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The shadows never owned us, we owned them. — Darkwater Rapids 
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Played by Ghoff who has 133 posts.
V. Subordinate
Namara Hervok
Namara moved in shadow, tandem with darkness. Half patrolling the land and half learning it. Namara had to learn a whole new method here, the terrain was much different from the mountain, much softer under paw. Her hard pads felt odd pressed into the dirt and never getting scraped or cut. On one paw, Namara like the lack of rough terrain, but on the other, Lost Lake had been her home, and she still missed it dearly. Sadly it had been time to go once Ash nearly worked himself to death. The she wolf grew hot beneath her fur. More and more she felt strange around him, it was like the thicker and higher she tried to build the wall the more he got in.

As hard as Namara was trying she could not shake the dark male from her mind and heart. She wanted to let him go really, but it seemed impossible. It almost seemed like her mind and heart had both conspired to tell her that she should hang on just a little longer. But even if she did would her heart be able to take it? Somehow Namara knew that for Ash, she could take anything, she could overcome for that stubborn ass of a wolf. A smirk caught on her lips while she moved near silence in her step. Namara moved across the forest floor as a shadow, after all. She had learned how from one of the best in the business so to speak.

Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok
Except for Ash of course. It was no mystery to anyone of the mountains that Ash was the best of the best and at the top when it came to blending in with shadows. Though his nickname of Ghost of the Mountain wouldn't work very well out here in the forest. It was odd not having the familiar burn of his pads when he hit the bare rock of the mountain and he missed it dearly. Now he found himself making sure he didn't step in quicksand. He was pushing himself along the borders, feeling pretty good despite his longing for Lost Lake. Ava had made sure that he felt welcomed and he could never thank her enough now. He was however still trying to get use to the feeling of bowing down to everyone else. He didn't want to get his ear bitten off for disrespect but he still had plenty of adjusting to do, including the new role of subordinate. He had ruled for so long and now...now he was nothing.

As he marked the borders the wind blew towards him and his furry face snapped towards where the scent was coming from. In a instant his face brightened a little at the fact that Namara was near. So after finishing taking his piss on the borders he casually sauntered over to where she was a small smile forming on his lips as she came into view. It was nice to have someone that was familiar besides Ava. Namara {i}had[i/] lived with him for almost a year. Approaching her quickly his muzzled her cheek affectionately before pulling away and searching her face, his smile now gone and a stolid guise placed on his face. "How have you been fairing in the new lands, Namara?" He did hope that she was doing alright. Ash didn't want her to be unhappy and If she was then Ash would have to figure out something else for them.
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Namara who has 37 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Isadora Montyago
[Due to recent events and such I'm going to have Isa in and then out, not wanting to disturb Ash/Namara talking]
Shot through the heart, and your to blame
Isadora Montyago
darling you give love a bad name

Isadora had made it an effort to do everything she could, she ran on perhaps four or five hours per day, a little bit less than average but still livable. She had made her way along the borders, unaware that there was a new wolf that she had never met also patrolling a little ahead. Her mind often drifted off when she was doing border patrols, it was just her nature. She hadn't been inattentive, just her nose was unaware of everything... then she saw her. Isadora had never met the female, and she hadn't seen her at the pack hunt, but she was still curious. There was also a man who was talking to her, and she had never met him. It was all a bit strange to her. "Hello there? I don't believe we've met." She said, walking off to the side a bit, and over to the female who stood there with almost a peppered coat.

The female had a look that made Isadora wonder if she had come around at the wrong time. But all Isabel could do was remain calm and carefully approach the situation with examination. "My name is Isadora Montyago, but everyone here calls me Isa or Isabel for the most part." She said with a kind smile on her muzzle. She said everything with happiness. It was true that Darkwater Rapids made her life better, and meeting Lady Ava on the borders was the best thing that had happened to her. She had escaped a whole past here. Indiago was gone, she had learned to accept that, and there was a lack of wolves who disliked Darkwater Rapids. Everything was like their own perfect world. Then there was the man, whom looked to be well blended into Darkwater Rapids, he was also a kind of peppered color. She wondered if they were friends perhaps, they seemed familiar with each other, perhaps they were siblings? Whatever the case, it seemed like they might want to talk alone. "Ah, I see you two are busy. I'll be seeing you a bit later." She said, backing up and heading off to continue her patrol.

@Namara {since you Ghoffy already have a post in}
(This post was last modified: Oct 04, 2013, 08:40 PM by Isadora.)
Played by Ghoff who has 133 posts.
V. Subordinate
Namara Hervok
Namara growled in a playful tone at Ash, and grinned at him at the same time. "Really Ash, we should stop meeting this way, you remember how well that worked out in Poison Path." The faintest spark of sadness flashed through her eyes at the mention of Poison Path, it was gone as quickly as it came however replaced by a look of relaxation. One that was almost bored. "Yes I am doing just fine, we have borders here that do not fade overnight and a cache that does not empty within the hour. The ground is weird though." A small huff followed her last words, usually she had never been in a mood this good when they were in Poison Path, but that was mainly because they were the only two that kept it alive once Aphrodite went missing.

