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Played by Jess who has 343 posts.
Inactive II. Scout

Disappeared for some reason, as though into the mist which rose from the ground in moist veils in the morning light around the lake. Sagacity had gone to get a drink warily, knowing that at one point, there were wolves who inhabited the area who were hostile toward those of Nomad's Pass. But presently, there were no scents- so she roved the area until she found herself trailing along very weak scent marks- the marker of a pack which had fallen and had disbanded.

Poison Path was no more.

It was news that was almost too good to be true- something she would need to report to Naira as soon as possible. Her tiny scouting mission- simply to gather any new information she could- was becoming quite fruitful already. She intended to be gone no more than a few days, having left food for Mercy to eat and the instructions that he was not to leave the mountain without an adult. Though she''d only been gone for a day, she could hardly contain her pleasure at discovering that their nemeses were gone.

Proudly her tail swung above her back- she didn't know what had caused the wolves to disband, but she did not particularly care. If someone could tell her, the information would be useful- but for now, beaming with pride for the pack which had lasted further into the future, Sagacity moved along the lake's edge without a hint of reservation in her stride.

(This post was last modified: Sep 03, 2013, 02:03 AM by Sagacity.)
Avatars by Arla!

Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn

We are rarely proud
when we are alone

With the children now grown enough to feed themselves, Naira had no qualms leaving them at home with @Taima and @Datura to watch after them. She had been stuck at home for far too long and it was time to stretch her legs.

She wasn’t sure what had led her to the lake, it may have been the fleeting scent of her scout, or it may have been the urge to try and ambush a lone pack wolf by the water in an attempt to burn off some extra energy. Regardless, the sight and smells that met her were far from what she expected... and she could not keep the smile from her face as her head lifted high and her tail rose to match it. They had been foolish enough to leave a child unattended, and perhaps although the trail was clear they had been too lazy to pick it up? If she travelled to the Sacred Grove would she find another set of scrappy remains so like the ones she and @Mapplethorpe had encountered in the Red Fern Forest while searching for Datura?

The thought bothered her far less than it should have.

Running her flank alongside a familiar boulder with a smile, she lowered her chin to the lush summer grass and pushed forwards with her rear legs, allowing her front legs to fold back as the rest of her body fell joyously into the roll while she spread her scent about. Rolling over and over, she kicked her paws out behind her as she stood again, leaving deep gouges in the soft earth as clods and grass went flying out behind her. At a distance she thought she could see a familiar outline, and with reckless abandon she threw her head back to call out in victory. The mountain was finally alll hers. As it always should have been.

template base by GINNYSAURUS | image by GREY
(This post was last modified: Sep 08, 2013, 02:54 AM by Naira.)
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Jess who has 343 posts.
Inactive II. Scout
The scout felt no shadow of doubt that the wolves of Poison Path were gone- and therefore felt no need to be secretive about her presence. It was a matter of pride, being able to walk through their lands, stopping to scuff the ground with her claws in victory- a sort of goodbye gift to them, and a warning should they ever try to settle so close to Nomad's Pass again. Not that she saw it happening- for she had every intention of returning to Naira to tell her exactly what she'd discovered so that they could make even a false claim to the land. But she would be robbed of that trip, though it did not upset Sagacity one bit when she heard Naira's triumphant voice and turned her head to see that her queen was within sight.

Her voice joined that of the alpha's, a tad lower and with the texture of chambray. She uttered a soft, indignant chuff once the howl had finished and picked up her feet to trot toward her alpha, a spring in her step. The fur along her spine rose slightly and her ears were pricked; there was an electricity in the air that came with the knowledge that the long endured battle for the highlands had been won. Like a banner her tail waved from side to side, arched behind her, though it lowered considerably as she reached Naira.

Her eyes shining with a feral light, she touched her nose to Naira's jawline before she stepped back just one bodylength and met Naira's gaze with her own exuberant one- just long enough to extend an invitation before she sprang back on dancing feet and began to sprint away, through the lands which were no longer off limits.

(This post was last modified: Sep 08, 2013, 11:07 PM by Sagacity.)
Avatars by Arla!