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The Forbidden Fruit — Blackberry Fields 
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Played by Kydnt who has 55 posts.
Inactive II. Herbalist
Lugh Whelan
@Tokino @Beren @Inali @Ryka @Minka Just wrapped this up real quick. Archive and claim points everybody?

Lugh nodded to Minka before sidling up to Tokino. With a bit of jostling they managed to stand the older male on his paws, with Lugh supporting his weight on one side, and Minka on the other. Taking slow puppy steps they followed the sound of the water, all the while Lugh keeping his eye on Tokino and having Ryka keep an eye on the hurt limb. Finally they made it to the edge of the stream. Slowly and carefully Tokino was lowered towards the shallows, letting the water clean out the dirt while Lugh tried to not watch the red clots that swirled away in the current.

Slowly again, Tokino was righted and taken back to the infirmary. It was a little small in space, but at least it would be quieter than the main den so Tokino could focus his energy on getting better. With assurances to everyone that he and Ryka would keep a good eye on old Kino, Lugh shooed everyone away so their lead could finally have some peace and quiet.