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A Code of Duty and Honor — Dragonfly Fen 
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Played by Nova who has 443 posts.
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Anastasia Starklen
Not 100% if Spectre made an exit or not, but I'm going to go ahead and post and get Ana's exit up! <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#2AA6E0;">
All of those happy moments between first meeting Shade and to know, she felt at a loss for words. It broke her heart to know that the man who had trusted her without a shadow of a doubt would no longer breathe this air. Tears once again threatened to fall, feeling hurt because she had been somewhat selfish after stepping down that now she had gotten what she had wanted but at a horrible cost. Anastasia felt like a monster. A beast that no one wanted to be around because it was this moment now that would define her leadership. It seemed that she was given leadership under bad circumstances… first Rosealia had left leaving motherless children now she was taking it up because the man who had stuck by his children had been forced to leave his kids parentless.
Slowly but surely her mind was breaking down, body shutting down as she watched each member leave. Quietly she stood for a few minutes taking in everything and wanting everything to go back to the way it was. Before heartbreak became such a normal thing… where was Lachesis? Shaking herself in an attempt rid herself of crying as this was not the place to express such feelings. She needed her friend, wanted to talk to him and understand that it was not her selfishness that had caused this behavior. Little did she know that Lachesis had found Shade and Spectre and he blamed himself for not getting there in time—well, that was a lot to blame. Unknowing of how her friend felt about the situation she went to find him.

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