled roots of the tree and allowed her eyes to drift closed as she took a moment to simply enjoy the pastel tones painted across the sky by the fading sun. She had come a long way from the former second of Swift River, even further yet from the oldest daughter of the oldest son. Her brother’s presence was now a grounding force, the missing piece. Everything was almost as it should be... but she dared not ask for more, not after everything she had already been through.

In her contemplative state she didn’t hear his approach, but merely continued to stare at the sky, an ear idly flicking to shoo a fly that buzzed by too closely.

template base by GINNYSAURUS | image by GREY
(This post was last modified: Aug 07, 2013, 04:28 PM by Naira.)
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Grey who has 258 posts.
Inactive Deceased
suspiria de profundis
Much to his surprise, she was there, settled just beside the dead giant who had offered him a personal place he could call his own since arriving to the Pass. In the evening's last light she was still as regal as ever, rendered even more majestic and elegant. He had to pause to take her in, to let his breathing steady and let his mind turn over one more time the thoughts and reasons he had wanted this moment. There was no turning back now, he had already come this far and, at present, could not find any reason to hold back. This opportunity had come and he would not let it go by.

A few lengthy strides brought him close enough to her to be just within earshot and he politely cleared his throat before drawing closer. With care he bent down to place the bright yellow flower just beside her ashen forelimbs. "For you, my Lady," he smiled with a wag of his tail. "Mind if I... join you?"

At first he merely sat down but within seconds he was reclining forward and adjusting his shoulders so that his head was rightfully held a hair lower than her own. Though he longed to just make himself comfortable, he knew very well that even with their present relationship, there was still that one tricky hurdle he had to clear; and, over the past few months he had, time and time again, opted to stop running, relax his muscles, size up the obstacle and then... walk away. Tonight, he was determined to clear it.

"Naira?" this time around it suddenly felt funny to say her name, it made the tone of his voice sound... younger... "I... I was wondering... if I could ask you something?" The end of his question curled up a notch and he grimaced out of nervousness. "S-sorry," he attempted a smile to cover up his jitteriness. "I, um..." He took a deep breath and turned away for two seconds before coming back to look into her face, his eyes tracing the lines around her helm-like markings. "I... I know we haven't known each other long, but for the first time in years, I have never felt more alive, more sure of myself, more sure of... of anything.. and..."

Behind him his tail swept along the hard, stony soil before coming around one side to press up against his right flank. "And I have you to thank for it. I..." He wanted to hide his face, to shy away, but if he did, then the next sentence would have only been thought of instead of declared out loud. "I love you, @Naira." His frame locked up and it felt as though his ribcage tightened to steel itself and protect the beating organ held within it. "I love you," he repeated, his eyes coming up to meet hers at last in order to search its depths for any sort of unannounced reaction or emotion.

"I..." His jaw clenched and he could hear his heartbeat pounding away in each of his ears, "I can barely keep hold of my whims any longer; I know because I've tried... and I've been trying since the very day we met on the side of the mountain. I... would like to request your assent in courtship." He held his breath; now, he had everything left to lose... For a man of wit, whose personal arsenal consisted of words, it was rather anguishing to realize that a single utterance of her own disapproval could break down his already lowered defenses and render him hollow for the rest of the year.

template base by GINNYSAURUS
(This post was last modified: Sep 10, 2013, 07:45 AM by Mapplethorpe.)
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn

With only simple words, with only subtle turns
the things we feel alone for one another

While the gentle clearing of a familiar throat was not entirely expected, neither was it sudden enough to cause the tawny leader to jolt in surprise. A gentle smile worked its way on to her face as the familiar silhouette approached, the look however, would be short lived. Her heart caught in her chest with a slight pang at the sight of a yellow flower hanging from his maw. The first time she had seen such a sight was when Rhysis emerged from under a bush and gifted the small flower to her, the second - when she had revealed the existence of Kinis, and while this particular flower was much more grand than a simple buttercup it still sent icy fingers racing down her spine.

