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Sure Feels Right — Luna Hill 
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Played by Ghost who has 389 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Minka Lagina

April 23rd, Mid-Day, Light Snow 34F/1C

It was unusual at this point for the woman to wander more than a 15 minute walk from the den site, but wander she had. Minka didn't really know why she had, she knew that her belly was swollen to the point it looked as if it would explode and she should stick close to home but today the burning desire to move wasn't going to be smothered. So she had alerted @Inali of where she was headed, a small elevation that they had seen when entering the fields and though her friend looked at her anxiously she hadn't said anything. Guilt pooled in her stomach as the tawny woman climbed the slope, she knew why she hadn't told @Tokino, he would not have let her stray so far without an escort. He had been dotting, attending every need and more than helpful in means of getting the area ready to be an official pack but sometimes the woman needed some time of solitude.

It was embarrassing how much the short climb had knocked out of her, and her breaths came in hot pants as she reached the top. Taking a moment to catch her breath Minka surveyed the area, there was but a singular tree and nothing else. The light flakes that danced down from the sky had not settled here under the canopy the branches and buds had made and so the expectant mother moved to lay beneath in the dry area. The golden eyes took care to take stock of everything that she saw, because soon this would be her official home, this would be where she and Tokino started their legacy. The field was dotted with bushes of blackberries and the occasional fallen log but to the north is where they were claiming their namesake. Where the fields sloped down to meet the trees which were protected by a natural thicket of thorns, in those woods her children would grow. A content sigh slipped from her maw as Minka settled her head upon her paws, happy in this moment to just watch and observe their new home.

Vinyonga @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Vami who has 46 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Vaeta Tainn
i am the wandering gypsy
Vaeta Tainn
i don't really live anywhere
She moved west, unknowing that the mountains that had once been impassable, had now opened up a whole new world beyond. In fact, a world for which her father lived. However, yet still she pulled herself closer and closer to her two brothers who resided within the deep Thicket of Secrets. For the time being she only moved for one scent and one scent only - blackberries. She remembered smelling them as a youth but never allowed to go far enough to get to them and oh, how the dear did enjoy berries. She had bound beyond the Secluded Spring where she had rested in the lands of her birth pack, eased through the dark woods and beyond, into the open, vast fields which now lay before her.

Instantly, she breaks into a run, allowing the cool winds to rush through her coating as she barreled on through with a laughter. She slows as she nears a cluster of bushes, filled with plump, juicy berries which she takes upon herself to indulge in. It took some time whilst she fed to even realize there was another wolf in her presence, having been far too concerned with food in her belly after such a long travel back into Relic Lore. Her ears perk high upon her head, her honey hued eyes seeking out the woman atop the hill, resting there. She was but a tiny thing it looked like, while she was so high upon the Luna Hill. Vaeta smiles, licking her lips of berry juice as she came padding a little closer to the woman, a wave of her tail, low behind her, making a show that she was of no threat despite the obvious size difference.
(This post was last modified: Apr 23, 2014, 04:07 PM by Vaeta.)
Played by Ghost who has 389 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Minka Lagina

A dark streak moved across the fields from the east and Minka felt her head tilt ever so slightly to the left. The wolves colours looked slightly like Inali but she was much too tall to be her lithe friend. It reminded her of a time when she too had sprinted across this field in chase of food, only to have the most bizarre encounter of her life. That had been over a year ago and so much had changed since then, no longer was the woman a runt loner but a strong female who was born to lead. It was with a chuckle and smile upon her maw that Minka watched the stranger binge on the berries with apparent delight. When the other female she was guessing from the scent turned towards her for a moment all of the muscles in the former alpha's body clenched. Then they relaxed, the woman's tail wagged which was a good sign and even if she meant malice the pack was close enough to help should she need it.

For too long they had been oppressed and treated as if they were dirty traitors, maybe they were, but they had only been trying to do what was best for everyone. It had taught Minka a lot about who she was and how to treat others, she had vowed to never behave the way Ash did. There would be no oppression in her pack, she would rather just force the wolf out rather than threaten its life repeatedly. As the stranger got closer Minka rose to her feet, her swollen belly now in plain sight for anyone who looked upon her, her mind still wrapped up in her own thoughts. Moving down the hill the pair came to stand before each other at the bottom, the stranger stood a couple inches taller than her but their size difference was minimal. Tawny tail swung loosely behind her as Minka smiled, "I've personally never been much one for berries myself, I typically prefer the dear that feast upon them," it was light conversation she knew, but it was always nice to have some company.

