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Big Deer is Big — Black Thorn Downs 
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Played by TABs who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kova Lagina

The moose moved and Kova mirrored. He always kept himself as far away as Tokino had ordered, not that he wanted to be this close in the first place, and kept up the annoying howling that filtered past his jaws. Even though the young wolf had been scared at first he could feel something like fire flashing through his veins. It energized him and made it easier to work past the fear.

Obediently Kova hurled insults at the moose. Even if his legs shouted that they wanted to run and claw at the enemy. It wasn't until a sequence of events began to unfold that Kova's loathsome yowling took pause. He watched as the moose pretty much sat down on top of his father. A little squeal echoed past his lips before Kova's eyes spotted Tokino streak past Beren then double around to attack the moose again. Relieved at the sight, Kova was about to start yowling again when Kino's commands reached everyone's ears. All at once Firefly rounded the moose and joined Inali in jumping at the beasts throat. The other two males gripped onto the rear of the moose keeping it down, and Kova found himself useless again. He let a growl slip past his mouth and picked up the pebble to throw it at the beast. It scored it's mark hitting the moose left eye (totally not where he was aiming but...) just as the moose pained bellow was cut off by Inali's sharp teeth. Kova stood stunned for a moment as he watched from up close how the life drained out of the moose's eyes. It lay on the ground crumpled up and covered by wolves until it's last bubbling breath was cast.

"It's safe now right?"

He asked with his voice cracking due to stress. He had howled and snarled way more than normal during that dramatic show. Huffing a few times to clear his throat a bit, Kova let the tiredness that was sifting into his limbs pull him to the earth. He lay there comfortable while watching the adults do whatever it was they were doing.
Played by Missy who has 124 posts.
Inactive VIII. Lowest
Firefly of Whitecoats
Fly had been continuously trying to nip at the good ankle...well the better ankle. She was shocked when Tokino dashed in past her and clamped his jaws down tight on the ankle she had been attacking. His jaws were much more powerful than hers and his attack was much more confident; his attack severed the tendon and the moose finally went down. In an instant, Tokino yowled for 'the new girl' and Inali to go for the kill and Fly reacted instinctually diving in to sink her teeth into the moose's throat. With Inali at her side, they were able to do some serious damage before Inali let go, stepped back, and went in again for a finishing blow. As the moose went limp, Fly let go and jumped back. First, she located the pup and made sure he was safe. Seeing Kova standing a safe distance away from the moose, watching it bleed out, Fly looked for her Alpha.

As the adrenaline slowly started to sizzle out and her blood slowed down its fierce pumping, Fly's mind lit up with a thousand questions. Had she done everything right? Would her alpha be proud? Did she mess anything up? Fly started to worry that Tokino would be mad that she was unable to sever the moose's tendon on her own, that he had to step in. Her gaze landed on each of her pack mates assessing their injuries and once she caught sight of Tokino, her anxiety spiked. He looked tired and Fly thought that he might have re-injured his leg. A small whine escaped her lips as she padded closer to him, tail down and head lowered hoping she wasn't in trouble and that he wasn't hurt because of her. "Tokino..." Fly felt nervous and didn't know exactly what to say. "I'm sorry I couldn't sever the ankle on my own. I hope your leg isn't any worse." , she muttered nervously. Then the yearling realized that she had been accepted into the pack by Minka and to Tokino she was still a total stranger. This made her feel even more embarrassed, so she quickly rambled off an introduction: "Oh, I'm so sorry. You haven't even met me before, my name is Firefly. I was accepted by Minka and I'm still pretty new. When I saw the pup was in trouble I tried to save him and I'm really glad that you showed up, but Im also really sorry that I couldn't protect him on my own." Fly looked down at the ground, embarrassed that she had't done a better job to prove herself to her new pack mates and especially to her leader.
(This post was last modified: Oct 14, 2014, 03:44 PM by Firefly.)
Pack Pride
Played by TABs who has 170 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tokino Lagina

Tokino hung on to the moose's rear long after its last breath left its lips. He didn't think to let go until the body had cooled a degree. Though When he did release from the beasts thick hide, Kino felt a huge amount of relief pour through him. It was like liquid running through his tense body cooling every overheated stressed portion of him. Favoring his good back leg to give the healing one a rest, the gray male plodded around the moose's carcass to check on his son. The boy had fallen to the ground in order to rest, but as the Lagina man's nose sifted through Kova's fur he could tell that the boy was okay. A long sigh passed his black lips as Tokino turned to regard the red coated female who had helped them out throughout the whole ordeal. Her coat held Minka's scent, so he knew that she wasn't just a rogue who heard the commotion and ran to help. Gratitude showed plainly on his face as Tokino gave her a grizzled smile.

My leg's fine miss, and don't worry about that. Taking a moose is hard for a whole pack. It would be very hard to injure it with a single hunter. Though I must say... My attack wouldn't have worked had you not been attacking her good leg before me. Tokino stepped forward to touch his nose to her forehead in thanks. I thank you for even trying to keep him safe. Some wolves go limp and useless at the sight of such a creature, whether it be injured or not. Some would not have done what you did miss Firefly. His silver tail wagged before Kino's eyes darted back to Kova. His own body was relaxing now causing tiredness to creep into him. I think he's got the right idea there. Tokino huffed before lowering his back end down to the earth then laying the rest of his body down only a foot away from the gangly silver pup.

And you boy... I'm proud of you. Tokino paused for a moment then switched his gaze onto @Inali, @Firefly, and @Atlas. I'm proud of all of you. For everything you've done my friends, you deserve a long rest. He gave his pack mates a tired smile then glanced back to the moose carcass. If they cached most of the food off of it they would be able to eat well for a good month and a half of winter. Or a good three months if the portion of the meals were rationed. The gray king hoped that they would do well this coming winter.

(Got permission from everybody for a fade!)

Like a mystery without a clue
Minka & Tokino
There is no me if I cannot have you
(This post was last modified: Nov 03, 2014, 03:37 PM by Tokino.)