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Now I Can't Go On — Thicket of Secrets 
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Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
Nahhhh you're fine without it.

Hollow remained silent as the two spoke to one another and let himself float away into thoughts of Azariah. Her golden fur ruffling softly in the breezes in the Blackberry fields. Her beautiful blue eyes that seemed to stare right into his heart and pull all the love he had out. Surely this must be what the two before him felt. Though Hollow kept his feelings from public eyes, mostly because what he and Azariah shared was between the two of them. Though the pack knew they were a couple, no one besides maybe Sloane knew the truth of how deeply his feelings ran for her. Of course he was sure some had guessed at just how they felt for one another.

He almost jumped as he realized he had been spoken to by Ashanti and Miccah. He rose and slipped easily back into a more powerful stance, radiating all the strength he now possessed as a leader. Still the light of love shone in his eyes as he rose into his mantle of "leader" and out of being "Ashanti's friend". "Well now, it would seem fate smiles upon all of us once in a while wouldn't it?" He grinned at both Ashanti and Miccah, knowing full well that even though he liked Miccah already he had to be sure that he would fit into the pack. Even his words reminded Hollow of his own pledge to Nina, so many days ago in this very same place. The Thicket was a magical place.

"I must ask you first, that you be here for the pack, not just Ashanti." Though Hollow sounded stern he wasn't assuming that Miccah would only exist for Ashanti, merely being sure that everything was clear. Very clear, "We help, and live for one another, from the oldest wolf to the youngest pup, the injured the sick, and the broken. We care for each of them as if we were family." Hollow felt as though the more he said it the more he truly felt as though Secret Woodlands, was his true family. "What kind of role do you specialize in Miccah?"

(This post was last modified: Oct 28, 2013, 06:47 AM by Hollow.)
Played by Mily who has 268 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Miccah Athesila
Permission from Nam to skip Ashanti in this little round.

Miccah waited for Hollow to stand, and when he finally did, his head bowed in a sign of respect; a silent answer to the large man's display of leadership. Even if Miccah's very dominant instincts screamed at him to not stand down, to not show submission, the man did so anyway. This man, Hollow, had gained his respect, and in turn, Hollow deserved his.

The black beast spoke of not being here for only Ashanti, but for the whole pack. They were a family, they depended on each other. Hollow asked him what he specialized in.

Miccah showed no hesitance as he opened his maw immediately to respond. He had known what he wanted to be as soon as he laid eyes on his father, the protector of the pack. "I specialize in being a Gaurdian. I protect those who have earned my trust and respect, and those who I have had the privilege to call family--blood or not. Even those who I dislike, I protect. Just because I hold no warm feelings for you, doesn't mean that I am going to sacrifice your safety. Even though I am not a fast wolf, I have good endurance. I am not a master on the hunting grounds, but I have learned to hold my own. I have dabbled in healing here and there because of my mother and Ashanti, but that is all."

That was when Miccah decided that that was enough. That was all he could offer. If this man did not accept him, he wouldn't grovel and beg. No, he would nod and take it like a man. He would say goodbye to Ashanti, and with his dignity still intact, he would say that he'd visit her soon, and go off to find another pack. After all, winter was coming soon, and he did not want to be caught in the middle of it.

Looking at Hollow, and not sparing a glance to his love, he waited for the man to determine his fate.

(This post was last modified: Nov 06, 2013, 09:22 PM by Miccah.)
Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
Hollow listened intently to what Miccah had to say. The words were so familiar to him that he almost heard his own voice speaking them. Hollow had pledged himself to Secret Woodlands in almost the very same way. It brought the ghost of a smile to his dark façade before he checked himself and set his face to a mask once more. Emotion hidden under a steely gaze and calm slow breaths. Hollow was deeply reminded of himself by Miccah, but that could not be a factor to his entry into the pack, Hollow still had to judge the other black wolf upon his own merits. Which so far were in his favor, knowing Ashanti was a huge plus, for if she was comfortable around another male Hollow welcomed it.

Of course there was still much to consider, it was the beginning of winter after all and even if Miccah was an extra set of jaws to hunt for the pack. He was also an extra set of jaws for the pack to feed. But then it was always a gamble when it came to accepting new members after all Liam was supposed to have been loyal, but that didn't get very far. Still Hollow had made his mind up for this wolf and proved this by leaning forwards and grasping the muzzle of the other male in his jaws. "Welcome to Secret Woodlands Miccah, I shall have to introduce you to Nina soon, so that she doesn't tear your fur off if she see's you first. Though the sentence sounded scary there was mischievous twinkle in Hollow's eyes.