Vinyonga @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Vami who has 46 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Vaeta Tainn
i am the wandering gypsy
Vaeta Tainn
i don't really live anywhere
Yet still the Tainn woman came padding up to the other. She was but a stranger to the youth, but the girl growing up had been the adventurous type, loving to explore new locations and meeting new wolves. She came to Minka automatically, as it was natural to her, proving herself to be as much a pack animal as her species suggested. Her movements were even, not slow and yet not swift, her body stature remaining relaxed as she approached. Every so often, a waving of her tail low behind her was given in order to confirm that she meant no harm, mainly when she realized the woman's state. She was pregnant and likely protective and on edge towards the newcomer. Perhaps she sought to claim these lands as her own? Vaeta could only assume that her partner would be near by and perhaps other followers of hers as well. Though Vaeta herself had been fully capable of reproducing herself this year, the yearning to had yet come about her. She was still very young, with no one of interest, no will to lead and not particularly fond of being tied down to any specific location for too long.

Slightly then, as she stops, having met the other woman at the base of the Luna Hill, Vaeta's head lowers, making the seven inches of difference not so defined. Though Vae might have otherwise been over forty pounds heavier, the woman's swollen belly at the time made up all the difference. Hopefully Vaeta would then be seen as no threat at all. She rarely was. "I've always loved them..." She smiles lightly, picking up on the subject the other woman laid out for her. "The scent, the sweet taste... It adds a bit of change. Fish, too, is wonderful. Have you tasted any creatures from the sea?" Truth to be told, she missed the ocean. Missed the smell of salt, the roaring of the waves and yet not particularly the sand under her toes...
Played by Ghost who has 389 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Minka Lagina

It wasn't until the stress of being within Whisper Caverns had lifted that Minka had truly begun to enjoy her pregnancy. Since then a glow seemed to be about her, in all of her movements there seemed to be an underlying grace, as if she was made to be swollen with child. While she had watched Narimé throughout her pregnancy and seen terrifying sickness and discomfort this couldn't have been more the opposite, rarely did she feel sick and was only uncomfortable when the recent cramps would claim her sides. Now that they were closer the golden eyes could properly assess the stranger, she seemed young a fledgling adult maybe? Thin as they all were from the horrid winter but in capable condition.

They were on neutral ground here, as Minka and the others had yet to claim any official territory and as such her tail remained low, wagging loosely behind her and she bowed her head in a brief nod. The thought of the sea brought a smile back upon the tawny maw as she nodded, "I've been to the ocean only once, but it was magical and the fish....well they too were delightful, much better than anything you'll find in the lakes and ponds here." She had found the salty taste of the creatures incredible and since then all other aquatic life seemed rather lackluster in comparison. It had been on her journey before she entered the wildwood that she had wandered far west of here and came along a long stretch of rock and sand. The gulls had cried over head at the sight of the canine and so grey it had all appeared until the sun's ray had struck the water. It was then that Minka witnessed a colour of blue she had never before and never again seen in her life. It was a fond memory, running straight into the waves in delight, ignoring the sharp chill as she splashed about. Chuckling the woman offered, "My name is Minka Lagina, my family is settled close-by, may I ask who you are?" Ever polite the she wolf was, it was rude an improper to go without introductions.

Vinyonga @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Vami who has 46 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Vaeta Tainn
i am the wandering gypsy
Vaeta Tainn
i don't really live anywhere
Happy, healthy, and pregnant. That was the older woman which stood before her now. Vaeta had a wonder if she, too, would look so well off if she decided to ever have any pups of her own one day, i thought that rarely, if only in this moment, had crossed her mind. Having spent the winter with Cersei, the woman had spoken up about how hard pregnancy had been on her, the reasoning for only one child being born alive within the litter. Of course, being a lone mother made everything harder. She had been lost from her pack, without a mate and had seemingly made all the wrong choices. Vaeta could only hope that this woman before her now was fairing much better then Vaeta's friend had.

The waving of a tail was returned and she seemed accepting of the stranger's presence and for that Vaeta was happy. After all, she had yet to really encounter any other wolves since venturing off to return to Relic Lore once more. Of course, upon entering the Lore it was teaming with wolves as she had remembered it to be. Minka spoke of the ocean then, having to enjoyed it as much as Vaeta had, speaking highly of the fish within it. Vaeta would miss the crab, the lobster, the impressively large sea fish. But she did not miss it as much as she missed Copper Rock Creek. She did not miss it as much as she missed her family... It was then that Minka spoke of family and them being close by, also giving her name and inquiring Vaeta's own. So these were claimed lands, then? She did not smell any markers, though perhaps their territory was not far or had yet to fully form. Vaeta was curious though did not question as of yet as she was already being questioned herself. "I'm Vaeta Tainn. I was actually born north-east of here in Copper Rock Creek. I've recently returned after the winter to find my family." She admits it all, the smile never leaving her soft features.
Played by Ghost who has 389 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Minka Lagina

Golden eyes took note of how Vaeta's own orbs lingered for a moment upon her belly and couldn't help the smile that it brought to her face. While some faes might have been offended by the glances that were so often received Minka had basked in them. Her whole life she had wanted pups and this time last year she had given up on the possibility of this dream ever being a reality and now here they were. Things weren't all sunshine and rainbows though, the woman admitted she was often tired, kept up at night by the little ones kicking and prodding the inside of her stomach and almost always ravenous. Never before had she possessed such an appetite and now it seemed that she was constantly eating, her hunger never stated.

