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Played by Kita who has 19 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaromir Nyrel
{[(sorry for the short post and sorry for skipping Chant again.)]}

Jaromir looked at her and lowered himself so he was lower than her giving her the signal he was not dominating at least to her. He looked around this she wolf the leader, Miss Elettra, was pregnant and since she was a leader that meant there was most likely a male leader as well which had not shown himself yet and Jaromir could not smell him either. He glanced at the pale female again she seemed small and frail and he the look that he obviously did not know her was on his face. Elettra questioned them again and he figured it'd be best to be honest with this strong she-wolf and with that thought he said what he was there for"I came here in hopes of joining your pack."

Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
The female remained silent, the male lowering before her in a respectful gesture. He was displaying a manner that might suggest his submission to her and thus, a subordinate to her, making it nearly clear what he wanted before her spoke it. By the glances he gave the other, unknowing expressions, Elettra only assumed they came about separately and likely, for different reasons. Elettra's own tail remained high, her posture tense and aggressive, though not overly so. Her eyes flashed to the silent woman, her lips lifting in a silent snarl. She was obviously displeased the the other female had yet to mention her reasoning for coming about her lands, but after this warning was given, her lips quivered to a relaxed posture and her attention once more fell upon the male. "Give me a reason to accept you." So far, he was doing a poor way of showing he really wanted to be a part of this pack. Though he might be honest with his words and did not wish to spice up his introduction with a bunch of bullshit speeches and flare, Elettra still longed for some effort. She wanted to know his reasoning for picking this pack, his skill set, his capabilities and if they fit the pack. Hell, she did not even know his name, as he had lacked proper introduction even after she had given her own name. Though Elettra did not speak of her will. His words would ether make her want him in her home, or it would make her want to chase him from it.
Played by Kita who has 19 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaromir Nyrel

He went silent for a moment collecting his thoughts how should be start and how should he sell himself to this powerful she-wolf so that he can be accepted into the pack that made his favorite grove home. It took him a few minutes of thinking to realize he had not even given the she wolf his name. He mentally shook his head at his rudeness. He opened his jaw to speak his name and reasons for wanting to join. "Sorry how rude of me I am Jaromir Nyrel, The main reason I wish to join is clearly selfish of me and not really a reason you'd find admireable but I will tell you anyways because I believe that honesty is a very important thing to have with anyone and everyone. I wish to join your pack because of one of your she-wolves, She has stolen my heart in a way I'm afraid that No is not an answer I will accept. I will just keep coming back and asking to join over and over and over until you get so annoyed you finally accept my offer. However I have other good qualities Like I am strong and loyal and would protect your lands with my life and will gladly let my blood be spilled to prove such thing to you and your pack. I am honest, sometimes brutally so. I am a fairly good hunter and tracker. I also am extremely caring and know a bit about herbs and how to tend to wounds, and morning sickness in your case. I think that plant that EFFORESCED over there will help with your nausea"

Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
When he spoke, much was revealed of him. A very honest wolf, brutally so and with a bold and arrogant manner that was obvious in his nature as he continued on. He had no intention of trying to woo his way into the pack, but to annoy the crap out of her until she said yes. Something, very much unlikely, for the higher her irritation, the likeness of her attack. "A guard, a hunter, a tracker, a medic... you must think your god's gift, don't you?" She snorts, her irritation high by the raising of her hackles, the lowering of her head if only to align it with her spine in a defensive, fighting stance. "I'm sure I know more of herbs then you know of your own ass, and I have no intention of accepting a wolf simply so he can woo one of my members." Her jaws snapped in warning, at his offering, her tail waving behind her high in the air. Her eyes were intent upon him, ready for him. "Go away, lest your blood be spilled for the pack, as you so put it." She had every reason to think that he would come back, be in tomorrow, a few weeks, or even after her pups were born. Hopefully, by then, she would be far too preoccupied with her pregnancy to deal with him. Maybe even, by then, he would come up with some better lines and would be able to somehow gain @Angier's favor instead.
Played by Kita who has 19 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaromir Nyrel

She snapped her jaws and made it clear it was time he left. He felt like that could have gone better maybe he should have not been himself maybe he should have pretended to be some GODS Gift as she put it. He didnt feel like he was a gods gift. His hunting and tracking were good at best and his honesty only went so far he knew when to hold his toungue and now was one of those times he was insulted and defeated but that was okay he would be back maybe in a week or so. With all this through his head and with her obviously angry and wanting him gone. He backed away and said "If it'd prove to you that I'm a good match, go ahead and take my blood put me in line for being so rude. If it wont help then I will just come back later." with that said he waited for her answer it would either be her biting him or telling him to leave again. Most likely it'd be the first of the two due to her already being irritated and he was ready for it. He actually welcomed it even if it didnt improve his chances of getting into the pack it just proved his willingness to take beatings be it from his superiors like Elettra or while protecting her and her pack from lone wolves and other threats. He stood there in a poor defensive stance he would not fight her back if she would to take him on his offer to spill his blood just like if he was a pack member and did something out of line he'd take the punishment like a normal wolf.

Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
He backed off and she pushed forth, closing the distance he had met to put between them as she followed his movements. Her head remained scrunched back between her shoulder blades, which hunched forth defensively. Her teeth however, bared in aggression, her tail high and her ears back as she watched him and listened to him further. With the ending of his words, she lunged. She had every intention to see if his words rang out a 'brutal honesty' and undying truth he had been speaking about. She really wanted to know if he was willing to fight for his pack, bleed for it and if ever the time came down to it (as it had already to many former members of Willow Ridge) that he would die for his pack.

She came at an angle, aiming to slam her shoulder into the upper portion of his torso, to knock him over onto his side and onto the ground where he belonged, below her. She had every intention to prove she was the most dominant and most powerful of the pair. Long now had her attention fallen from the snowy colored female in the background and at the moment, Elettra was uncertain if the woman even still remained or not. Her focus was upon Jaromir Nyrel, hoping that she had knocked him into his place. With it, her jaws sought out his muzzle, to capture it and with her capture, to give it a rough shake. If she had a hold of him, the shake would be enough to send shallow slices upon his muzzle as she shook in a quick, violent manner.
Played by Kita who has 19 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaromir Nyrel

She lunged at him he knew that if he just submitted he'd most likely be extremely low in her eyes but he also knew if he fought back She'd most likely just drive him away or try to kill him so he took middle ground all he did was brace himself slightly so it was just a little harder to fell him. Of course he didnt have time to make it so she could not fell him at all his legs gave into the impact and he was on his side with a soft yelp, man she hits hard. She went for his muzzle he did not snap at her he did however attempt to move away from her to no avail she had his maw in her jaws. He was not afraid of it let her break him if it'd prove something. He tired weakly to push her away with a paw in a frail attempt to shift her weight off of him slightly, it did not help and he gave up with that. It was only a few moments later that he was pinned on his side under her muzzle in her mouth and stomach slightly showing in submission. She shook his maw setting tiny slices through out what she held. He did not yelp or whimper as the slightly pain set in and his vision was messed up by her shaking him. Her grip was strong and painful. The shake if she wanted to could have broken his jaw or slipped a disk in his neck. He just let her be dominant like any wolf under her in a pack setting should and probably would. He Would do anything to get into this pack if only to be closer to Aldelaide without trespassing.

Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
He tried to brace himself, to keep from being man-handled so easily. He tried to resist her attack, but she managed to gain a hold of him anyhow. He was correct in thinking that had he fallen over, belly up and cried, she would have thought lesser of him. He did not do this and yet, simply took it like a man as she beat up on him, proving her placement as Leader above Subordinate sound. He pawed her chest and she pushed against it, maneuvering so that she stood straddling over him whilst he lay on his side, back legs open to expose his tender belly. Truth to be told, Elettra's own belly was tender whilst pups began forming within her. Though be it known that pregnancy had little to do with her mood this day.

Eletta had no intention of harming the male beyond repair by breaking his jaw and hindering his neck. If he was going to want to join this pack because of an interest in one of her females, she was going to make sure that at least he was going to be useful. Should he woo her, let them go off together to make a pack of their own and if they left in good favor of Elettra, Jaromir and Adelaide would be a good ally, just like when Narime left the pack for 'love'. Should he and Adelaide ever break pack code by breeding under her roof, let them pay the ultimate price for it. For now, she would simply make sure that he was willing to work for her in payment for her acceptance. However, he was not trusted yet in this pack and Elettra was going to make sure all of Willow Ridge knew this.

Giving another rough shake to tear further at his muzzle, she lets go, though keeping her position poised above him. "If a place is what you truly want here, you'll be here as our Lowest. Mine and my mate's personal bitch and a chew toys for my pups - got it?" She waits a movement before shifting a few paws spaces back. "Now go." Her words snap with her jaws, aiming to nip harshly at his side, his limbs, his back, in order to get his scrambling out from under her in order to retreat into pack territory where she would swiftly follow suit.
Played by Kita who has 19 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaromir Nyrel
((soory it took me so long to reply life got a little hectic for a bit))

He scrambled to his paws and out from under her with a soft smirk. He did it she still hated him but that would change someday. And the idea of personal chew toy to pups made his heart swell he loved little ones. With that he bowed his head in respect and thanks and swiftly moved into pack lands. He was in but as the leaders personal bitch and pup sitter. Whoo hoo. He'd eventually work his way up the ranks but not yet he'd win Elettra over with his loyalty.

He moved into pack lands, his paws slipping slightly on some frosted ground. He fluffed out his fur and made his way towards where Adelaide went when he last saw her. He was now a pack wolf a happy wolf even if he was the omega that was fine with him due to the way he presented himself it was all he deserved anyways. Next on his list of things to due. Woo Adelaide and see if she even would like to be his mate. Second thing on his list work his way out of the title of omega. It might take him years to do just that but that was okay with him at least he was in and had a place, a beautiful place to call home. He turned his head back to Elettra his muzzle bleeding and eyes happy but obviously tired, of course he did not look her directly in the eyes that would have been a direct challenge, and said "Thank you."

-exit Jaromir-