Forcing a deep breath, and a somewhat more awkward smile, the usually relaxed woman was unable to shake the tension from her shoulders. When the flower was placed at her side, she slowly exhaled, reminding herself that this was Mapplethorpe, her most trusted advisor and a wolf she could no longer imagine her life without. He was always bringing her things, and she should not allow herself to place so much significance on something as simple as a yellow flower. Her internal dialogue must have had some effect, because by the time he had asked if he could join her, she had relaxed enough to offer up an “Of course.” voicing far fewer nerves than were currently coursing through her system.

It soon became clear that she was not the only one suffering from this affliction and she had to wonder if perhaps there was something in the air? Maybe they had eaten spoiled food and it was impairing their mental faculties? But of course she had to acknowledge that perhaps it all ran deeper than that as well. Months ago when Rhysis had walked out yet again she had resigned herself to spinsterhood with only the occasional daydream of something more when she allowed herself to read into simple gestures more than she should have... and now she had to question if her daydreams were really daydreams at all or if perhaps there was a chance they could become a reality? It left an uncomfortable but not unpleasant queasiness in her stomach and she quickly found herself mesmerized by his words.

Alive. She had to smile, although her focus shifted to her own paws in shyness, for it was true that the times when she managed to feel that she was more than just functioning, were the times when she was with her daughters, or with the wolf beside her now, who had taken on her daughters so willingly as his own... Everything else was just a dream, going through the motions to get by, and while she knew she was only opening herself up to hurt, she began to allow herself to hope.

I love you. At first she thought she had misheard, or perhaps imagined the voice in her head, but it was enough to draw her eyes upward in order to search his face for any sign the words had not been imagined. When his eyes locked on hers and she heard the words again while she watched his lips move to say them, her bottom jaw dropped a fraction, her mouth partially opened and her eyes filled with wonder, but before she could find the words to respond he continued, and she didn’t dare to utter a word unless she broke the spell that had fallen over them both. After allowing a moment of silence to see if he had any regrets or wished to take anything back she focused on her own paws again and allowed a small smile of relief to cross her face before she breathed in deeply to respond.

“I would like that very much, but it is far from necessary...” Her voice was soft as she allowed her eyes to drift back up to meet the citrine depths of his own once again. She would explain, but she needed a moment to gather her nerve to utter words she had never spoken to anyone, not even Rhysis. “...because I love you too.”

template base by GINNYSAURUS | image by GREY
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Grey who has 258 posts.
Inactive Deceased
suspiria de profundis
Every small bit of movement on her part had his mind bordering on a state of panic. Perhaps she didn't feel the same way... Perhaps she had to think about such a query. He had already started to think of ways of how he would spend the next few days, weeks, and even months... until the sound of her inhaling caught his full attention. Every train of thought in his head derailed and he was brought back to the present. “I would like that very much," she started and for a moment he stopped breathing, "but it is far from necessary...”

His tawny head tilted slightly to the right and his brows started to angle downward; even his ears started to twitch. What did she mean by that? His... His request was going to be flat out denied? He knew his Queen was a monarch who ruled her section of the mountain range with an iron paw and he should have anticipated the ways she could have gently or easily let him down. If he hadn't quieted all the turmoil already springing up in his head he would have missed the singular reason why his petition was being rendered as unnecessary.

“...because I love you too.”

She loved him... She loved him! Every worry that he had taken into consideration fell away and it took every fiber of his being to keep himself from questioning her in fear of offending her. He just craved to hear it again, to make sure that what he had just heard had been uttered and not just a figment of his imagination. The tail that had been pressed up against his side had relaxed enough to wave freely behind him in a gentle rhythm. As much as he wanted to crane his head forward and touch to tip of his nose to her muzzle, to place grateful and submissive kisses on her lips. Had Mapplethorpe known what it was to dance and frolic, he might have. Instead, he sidled up to her, shuffling over so that the fur on their sides touched.

"So, you'll be mine?" he asked, his tone lowered to a hush. He knew from a start that it was a risky question. Once upon a time, he had advised Naira to tell and show Rhysis that he was hers after realizing that all the ex-Leader had wanted from her was to for her to be his. With the arrival of Aponi and Nova, in noting their swarthy coloration, it was apparent that the fallen King had dominated her. Whether or not she had taken his advice, Mapplethorpe was not sure, but this time around one thing was for certain: for Naira to be his, she was given the option to affirm it rather than unwillingly accept the fact.

"I will always be yours... for as long as you'll have me."

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