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bell ringer — Spectral Woods 
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Played by Shadow who has 410 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Serach Donata
Feel free to skip Serach - he isn't going to do much but observe.

Serach fell into the background. The arrival of his uncle and leader was a clear signal that this was now officially well and beyond him. Triell came to stand beside him, but the pack's leader said nothing. Leaning in, Serach nudged Triell under the chin in submission before withdrawing back into his own space, pale eyes focused back on Valora. Triell had been silent, but his body posture had spoken volumes, indicating that this was Fenru's opportunity to take the lead. Serach had broken Fenru's silence with his question, and now free to take control of the situation with Triell's blessing, Serach's older brother did just that.

The juvenile watched on, unable to keep his face impassive as Fenru approached the stranger with such aggression and hostility. Serach's pale eyes widened in surprise as he watched, the hair along his back rising in anxious response to Fenru's clear display of dominance. This was not a side of Fenru that the cub had ever seen before. Was this how his mother had behaved at the borders too? Parents. The orphan visibly winced, his posture instinctively drawing backwards from the conflict. Maybe they left her... he cried out in his puppy brain, but he bit his tongue, unwilling to risk Fenru's wrath for pointing it out. Valora would have to defend herself.

[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by Grey who has 322 posts.
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Fenru Donata

The air from his lungs hissed through his teeth as he continued to flash them in Valora Orlaithe's face, but she had given him an answer. She claimed that she did not come to bestow heartbreak upon his family and that she did not want their pity... that she had come from a place called the Ancient Wood, seemingly striking out on her own in order to find her own path. She wanted to serve Oak Tree Bend because she was a wolf who knew her place... who knew full well what duty was worth.

"You might have gotten past me," he slowly articulated. "But you are quite lucky that I am not the one who solely passes judgement here. Put one toe out of line and I will personally see you out of here."

Serach had inched away when Fenru had come forward, but it was Serach that Fenru eyed first when he finally turned around to face the family who had come to back him up. The irritated folds along the bridge of his snout had smoothed out and the anger had melted away as the masked man offered a neutral nod in response to his younger brother's grimace. He approached Triell quietly, his bristled tail lowering as he touched his nose to his uncle's chin. Once he had withdrawn from him, Fen looked to Serach before bringing his lips to his sibling's ear. "It's okay," he whispered, casting a partial gaze to Valora. "Come on, Uncle Triell will handle this."

He stepped past his brother before looking back to Triell one last time, his voice as serious as it had been before, "I'll be nearby. Let me know if you need anything." His eyes narrowed but he gently nudged Serach's side with his nose. Uncle Triell had always been capable of handling such delicate affairs, Fenru was certain, but as the young Tainn began to lead his brother away from the borders, he could only hope that the Leader of Oak Tree Bend made the best decision in regards to granting or denying Valora entry into their pack... their family.

Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
All is lost again, but I'm not giving in

Under different circumstances he might have reigned Fenru in, but today he did not. The way his Guardian was taking on the trespasser was proving a point. In Triell's eyes it was clear she wanted to be here. What lone wolf would have kept to the ground, holding still for a chewing that wasn't of their own fault if they didn't? Fenru needed to do as Triell had asked, and that was to be a Guardian of the Bend. If someone couldn't handle his chewing, than perhaps it was better for them not to be part of this family.

Full attention upon the rust colored lady she answered sensibly under her three judges. Though Serach seemed to be less of a judge and more of a spectator. Beside him he felt the uneasiness, and Triell brushed his dark shoulder to his pale one in reassurance. It was with a final promise the black and tan speckled Guardian found his way to Triell, and the dark Uncle accepted his touch. Happy to see him attend to his younger brother, while still keeping a careful watch on Valora. Triell was proud, and profoundly worried all in the same moment how Corinna's absence was affecting them all. Since it was far beyond simple repair he quelled such things to dark places. Giving a sober nod to Fenru, he then let his fiery eyes hold still upon the latest stranger.

"Valora, after all that it's clear you deserve your chance to stay. Welcome to Oak Tree Bend." Walking forward, her brushed his shoulder to hers, marking her with the scent of a pack wolf now. Standing back, he offered a gentle smile. "My nephew takes his job very seriously, but the recent death of his mother has left its dark mark on all of us," the Tainn murmured for her ears alone. If she was staying she needed to know why a black cloud may hang over them all for awhile. The leader did not want to hang in the gloom. Corinna already must curse them for being so sullen. A beat of his tail, he pointed to the tall red hills in the distance. "What doesn't kill us makes us stronger.... Come, I'll show you where we really live." Triell began to lead the way back.

(This post was last modified: Mar 10, 2014, 10:15 PM by Triell.)
Played by Shadow who has 410 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Serach Donata
Going to archive this.

The tension in the air seemed to dissipate as Fenru finally stepped back. It seemed that Valora had done her job well, for his older brother stepped back and out of the way. By his posture and his voice, it was clear that he was going to leave this for Triell to handle. In a moment, the tawny wolf was at Serach's side, whispering in his ear that it was time to go. Nobody moved to call him back, and as Serach began to walk away, he paused for a moment to look back over his shoulder. Triell was talking to Valora, but too quietly for the youth to hear. Though curious, the youth responded to Fenru's gentle nudge to his stomach by obediently following. What was done was done, and it seemed that Miss Valora had been declared worthy. Too bad we're all just so sad. Shoulders slumped, Serach followed along in Fenru's tracks, his head once again clouding with depressing thoughts now that the distraction of a newcomer was gone.

(This post was last modified: Mar 14, 2014, 04:24 AM by Serach.)
[Image: AplcUOC.png]