Namara's hackles rose and her face flashed instantly into a mask as a female approached. But as soon as she realized that she had done it, her hackles fell. But her face remained stone, just as Ash's was. Again, she had learned from the best, and Namara was very good at it. "Namara Laylani, and this is my... friend, Ash Hervok. Nice to meet you." Had Isadora not been right there Namara would have probably blatantly asked Ash what the hell they were going to do now. Were they best friends, more? Less? At some point the questions would have to stop. But for now she would settle for speaking to pack mate here, maybe she could make some friends this time around. Maybe friends she could ask questions like this to.

Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok

It was nice being in the company of his friend. It was much more comfortable for him now a day, not having to be something that everyone else needed him to be. He was once again a subordinate, a Guardian in its best. With her greeting a small twitch of a smirk almost formed on his face, her words striking home to him. The ground here did feel odd and he did not know what to feel in the situation he was in. He felt awkward and out of place sometimes, like he did not belong in the forest, but he did not mean that he did not look right there. His small smile soon vanished and was replaced by a mask of nothing when a newcomer arrived. With his mossy green eyes he assessed the woman in front of him letting his eyes run over her quickly. She was interrupting a conversation that he wished to have alone, without the company of another wolf. He was sure that his eyes said all they needed to say. When Namara spoke, the slight pause when she was speaking his title to this new woman caused him to glance over at her briefly before turning back towards the female. Narrowing his eyes at her, he watched in satisfaction as she left them alone again, an uneasy feeling settling over Ash’s stomach once he turned back towards the woman in front of him.

None the less, even though he felt uneasy, the Guard was much more comfortable with just him and Namara here. Taking a deep breath he decided to take a teasing approach to the female in front of him. Making sure the other female was nowhere in sight, he teasingly nudged her shoulder, "Your friend, huh? Why’d you hesitate? I’ve taught you better than that." His mossy green eyes stared into her own green eyes. He felt as if the tension between them was heavy, but there was nothing that could break it. There was a barrier there just waiting to be broken down so that all tension could be released. Blinking his eyes against the light above them, he shifted slightly closer so that their fur was brushing and so that he would be able to see her better. A small, carefree smile broke across his face as he looked down at her, waiting patiently for her reply.

I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Ghoff who has 133 posts.
V. Subordinate
Namara Hervok
"Your friend, huh? Why’d you hesitate? I’ve taught you better than that." Electricity shot down Namara's spine. as if she should have said something different. But she truly didn't know what they were anymore, as much as she just wished for his embrace she couldn't have it. She felt as though maybe the time was wrong, but truly she didn't know. Namara could only hope that maybe they could force down the wall. She had built hers, and he had built his. The result was what Namara would easily call a huge mess. She could hardly look at him anymore without feeling as though she should say something, but she never did. Why she didn't know and she almost hated herself for not just spewing her feelings. But deep down, Namara would remain silent.

The light of reason, at least when it came to matters of the heart, were lost on Namara. She was absolutely terrible at this. It was almost a shock when she realized she had been staring at him as if her life depended on memorizing his eyes, She shook her head and laughed easily, "We'll you're not my leader anymore... So what should I call you?" The last words were solid. Almost monotone, she was hoping for something... what she was hoping for even she didn't know but maybe it would be good. Or he would say friend and she could just laugh it off like her heart hadn't once again been holding onto his words.

Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok
I honestly have no clue what Ash's problem is today.

There was a silence between them. One filled with tension…but not the unpleasant kind; the kind that sent welcomed chills down your spine that you wanted more of kind of tension. It stayed like that for many long, drawn out moments and Ash continued to stand there, his mossy green gems sparkling with the same kind of intensity that his comrade was. Her eyes observed him just as his eyes were observing her. Every beautiful breath that caused her chest to move just in the slightest and the way her similar colored eyes glowed with the intense fiery passion that she tried to hide from him all the time. The one she hides so that he would not hurt her. They wouldn’t have to worry about that anymore though because now it was just the two of them…in a pack…where it was absolutely forbidden for them to be together.

The negative voice in his head, the one that had been haunting him for months now tried to rear its ugly head and remind him of his duties…and well her. It didn’t matter to him though, not right now when the beautiful woman in front of him was the only thing that held his attention. When she broke his gaze he cleared his throat and looked away, slightly embarrassed that he had been caught staring at her. Her graceful words carried to him though and it caused his head to swivel back to where he was looking at her head on now. Once again they locked gazes and while looking into what could have been her soul he responded, "Anything you want to call me." It was there, in his eyes, the flashes of love and admiration he felt for her. He adored her and kept her well being in mind at all times…never would he let anything hurt her as long as he was around. She was his everything now…and he hoped that she realized this in time.

I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Staff who has 4,816 posts.

Look Out!

There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +7 Health