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tighten the veil — Secluded Spring 
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Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
Wanna end here?

He was silent as Nova ate, taking this time to look over the scenery and beauty of the land and cast his eyes toward the dimming sun. He hadn't realized the amount of time he'd spent away from home and figured that eventually the young woman's pack would be wondering if she were safe with the sun beginning its descend in the sky. He yawned, his energy zapping the longer he stood at his spot but he could not leave this woman out alone, it would plague his conscious if anything were to happen to her while he was away, therefore he stood at his spot simply waiting.

Relief came with the stench of more food, a deer by scent, and his attention shifted in the direction in which the smell came before he came to his paws and walked with his nose to the ground toward it with Nova's request. She had asked of his name, of which he ignored until they were at their next destination, he wanted nothing more than to fill his belly now before he would venture for him. His attention focused on the task at hand, he paused only when the deer was within sight and came to it with widened jaws that grasped at frozen over meat to rip and tear flesh from the bone. With his first bite in his mouth, and the knowledge of Nova's name, he nodded briefly before giving his own,

"Koda Reinier, of Secret Woodlands." a smile spread the length of his lips as he caught his fill within moments and withdrew himself from the kill leaving what was left for Nova of which she could decide to bring back some for her pack. He had much traveling to do, dragging prey would hinder his progress but she was welcome to do what she wanted with the rest of the kill. Yawning a second time, for his energy was drained, he glanced toward Nova with another smile before biding her a proper goodbye, "I should be heading back now young lady. It was a pleasure tracking down food with you, and learning a bit about your pack. I hope you find more food on your way back home, and you tread carefully, it's dangerous out. I'll keep an eye and ear out for you, maybe we can go tracking again sometime? his request was innocent enough, and without bidding more time he turned on his toes to head in the direction of home where a warm den awaited him.
(This post was last modified: Mar 10, 2014, 10:39 PM by Koda.)

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.