Taking a moment the tawny she wolf turned the names over in her mind, Tainn, Copper Rock Creek, but neither of them brought any recollection to her. Smiling apologetically she shook her head softly, "Unfortunately I can be of no help to you, in my time in the lore I have not met any Tainns, or heard of a pack called Copper Rock Creek." The thought was sad, that someone so young could be separated and searching for a family that had been lost or perhaps left behind. It made her want to wrap herself around her own belly, shielding the pups from the outside world and all of the dangers it held. Minka knew this was impossible and that much of what shaped the children's views on the world would be happenings at home, and this is where a lot of pain could occur as well. It was a terrible thought, that she might be one to cause her own pups pain, whether it was intentional or not.

Vinyonga @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Vami who has 46 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Vaeta Tainn
i am the wandering gypsy
Vaeta Tainn
i don't really live anywhere
The response that the other woman had given her was a shame, really. Copper Rock Creek had once been a great pack, or so Vaeta had thought. Of course, her own opinion was quite biased and she in reality, knew little of the pack's members and the structure and rulings of the home she once lived in. She was but a child, after all and did not stay too long before her parents had decided to more them north and out of their home after the pack den flooded. She barely remembered any of the members, savor a few faces and vague scents... It was her family which she cared about most and was the reason she had returned to Relic Lore after all. Even if Minka could not help on the manner, she was a nice friendly face to have ran into whilst Vaeta made her search.

"Oh, thank you. Thats okay." She admits, the smile never leaving her features. Despite Minka's thoughts that something more on the lines of 'tragic' had happened in order for Vaeta to be separated from her family, it was not at all true. Her two brothers decision to leave and return to the Lore had been made and set prior, her parents then following on later. It was Vaeta who wished to roam the world for a bit longer, where she was forced to settle for winter and winter only - finding herself by the sea she had formerly mentioned. Now, she was on the move, without ant sadness or regrets in tow. "Do you and your own family live here?" Minka had mentioned them being 'settled' and still wondered on what this actually meant to Vaeta. If When her brothers were successful in reclaiming Copper Rock Creek, would this woman before her now be her new neighbor?
(This post was last modified: Apr 30, 2014, 12:10 AM by Vaeta.)
Played by Ghost who has 389 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Minka Lagina
Oops sorry this took so long! Thanks for the thread <3

The girl seemed unfazed by Minka's lack of knowledge and for that the expectant mother was grateful. It would have been a shame to add disappointment to Vaeta's troubles, which the tawny woman was convinced were numerous. A mirroring smile was offered to the younger wolf as she seemed content to just stand in the middle of the meadow and chit chat, perhaps she had been lonely? At her next question the mother nodded, "Just north of here, though our borders aren't official yet, hopefully that won't be too much longer." The thought of the rise of hers and Tokino's pack brought a proud glint into her golden eyes, so long she had worked for this and soon it would become a reality.

At the thought of her family Minka received a strong kick to her ribs and she winced, the pups hardly gave her a moment of peace. It was probably just practice however for when they discovered the world and the pack would spend day and night chasing after them to keep them safe. Offering Vaeta one final smile she said her farewells, "Speaking of my family I should return to them before they begin to worry. If you ever find yourself in need of a home know that mine will always be welcome to you Vaeta Tainn." Nodding her tawny head the expectant mother turned to the north and began to make her journey home, hopefully Inali has stocked the caches while she had been gone, she was famished.

Vinyonga @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Vami who has 46 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Vaeta Tainn
Lol! Your welcome and no worries! Vaeta had fun meeting her. <3

i am the wandering gypsy
Vaeta Tainn
i don't really live anywhere
A new pack in the making then. Vaeta was glad then that she had not barged in on newly claimed lands, having yet the thick musk of an obviously established pack. They had only just gotten together, in the process of creating their own with the coming of new children. A new start. A new life. And here, Vaeta was, doing her best to try and return to the old one she had left behind some time ago. Silently, the Tainn woman wished the young, new mother the best of luck in forming her own pack with what was likely a new mate as her side.

A step forth was taken to Minka's wince, or half a step, at least, as Vaeta's paw lifted in the air and obvious concern took her. Surely the woman was going through some stressful times over her body as she was harboring such a litter within her. The young woman really knew nothing about what it was like to be a mother and had no plans on becoming one herself anytime soon and yet, surely, Vaeta knew that Minka shouldn't be standing up and about for too long. She needed her rest. It was made clear, too, with her next words. "Thank you, Minka. I mean it." She pauses, the smile over her creamy lips brightening. "You never know when a gypsy girl like me might need a place to stay." She laughs ever so delicately, her shoulders lifting and turning back in a light shrug of sorts. Watching as Minka took her leave, Vaeta too turned to continue on with her search, snagging a few more berries in the process...