Played by Namara who has 231 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ashanti "Celestina" Aranna
Ashanti Aranna
Maybe my heart isn't that whole


The words that Miccah had spoken reminded her of when she and Nina had first found Hollow, it was before every eventful thing in her life had happened. The fact was, Miccah knew almost nothing about her anymore, because she had changed so much since they last saw each other. Though, it did not appear as if he had changed at all. No, he was the same old Miccah. Part of her younger heart leapt and bounds, and part of her knew that he might not even want her after all these changes had happened. With Hollow as leader, he understood her and how she rarely trusted any wolf anymore. He understood that Miccah was a significant part of her past and from the looks of it, he knew that Miccah was to her as Azariah was to Hollow.

Her icy blue eyes sparkled as Hollow had accepted Miccah. At first though, she had tensed up, not sure of what he was doing until he clamped onto his muzzle. She was just being naive for a second though, and back to reality she was. She gasped when she realized that she had forgotten all about the expedition she was suppose to take to get more herbs for Nina. Winter was fast approaching and Nina wasn't herself since Tacoma's death. Then again, no wolf was. "Ba-Miccha, Hollow, its been really nice seeing you both again, but I completely fogot about the flowers and lavender for Nina." She said hastily before taking off into the distance. Beneath her pelt, maybe she was just the same old Ashanti. "Miccah, I'll find you later, we have a lot of catching up to do." She called back to him briefly.

{Weirdest exit I have ever written}
(This post was last modified: Nov 24, 2013, 12:54 AM by Ashanti.)
[Image: Ashanti-greysig02.png]
Played by Mily who has 268 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Miccah Athesila
I think an exit post from Ghoff and we can finally wrap this up :)

The black man grasped his muzzle between his jaws, officially accepting Miccah into Secret Woodlands. At the man's words, Miccah's grin faltered. But then he noticed the twinkle in the man's eye. His laughter rumbled from deep within him.

His laughter subsided when he heard Ashanti's words. She was in haste, so Miccah didn't have a chance to utter a farewell to her. She left him with a promise to catch up later on in the near future. Miccah couldn't help the shit eating grin that overtook his features. He had waited a long time for this moment of reuniting with his long lost best friend/almost lover.

Turning towards Hollow, his grin slowly diminished until it turned into a worried frown. "Something's off about her," he couldn't help but say. More for his benefit than for the man standing in front of him. "She seems like the same old Ashanti, but I know her. Or at least I used to." He uttered the last sentence in a whisper.

Not one to let himself wallow in self-pity for long, Miccah cleared his throat roughly. His deep baritone once again rumbled through the forest. "So. How far do your borders extend exactly?," he asked his new leader. It was an attempt to divert himself from his musings of what plagued Ashanti, and to also know more about these lands that he would now call home. He was genuinely interested.

He hoped to drag Hollow into a conversation as he led him into the lands, or even on a tour of them. It would be more fun to learn his way around that way, instead of in awkward silence. His tail waged softly in an amicable gesture as the new subordinate waited for Hollow to take the lead.


Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
The Woodlands leader would have been content to watch the two of them catch up but he had duties to attend to and Ashanti had once again realized she had forgotten something. His head shook gently as she ran off, it seemed as though Ashanti always suddenly had somewhere to hurry off to. Hollow chuckled at her, so hasty all the time, and turned to see a strange expression come about Miccah. Hollow listened to what he had to say, and responded with his own piece of wisdom, "She will tell you in time Miccah, don't worry so much, she is a strong she wolf." Hollow turned down the border and began to pad along until he realized that Miccah was next to him still.

At the other dark furred male's words Hollow replied, "I'll show you, the land's pretty large but it seems much smaller inside because of the foliage." They continued down the border, Hollow didn't expect for Miccah to pick it all up instantly but he hoped that in time the other male would turn out to be a worthy addition to Secret Woodlands. after all he needed loyal wolves after all the betrayal that had come from Liam and the death of Tacoma. The Woodlands needed to be stronger than ever before this winter, it would be harsh and trying even to the strongest of wolves. Hollow knew that Nina would weather it, as well as the pups, but not unless he had a strong pack around them to help fight the cold.